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Latest Public Education Video – What is a Boil Water Advisory?

We value you as a customer. Your time is also valuable to us. To help you understand what work we are doing for you everyday, we are developing a series of short videos that aim to give you a basic understanding of processes, procedures and equipment that is used to provide you with high-quality water and sewer services.

We’ve already released videos related to how we communicate in an emergency, how a water meter is read, how budgets are developed, what causes water main breaks and others.

Our latest video is related to the process that we follow when there’s a water main break and why a boil water advisory is often required:

Other videos in this series are available on our YouTube Channel.

Over time, we will be developing many videos including the following topics:

  • How are Capital Improvement Fees Calculated?
  • How are Locates Done?
  • How Does Sewage Make Its Way to the Plant?
  • How is Sewage Treated?
  • What Causes My Water Pressure to Fluctuate?
  • What is a Bond and Why Do We Need Them?
  • What is a Hydrant Meter?
  • What is Backflow Prevention?
  • What is Confined Space Entry?
  • What is GIS? (Geographic Information Systems)
  • What is Okay to Flush? (Toilets are Not Trashcans)
  • What is Sewer Smoke Testing?
  • What is the Breakdown of Each Dollar That You Spend?
  • Why are Generators Needed at Pumping Stations?

If you have other ideas for videos that you would like to see developed, please feel free to contact me with your request.

Jay Sellers, Public Information Officer
Director of Administration