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Human Resources Committee Minutes – September 3, 2015

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Human Resources Committee Meeting from September 3, 2015:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:

Present:                     John Cason, Chairman

                                   Thomas Boland, Commissioner

                                    Allen Booker, Commissioner

                                    Steve Swan, Executive Director

Also Present:              Charles Dorminy, Legal Counsel

                                    Heather Ott, Teamworks Services

Meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM by Commissioner Cason.


There being no citizens who wished to address the Commission, Chairman Cason closed the Public Comment Period

Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Booker to add item Grand Jury Update to the agenda. Motion carried 3-0-0.


Commissioner Boland made a motion and seconded by Commissioner Booker to adopt the minutes of the August 17, 2015 Human Resources Committee Meeting. Motion carried 3-0-0.


Final Review & Recommendation of the Bylaws Draft – C. Dorminy

Charles Dorminy began the discussion with the handouts of the bylaw draft. The updated items were discussed.  The Purpose of the Bylaws page has “internal guide” added.   The approval of final form will include a Table of Contents page.  Section 6.10 Quorum was updated to reflect “number of Commissioners that constitutes a quorum shall be the Act ..”.  Section 4.1 The Commissioners pay and reimbursements are addressed in the legislation.  Mr. Dorminy stated the wording was updated on the Committee Responsibilities to be more accurate.

There were no more changes or comments. Commissioner Boland suggested the Bylaws, which includes Roles and Conduct and Responsibilities, be brought before the full Commission for approval.  All those present agreed to place on the agenda for the next Commission meeting.

Grand Jury Update – C. Dorminy

The Grand Jury process was discussed. It was stated that a contingency is needed if we miss a deadline or do not have enough applications submitted.  It was suggested to add “continues until replaced”.  The advertisement was in the paper again today and is the second run.  Interviews will start on September 30th, 2015.

Employment Advertisement

Heather Ott updated the Committee on the advertisement for JWSC employment. Ms. Ott reported going back a year to compare the totals for large ad were $1,024 a month and after the larger ad the cost was $2,634 per month.  It was also noted that during this time the costs to place ads had largely increased in price.  Ms. Ott stated the interest in applicants have doubled when the large ads are placed and quality of applicants have also improved.  Previously JWSC had a large turnover Ms. Ott continued.  The radio ads have helped continue the interest and applicants are looking for more of a career move than just a job.  Commissioner Cason stated the costs have been a concern and the question of using the website was asked to be reviewed.  Ms. Ott stated the website is used to describe in more detail and applicants are directed to the website for additional information.   Some employment ads are placed in trade magazines because they are free.   Commissioner Booker stated using the add increases applicants by 50% and increases the quality of applicants.  Mr. Swan added that the hospital and others have commented on the ad and see that is draws attention and desire to work here.   Newspaper costs for government entities were further discussed.    Ms. Ott will get numbers on costs and turnover rates for next meeting time.  Overtime was discussed.

Commissioner Cason questioned what are we doing to retain, train and encourage our employees to stay. He continued with JWSC to provide better education that our job descriptions require.  He asked for these topics be added to next Human Resources Committee.  Heather Ott suggested secession training when promotion is involved and also a training for supervisors in dealing with people and report writing has been discussed in Executive Directors Staff meetings.  There was further discussion on the importance of supervising and the cost and turnover rate involved.  Mr. Swan stated there is leadership training provided and working well with Teamworks. Employees are knowing and noticing the standards being set.  When employees know a sense of fairness it makes for a better work environment.  The Islander paper, Matthew Permer, is now running employment adds every month.


There being no other business to bring before the Committee, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:58 am.