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Human Resources Committee Minutes – June 2, 2016

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Human Resources Committee Meeting from June 2, 2016:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


John Cason, Chairman

Donald Elliott, Commissioner

Thomas Boland, Acting Exec. Director

Amy McKim, TSI

Jeffrey Singletary, TSI

ALSO PRESENT:                

Pam Crosby, Purchasing Director

Dan Lovein, HBS                                          


Allen Booker, County Commissioner

Chairman Cason called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM.


There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Chairman Cason closed the Public Comment Period.


Minutes of the April 7, 2016 Human Resources Committee.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the minutes from the April 7, 2016 meeting. Motion carried 3-0-1 (Commissioner Booker was absent for the vote).

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to add Executive Session to the agenda. Motion carried 3-0-1 (Commissioner Booker was absent for the vote).

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to add a discussion item #3 Meeting Conflicts to the agenda. Motion carried 3-0-1 (Commissioner Booker was absent for the vote).


Employee Physicals – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby updated the committee on the Employee Physicals. The plan was originally to go with Med-Urgent One but has changed. The original price given was more advantageous for JWSC than what the hospital provided. Daphne and Catina were working with Med-Urgent One and found they were going through changes and staff felt they would not be able to support what JWSC was asking for. The new plan is to go with what the hospital offers. It was discussed that last year AppleCare was the medical provided used and there were some concerns. The cost for the physical will be $149.00 for the total package which includes on site pre-physical for blood work. Approximately a week later SEGHS will return for individual blood work results with each employee who participates. Some benefits of using this medical provider (hospital) they can provide referrals and offer a network of providers/doctors. It was also discussed that a protocol or pre-exam instruction will be provided to avoid confusion of fasting and other issues. The topic of confidentiality was a concern among employees and it was stated JWSC will not see the test results. Based on the percentages of results, SEGHS offers a return visit or workshop on specific issues like weight loss, etc. This physical will include a hearing and vision screening as well. There was additional discussion on vision being covered under the employees’ health insurance and was confirmed it is an additional coverage. There was additional discussion on safety glasses and it was noted that every employee working on the field are provided safety glasses. It was suggested that the Safety Counsel could provide some awareness on hearing and vision safety as a toolbox topic. It was suggested to add this topic to the Safety Stand Down Day. Pam stated the physicals can be held in the meeting room at the annex building. Cigna has provided a $2,000 credit and it will be lost if not used. The credit can be used towards a raffle like a TV or gift cards. It was stated to bring before the full Commission for approval.

Teamworks Contract – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby addressed the committee regarding the Teamworks, Inc. contract. Teamworks, Inc. has been our provider for approximately nine (9) years and has taken care of our Human Resources needs. Their contract has been handled as a three (3) year contract with a one year renewal and will be ending in December. It was stated to place on the calendar for August to discuss the idea of bringing the contract into an RFP. If the commission wishes to do this it will require more planning time. It was stated that an annual business review has not been provided and it would be good to have one. The feedback from TSI is very important, valued, and necessary for a healthy business relationship. It was noted that the contract was written ten (10) years ago and may need to be updated. There was additional discussion as if there are other agencies in the area and that a local group is most beneficial and necessary. The topic of a Human Resources Coordinator under the JWSC staff was also discussed.

Meeting Conflicts – Comm. Cason

Commissioner Cason discussed the issue of meetings conflicting with other city and the county events. The Commissioner stated this should not happen and it needs to be addressed. It was suggested that the clerks communicate with each other and work through their calendars.


Commissioner Boland stated Dana Read will be leaving soon for military duty and questioned the hiring of a temporary employee for only 12 months. The specific skills in GIS was discussed as a requirement.

Commissioner Boland discussed the distribution of the upcoming meeting June 20th and June 21st for employees with GMA and Retirement Benefit Plans.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to adjourn into Executive Session for Personnel Reasons. Motion carried 3-0-1 (Commissioner Booker was absent for the vote).

Back in session.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to return to the Regular Human Resources Committee meeting. Motion carried 3-0-1 (Commissioner Booker was absent for the vote).

Chairman Cason stated there were no votes or action as a result of the Executive Session. The meeting was adjourned at 11:09 AM.