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Special Called Meeting Minutes – May 22, 2014

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Special Called Meeting from May 22, 2014:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:

PRESENT: Dale Provenzano, Chairman
Thomas A. Boland, Commissioner
John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner
Sandra J. Dean, Commissioner
Donald M. Elliott, Commissioner
David H. Ford, Commissioner
Ronald E. Perry, Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Stephen A. Swan, Executive Director
John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration
Desiree E. Watson, JWSC Attorney
Barbara Rogers, JWSC Acting Clerk
Chairman Provenzano welcomed all Commissioners and staff. He stated this was an opportunity to set long term goals to meet the current and future needs of the community and the various funding options available to the Commission. Chairman Provenzano stated this was an opportunity for Commissioners to discuss issues in an open dialogue forum.

Tap Fees
Executive Director Swan introduced Linda Faith Belcher, Billing Analyst, for a presentation on how capital and operational tap fees are computed, the process to apply for new service, the REU calculation and how it is tied to the debt recovery charge. Ms. Belcher distributed handouts showing all tap fees collected, by district, since 2008, a non-residential REU calculation worksheet, and a tap fee estimate calculation worksheet.

Commissioners held a discussion on districts and fees and requested staff to review all tap fees and districts and bring a recommendation to the Finance Committee. Commissioners also requested staff review how closely the REU computations are in comparison to the actual consumption history and look at ways to simplify the REU process.

Executive Director Steve Swan stated staff had had broken down the customer deposit issues into three (3) categories; letter of credit, 5 Tier Program, and Failed Capital Tap Fees.

Ms. Watson stated she had drafted and distributed a draft to the members of the Legislative Committee addressing the changes necessary to the City and County Ordinances in order to accept a letter of credit from landlords in lieu of a cash deposit. These will be presented at the June 3, 2014 Committee meeting.

Commissioner Perry stated the five (5) tier program already in effect is designed for property managers and possibly the JWSC should adjust the rates to encourage more participation in the program. Mr. Donaghy stated the current system of deposits is very burdensome to administer through customer service, billing and accounts payable. Mr. Donaghy also explained the Red Flag service the JWSC uses and the probability a customer will be delinquent on their account. The primary use of this service is to verify identification.


Communication Upgrades
Executive Director Steve Swan stated that the current communication devices are outdated and service does not extend to all areas the JWSC services. An informational meeting was held with 11 providers to allow providers to become familiar with our needs to design their proposals for our voice and data needs. He stated JWSC is looking for an annual contract. Chairman Provenzano suggested contacting John Catron because Glynn County is upgrading and enhancing their system.

IT Services
John Donaghy reviewed plans to reduce the servers and provide for remote backup and maintenance under a contact with INS. The increase in cost can be accommodated within the current budgeted amount.

Master Plan
The latest Master Plan is now seven (7) years old and needs updating. ATM Engineering is preparing to begin the update. Executive Director Steve Swan distributed a Job Status Report showing the R&R projects by year, budget, cost to date, and percentage completed as he reviewed each of the projects. Mr. Donaghy reviewed the account status of the reserve accounts, the capital tap fees reserves by district, and the bond construction fund account.

Commissioners held a discussion on the commercial and industrial expansion into areas that are identified for growth and private systems within our service areas. Commissioner Boland was requested to chair a committee to identify these private systems.

Staff was requested to work with Bill Jenkins, Environmental Health, to prepare an analysis of identified neighborhoods for growth and the costs/payback on each.


New Office
Commissioner Perry updated the Commission on the status of the negotiations with UCB. United Community Bank needs to authorize the JWSC to talk with its tenant. Mr. Swan stated a meeting with Robert Ussery was scheduled for Friday, May 23, 2014 to set a tentative schedule for moving forward.

Mr. Swan stated a physical and financial inventory was underway on all vehicles, equipment, computers, printers, copiers, and fax machines. Conditions of all generators are being evaluated currently. When the inventory is complete, then staff will identify all items to be declared as surplus.

Outside Projects
Mr. Donaghy stated he had not been able to reach a representative from the Carl Vinson Institute for an update.

Barbara Rogers stated she was currently checking the references on three (3) companies that had submitted proposals to Teamwork Services for a compensation and classification study.

Renew Policies
Mr. Donaghy stated that coverage for health care, workers compensation, and human resources are all renewed annually at the first of each year. Commissioners held a brief discussion on employee coverage contributions and more emphasis on wellness and prevention.

Open Positions
Mr. Swan reviewed the status of each of the three (3) open positions, SP&M Superintendent, Water Distribution Superintendent, and Purchasing Agent.

Items not addressed that staff will work on for committee action:
• Backflow Preventers / Inspections
• Irrigation Meter Planning
• Disaster Planning
• Negotiate Energy Rates
• Accrued Leave Liability
• Ways to Fund Growth / SPLOST
There being no additional items to bring before the Commission, Chairman Provenzano adjourned the meeting.