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Sewer Capacity Availability Update 1

BGJWSC sanitary sewer systems are in need of updating in order to accommodate existing demand as well as future growth. Maps will be provided as a visual to aid understanding of that need.

Update 1

As an introduction, this update will be the first detailed mention that many of you will have seen to help you understand the circumstances that brought us to the point of instituting restrictions on new sewer connections in some areas last year. It will also help you gain an understanding as to why our rating structure is under review.

Please review the maps below and the details underneath these maps to get a better understanding of the situation:

The information below will remain unchanged for each update:


In our ongoing efforts to make clear, easy to understand visuals, the staff of the Planning & Construction Division and the Systems Pumping & Maintenance Division have developed a mapping project to outline the timeline of sewer service capacity availability across our three systems. The maps above are not meant to be a guarantee of capacity as of a particular date since engineering and construction is ongoing and dynamic. As new connections and system improvements are made, this information and the maps visualizing the updates will be made available following Commission discussion once or twice per month, or as often as requested by the Commission. When upgrades have been performed by our in-house construction team or utility contractors, that progress will be shown, as well.


The BGJWSC maintains three distinct and separate sanitary sewer utility systems: Mainland Brunswick, South Mainland and St. Simons Island, each flowing into it’s own treatment plant. Work on the conveyance to these plants will be prioritized by demand, with regional stations serving the greatest number of customers being of greatest priority. System improvements will be made to satisfy current demand. System expansion will be fueled and, in many cases, funded by developers.  Our new Unsolicited Proposal Policy outlines the methodology that will allow development in basins not having adequate capacity by giving developers the means to make the necessary upgrades that will provide for the desired residential equivalent units (REU). As the BGJWSC is neutral in terms of development but water and sewer service is a vital component of the community’s economic and environmental health, we are anxious to be able to serve customers wherever they choose to dwell.


This is an ongoing project that will follow the path of the 2016 Master Plan Update.


As identified in the 2016 Master Plan Update, system health was poor, at best, in some areas. The system was not allowed to grow sufficiently to accommodate the demand. All sewer basins have since come under staff and independent engineering review to access these assets through the lens of satisfying existing needs while also preparing for sustainable growth in light of community development efforts with our partners in Glynn County and City of Brunswick governments.


Contact for this project is:

Todd Kline, PE, Senior Engineer,
Planning & Construction Division
Brunswick-Glynn County
Joint Water & Sewer Commission
1703 Gloucester St
Brunswick, GA 31520
Office: 912.261.7126

Regular project updates will be available on BGJWSC’s website: