Strategic Plan 2017
The Vision Forward – A Message from Executive Director Jimmy Junkin
In the last twelve months, the BGJWSC has begun the process of becoming more strategic in its path to providing the best service possible at the lowest cost practical. The BGJWSC has adopted ten core attributes to guide the future process of continuous improvement for our utility. These attributes are essential to the sustainable efficient operation of a utility. They are closely aligned with the attributes of private sector businesses which include physical operations of fixed assets in their day-to-day business activities. These attributes for effective utility management (EUM) were developed in 2008 and updated in March, 2017, by a 10-partner coalition including representatives of public and private sector utilities and state agencies that provide water and wastewater services around the U.S.
Developing a more strategic approach to the management of the BGJWSC to allow it to be managed and measured more like a business is the key to our vision of being a best in class utility operation. Certainly, we have many concerns from infrastructure condition and capacity needs to billing software implementation conflicts and a lack of customer service responsiveness.
All these concerns represent challenges but they also represent opportunities. The BGJWSC has made great strides in hiring and developing key personnel who have skill sets which will facilitate achieving our future vision. Recently, the staff held a “future vision” workshop with the BGJWSC Board of Commissioners. This workshop went into key infrastructure issues and future asset management directives for our utility.
The BGJWSC commissioners and management team met on the morning of Thursday, October 19, 2017 in a public meeting where the high points of this newly developed strategic planning mission were discussed. To learn more, the recording of that meeting is available below along with resource documents that have been vital to development of the strategic plan.
Useful References:
Presentation Video:
PowerPoint Presentation: EUM_Strategic_Plan_BGJWSC_kv_10-18-17
The Water EUM Coalition:
WEF Effective Utility Management Primer Announcement:
Download the Primer Document:
Ten Attributes of Effectively Managed Water Sector Utilities:
Keys to Management Success: