Human Resources Committee Minutes – March 17, 2016
For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Human Resources Committee Meeting from March 17, 2016:
BGJWSC_Human_Resources_Committee_Minutes_March_17,_2016 – Posted 4/8/16
To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:
John Cason, Chairman
Allen Booker, County Commissioner
Donald Elliot, Commissioner
Thomas Boland, Acting Exec. Director
Ronald Perry, Commissioner
Clifford Adams, Commissioner
John Donaghy, Chief Financial Officer
Pam Crosby, Purchasing Director
Jay Sellers, Planning & Construction
Amy McKim, Teamworks, Inc.
Jeffrey Singletary, Teamworks, Inc.
Chairman Cason called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM.
There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Chairman Cason closed the Public Comment Period.
Commissioner Booker made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to add item #3 Employee Payroll Debit Card / Automatic Checking Deposit to Discussion. Motion carried 4-0-0.
Minutes of the February 4, 2016 Human Resources Committee.
Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to approve the minutes from the February 4, 2016 meeting. Motion carried 4-0-0.
Safety Manual Acceptance – Jay Sellers
Jay Sellers presented the Safety Manual and explained the Safety Committee which is made up of 10 members of staff. During the monthly meetings the committee reviews accidents and determine if the accident was avoidable or caused by negligence and the details are documented. The Safety Manual has been in draft form from since 2009 and the committee would like to be given the authority to maintain and distribute to staff. This will make employees aware of the standards they are expected to follow. The Safety Incentive is determined when the Committee reviews these incident reports during the meetings. It was stated of the 133 employees that 106 employees receive the incentive. Just recently added were 3 warehouse staff employees. The requirements for field working employees were discussed. It will be required for all employees to review the Safety document and their signed acknowledgment will remain in the personnel files. A form of this document will be in the vehicles for quick reference. The supervisors will be responsible for their employees to review and sign. Each Safety Committee meeting there will be a review of a section of the manual. The cost of the printing has not yet been established but the plan is to keep it in house.
Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott that JWSC accept the Safety Manual as written and authorize the Safety Committee to maintain and enforce the document and forward to the full Commission for approval. Motion carried 4-0-0.
Employee Pension Committee – Commissioner Cason
Commissioner Cason mentioned that Randy Logan was here a couple of weeks ago and his presentation was briefly discussed. John Donaghy discussed there is provision for the Pension Committee in the plan document. The committee is made up of the Commission Chairman, Executive Director, Legal Counsel, and Chief Financial Officer. It was suggested to add employees from various departments. The employees who sit on the committee will be responsible to relay information to their staff. The City was contacted to see how theirs was initiated and conducted. It was noted that the Commission adopted a resolution a while back that Amy McKim is to act as the primary representative for interactions with JWSC and GMA. The county Pension Committee was also discussed. GMA provides the Plan Benefit plan which covers all employees and the elective 457b plan, through Newport Group. The JWSC Pension Committee would focus on the Plan Benefit for all employees. JWSC receives an annual actuarial report on the GMA plan. The quarterly meetings will review these reports and provide more employee involvement. A review of companies that the plan is invested in could be a concern and the committee feels employees should be involved and be aware. It was requested for John to put together a recommendation of staff and what it should look like. GMA needs to be a part of the committee with Amy. It was requested to have a report and prepare for the full commission in a couple of meetings.
Application Selection Procedure – Commissioner Boland
Commissioner Boland provided a document to chart the applicants. Amy will have the resumes available in binders this afternoon. There is approx. 35-40 applications with engineering degree and some with additional degrees. Managerial skills are vital to the requirements of the job. It was requested for the Commissioners to get back within a week with their top 7 choices. The phone interviews will begin soon after. It was stated the Exec. Director will start working as soon as possible. The Deputy Director will be next and the Exec. Director will have input on the final decision. It was noted that previous work experience in water and sewer is key.
Employee Payroll Debit Card/Automatic Checking Deposit – Commissioner Cason
Commissioner Cason discussed the need to have all employees on the automatic deposit system for payroll. Amy McKim, TSI, stated she has performed some research with GA law and JWSC can’t force employees to change but it can be strongly suggested. For new hires it would be a standard. It was requested for Amy to provide a copy of the legislation stating such and have legal review as well. It was requested for Amy to have this information for the next meeting in April as well as feedback from the 23 or so employees. Once it is approved JWSC can then stop purchasing and writing payroll checks.
- Commissioner Boland updated the committee on issues with 2032 and 2003 by the airport.
- Commissioner Elliott is working on Master Plan and Rate Resolution with John.
- 2030 is close to being finished and Sea Island is about all paved. The manhole can’t be completed until the tie in.
- Work going on at Goodyear / Urbana was discussed.
Meeting adjourned at 11:02 AM.