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Sewer Demand Survey – Lift Station Basin 2032

Survey General Instructions and Information

Please Note: This survey only pertains to Sewer Basin 2032 on St. Simons Island.

Currently work is proceeding to upgrade assets within the 2032 sewer basin which will increase the sewer capacity available allowing added sewer connections. In the event sewer tap fee demand exceeds the quantity being provided by asset upgrades, a lottery will be conducted. Therefore, a lottery number will be assigned to your receipt.

Please complete the survey and check the appropriate category for the interest you have in tap fee purchase. Please check only one box. If you have multiple homes or building which you are ready to commence construction on, please complete a separate form for each structure if they are on separate parcels.

Once the form is completed, please return this form to the BGJWSC Business Office at 1703 Gloucester Street by end of business October 31, 2016. If the structures to be built are requiring no more than a one-inch water meter, please bring a check in the amount of $5,085.00 per water and sewer tap fee sold, otherwise bring a check and be prepared to issue one based on the meter size being requested.

Along with each sale of sewer tap(s), a hold harmless agreement must be signed or executed which protects the BGJWSC in the event that time delays in adding sewer capacity in the 2032 sewer basin which occur outside the BGJWSC control.

For Builders/Owners purchasing taps, the purchaser must provide proof of having a valid building permit for their taps within 90 days. Otherwise the tap(s) purchased will be invalidated and a refund will be issued less administrative fees for handling the transactions.

A pdf version of this survey document can be accessed and printed BELOW. In addition, a basin map of sewer basin 2032 on St. Simons Island can be pulled up along with a table of all parcel identification numbers in that basin along with their street address. If you are in doubt as to whether your property is affected by this notice and survey, the table can be pulled up to see if it is listed. If it is not listed and you believe it could be in error or if there are any other questions regarding this survey, please contact Tiffany Tiner at 261-7139.

SSI_Basin_Map (Adobe Acrobat Required)

2032_Basin_Addresses (Microsoft Excel Required)

basin_2032_wastewater_survey_10-25-16_edited (Adobe Acrobat Required) (Posted on 10/28/16)