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Human Resources Committee Minutes – May 7, 2015

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Human Resources Committee Meeting from May 7, 2015:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


Present:                     John Cason, Chairman

                                    Thomas Boland, Commissioner

                                    Allen Booker, Commissioner                               

Also Present:             Steve Swan, Executive Director

                                    John Donaghy, Chief Financial Officer

                                    Charles Dorminy, JWSC Attorney

                                    Heather Ott, Teamwork Services                                   

Meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM by Commissioner Cason.


Commissioner Boland made a motion and seconded by Commissioner Booker to adopt the minutes of the April 7, 2015 Human Resources Committee Meeting. Motion carried 2-0-0 


Bylaws Review:

Commissioner Cason opened the discussion with review of the bylaws.  Director S. Swan stated Charlie Dorminy has reviewed and made some suggestions.  He suggested that each committee review each section that pertains to them.

Section 4.2 Commissioners Code of Conduct:  Charlie presented the previous Policy: Role, Conduct, Responsibilities of the JWSC adopted on Oct. 31, 2007.

Charlie noted that legislation changes can be handled by HBS legislation lawyer Brad Carver in Atlanta.  Items like the JWSC name change and amount to make a quorum can be addressed and that he will shepherd these and similar issues in Atlanta.  S. Swan noted that JWSC does not have eminent domain.  Commissioner Cason asked that the legislation issues be added to the next agenda for review and discussion.

Charlie discussed the process of voting and whether the chairman should vote.  As it is now JWSC has all Commissioners voting.  In other cities when there is a tie the chairman only votes to break it or he/she will retract their vote.  Commissioner Booker stated that is the privilege of the elected to cast a vote and shouldn’t be denied and may want to keep as is and those present agreed.  S. Swan stated this is the workshop for the bylaws to be amended and corrected.  This committees’ decision will be brought before the Commission.

Charlie asked for descriptions of each committee and their responsibilities.  Commissioner Cason asked the committee to be sure that all committees are needed.  Commissioner Boland stated there are three commissioners on each committee and a good policy would be to have a proxy to replace if one cannot make a meeting.  This way all votes can be covered and a type of cross training can occur.  S. Swan suggested an item to go on next agenda would be ask what the Commission wants to do when a vote is not approved.

John Donaghy discussed Appointments on page 8/9 and should auditor and legal counsel be involved as they answer directly to the Commission.  John also suggested 3.1 (c) needs to be performance audit and (d) should be added as “financial audit”.  Assets were discussed further and the need for someone internally and externally perform audits yearly.  S. Swan noted that audits on assets and inventory are now being done.  Each division is held accountable.

Charlie discussed Duties of Officers.  John discussed 2.2 (b) General Powers to consider re-wording or remove County and City water.  This can also be addressed by the legislative committee. John suggested section 2.2 (f) be revised and asked that May 1 date be amended as JWSC budget does not affect the county budget dates.  JWSC fiscal year is July 1 to June 30.

  1. Swan stated a time line will be addressed when the other Commissioners have time to comment on the By-Law Draft. The next HR meeting is scheduled for June 4, 2015.

Charlie will be reviewing all policies and by laws.


HR Coordinator:  Director Steve Swan updated the Commissioners that the HR Coordinator position will be a representative at the new office.  This person will be on site of JWSC Administrative Building and work with the Executive Director and Teamworks Services Human Resources Manager.

Travel Section Policy 4.19:  Director Steve Swan updated the Commissioners on the need to develop a path and proper record keeping for employees who travel and attend meetings and seminars away from JWSC locations.

Safety Incentive Policy:  Director Steve Swan updated the Commissioners on the Safety Incentive that he and Jay Sellers are working on.  This Incentive offers a monetary value to the field associates when there is no accident or incident.  Commissioner Booker stated this was a good idea and would like on the June 4th Commission meeting for approval.

Health Insurance Policy Physicals:  Of the 133 positions (9 of these are open positions) there have been 62 physicals completed.  This physical requires information on previous injuries or workers comp claims.  On June 4th there will be a w/c claims review representative available.

The next HR meeting is scheduled June 4, 2015

There being no other business to bring before the Committee, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:30.