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Sanitary Sewer Overflow on Harry Driggers Blvd in Brunswick – July 9, 2018


The Brunswick Glynn Joint Water & Sewer Commission NPDES Permit GA0025313 in accordance with the conditions of this permit and DNR Regulation 391-3-6-05 Emergency Actions, hereby make Public Notification of a wastewater spill that was reported 7/5/2018 at 1:50 PM due to a materials failure in a 12″ ductile iron force main pipe.

Date of Spill: 7/5/18 & 7/9/18

Time Reported: 1:50 PM on 7/5/18

Location of Spill:
Pumping Station 4118 (7/5/18) & 4110 (7/9/18)
549/550 Harry Driggers Blvd
Brunswick, GA 31525

Cause of Spill: Ductile iron pipe force main failure

Estimated Volume of Discharge:  Less than 2,000 gallons. Historical flow estimates at this pumping station and the recorded number of pump cycles following normal operation place the discharge in the area between 1,000 to 2,000 gallons.

State Waters Discharged Into: Altamaha Canal

Corrective Action Taken: JWSC personnel replaced 21 ft of ductile iron force main at 549 Harry Driggers Blvd with C900 PVC pipe. The affected area, which did not exceed 18 to 25 feet in diameter, was washed down following cleanup with vacuum truck and fresh soil replaced contaminated soil. The JWSC laboratory will continue to test water samples taken from this area and will report any results of contamination here.

Regulatory Compliance: Signs were placed along the immediately affected areas to indicate the presence of a sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). The Environmental Protection Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources was notified, along with local authorities and the Glynn County Health Department Coastal District Environmental Health Manager.

Immediate Results and Investigation: As of 3:00 PM Thursday afternoon, July 5, 2018, pumping station 4118 was functioning properly.

On the afternoon of Monday, July 9, 2018, an additional small leak was discovered by Glynn County personnel at the bypass pump connected to pumping station 4110. This leak resulted in 400 gallons of untreated sewage being collected by staff using a vacuum truck. Approximately 100 gallons was absorbed into the Altamaha Canal and diluted to the point where there was no further benefit from continuing to vacuum up the ground water. Lime was dispersed around the perimeter of the affected area but not within the ground water itself as this would adversely affect the pH of the water and increase the risk of a fish kill.

The pond interior to North Glynn Park is not fed by the Altamaha Canal but flows into the canal when the water table is high enough to allow discharge. No untreated sewage from this event reached the pond. No fish were killed in this event.

Contact for Any Additional Information:

Kirk Young, Superintendent
Systems Pumping and Maintenance Division
Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission
Phone Number 912-261-7152


This notice is being made available immediately to all local print and radio media to allow for publication and notification. A formal advertisement will be run in the Brunswick News at the next regular printing to satisfy the statutory needs to distribute via a local paper of record.