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Lift Station 2030 Upgrade, Force Main Improvements and Water Main Extension Contract Awarded

Monday, April 20th, the JWSC entered into a contract with Popco Inc. out of Albany Georgia for improvements to Sanitary Sewer Basin 2030 and a needed Water Main Extension.   The contract was in the amount of $3,022,528.22 and the Notice To Proceed will be issued within the next 20 days.  Actual construction will begin as soon as the construction submittals are reviewed and approved and materials are made available, and could be as early as 45 days.  The 1st Phase of the contract will be for the contractor to install a 30 HP bypass pump at Lift Station 2030 and provide (2 each) 200 linear foot emergency pipes in case of a line rupture.  The 2nd Phase of the project is to replace the current 8″ Force main with a new 12″ Force Main that extends from Lift Station 2030 within Hamilton Landing to the Dunbar Creek WWTF.   Lift Station 2030 is also to be rehabilitated from a Dual 20 HP pump system to a 30 HP Quadplex Pump System.   In addition, the 12″ Water line that current dead ends at Hawkins Island will be connected to another dead end line at the Sea Island Hotel.  This will complete a needed loop within the water main system and will provide better and more consistent water pressure to the southern part of Saint Simons Island.

By modifying the Sanitary Sewer System the system will be able to handle a “Maximum Build Out” of all developable property within the 2030 Basin and will upgrade the current sewer collection system’s capabilities by 29%.  The funding for this project will come from both the Repair & Replacement Account Fund as well as the Capital Expansion Account Fund.

The breakdown is as follows:

Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation   (R&R Funds)                           $2,155,369.05
Sanitary Sewer Expansion    (Capital Expansion Funds)        $    867,259.17
Water Main Expansion         (Capital Expansion Funds)         $    595,579.32

Todd Kline (Senior Engineer for JWSC) stated that he is ready to get this project started and expects great things from Popco Inc.  Phyllis Lewis (Owner of Popco Inc.) stated that her company is very anxious to get started on the project.  Getting the material submittals properly submitted and back approved from JWSC will be the task at hand to begin receiving construction materials.  Total construction time for this contract is 240 days from the Notice To Proceed.   Liquidated Damages for this project are set at $2,000.00 per day.


Picture from Left to Right:  (Jeff Lewis – Popco Inc., Phyllis Lewis – Popco Inc., Donald Elliott – Chairman JWSC, Steve Swan – Exec. Dir. JWSC, Tim Taylor – ATM Engineering,  Todd Kline – JWSC Sr. Engineer)