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Human Resources Committee Minutes –July 7, 2016

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Human Resources Committee Meeting from July 7, 2016:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


Johnny Cason, Chairman

Allen Booker, Commissioner

Thomas Boland, Acting Director

Donald Elliott, Commissioner

Cindy Barnhart, TSI     

ALSO PRESENT:                

John Donaghy, Chief Financial Officer

Pam Crosby, Director of Procurement

Chairman Cason called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM.


There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Chairman Cason closed the Public Comment Period.


Minutes of June 2, 2016 Human Resources Committee Meeting

Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to approve the minutes from the Human Resources Committee Meeting June 2, 2016 meeting. Motion carried 4-0-0.

Minutes of June 2, 2016 Human Resources Committee Meeting Executive Session

Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to approve the minutes from the Human Resources Executive Session meeting on June 2, 2016 meeting. Motion carried 4-0-0.

GMA Resolution – John Donaghy

John presented the request for the GMA Resolution to be updated. JWSC needs to rename a person from Teamworks that will replace Amy McKim as the GMA representative.  This person has access to GMA website and accounts under JWSC and files for retirement benefits and provides information. This resolution will authorize the name change from Amy McKim to Kelly Vest of Teamworks Services, Inc.

Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Elliott to authorize the request that GMEBS and GMA provide Ms. Kelly Vest access to the GMEBA retirement programs on the GMA website for the purpose of providing retirement services to the employees of the Commission on behalf of the Commissioner and to forward to the full commission for approval. Motion approved 4-0-0.


Employee Physicals – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby updated the committee on the employee physicals. Daphne Gable of Teamworks, Inc. reached out to the county to inquire about their health program and what is provided to their employees.  It was found that theirs’ is not a formal physical but more like a health fair and initial blood panel.  Most of the County’s employee physicals are performed at the time of the initial hire.  The SEGHS plan is approximately $11,000 per year for all JWSC employees.  A comprehensive physical provides blood screening, a discussion with employee, provides list of providers to follow up or referral list.  The SEGHS exam will include hearing and vision screening.  It was questioned if a stress test is provided and it was stated that stress tests are most likely referred out to specialists. The survey presented to the employees revealed that several employees do not have a primary care physicians.  It was recommended that we look into an assistance program for those that do not have insurance.  Pam was asked to follow up with the county (Barbara Myers) on their assistance programs.  It was noted that this will be forwarded to the full commission for informational purposes.   Pam discussed the rebate from the healthcare fund and recommended ways it can be used.  After the initial evaluation of the employees a target area could be addressed like, for example, weight management and/or smoking cessation programs.  The smoking policy was discussed.

Organizational Restructure – D. Elliott

Commissioner Elliott discussed a recently vacated position in the Finance Division. Because of this vacancy management have has been able to better organize the position.  The responsibilities of the vacated position have been split into different areas of the organization.  The calculation of the REU’s and fees will be transferred to Planning and Construction division. The person in this position will calculate REU’s and fees based on construction.  An invoice will be produced and customers can then pay their bill.  John Donaghy stated that this change provides additional separation of duties which enhances internal control but also makes more sense from an operational standpoint. The determination of availability, capacity, and the number of REU’s that a business would demand are calculated by the Planning and Construction Division which is more knowledgeable of that topic than the Finance Division. This will streamline the process for the customers as well. The next organizational chart will show this position under Planning and Construction.

Commissioner Cason requested an item be added to the agenda under discussion item # 3 No Smoking Policy 4.17 as an agenda item.

No Smoking Policy 4.17 – P. Crosby/Group

There were questions asked as to what our smoking policy is. It was noted that there is no smoking in our facilities or vehicles.  There are designated smoking areas in the facilities.  Pam Crosby stated the policy was reviewed in the staff meeting this past week.  Pam was asked to follow up with the County staff (Ora Reed) on costs and to inquire what their official policy is on No Smoking.  Comm. Booker asked if the Commission could look into a stronger policy and possibly partner with the Board of Health, which he is a part of.  Commissioner Elliott brought up the smokeless tobacco for discussion which is believed to bring on a lot of health concerns.  Pam stated smokeless tobacco is not presently addressed in the current policy.  It was suggested to provide friendly competition for both smoking and weight management.

Commissioner Cason requested an item be added to the agenda under discussion item # 4 Employment Advertisement. Motion approved 4-0-0.

Employment Advertisement – J. Cason

Chairman Cason brought up the discussion of advertising for career paths at the JWSC. He recommended the creation of a career path so that we will always have a backup ready to move up. He recommends having a banner out front as there is great visibility on the street.  Advertising in-house was discussed. Commissioner Booker stated he will look into at the county and if there is a policy needed to hire in-house first. Comm. Boland stated he will ask Charlie to possibly look into and also Cindy Barnhart of TSI.


  • Commissioner Boland updated the Committee on the Safety Stand Down Day scheduled for July 28th. The next Commission meeting will be moved from July 21st to July 28th. The new Executive Director will be here for the day on 7/28.
  • At the Commission meeting today we will be honoring Dana Read.
  • Internships will be looked at through the college with Jay Sellers. It would be possible to hire engineering, finance, business, and public affairs.
  • There are a few recent graduates that will be recognized at the Commission meeting in the future. The personnel policy does not address rewards or pay increases when getting degrees that are not related to job position.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:47 am.