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Human Resources Committee Minutes – January 7, 2016

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Human Resources Committee Meeting from January 7, 2016:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


John Cason, Chairman

Thomas Boland, Commissioner

Allen Booker, County Commissioner

Stephen A. Swan, Executive Director

ALSO PRESENT:                

Pam Crosby, Purchasing Director

Amy McKim, Teamworks

Chairman Cason called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM.


There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Chairman Cason closed the Public Comment Period.


Minutes of the December 3, 2015 Human Resources Committee.

Commissioner Booker made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to approve the minutes from the December 3, 2015 meeting. Motion carried 3-0-0.

Group Health & Life Insurance Section 5.1 – A. McKim

Amy McKim addressed the Committee regarding the Affordable Care Act that requires employers to offer healthcare coverage within 90 days of employment to employees who work at least 30 hours per week. JWSC Commission benefit plan were on a first day following the first 3 months of employment which would have been the 91st day and was changed to meet the ACA. The policy was updated to coincide with the ACA.

Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Booker to approve the change in the Group Health & Life Insurance Section 5.1 and move to the full Commission. Motion carried 3-0-0.

Mr. Swan stated the policy will be sent to legal for review and incorporate the change in the policy manual and be presented at the second full Commission meeting.

Chairman Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to add from the future topic to work on and move to this meeting for discussion item #5 the Assistant Executive Director (Deputy Director) Job Description. Motion carried 3-0-0.


GMA DC/DC Update – Amy McKim

Amy McKim addressed the committee and provided an update of the 457b Plan. Metlife notified JWSC that the fee structure was changing 1/1/2015. With the fee structure it adversely affected participants will lower balances.   GMA was able to get the fee implementation postponed for a while and an in-house committee and hired a consulting firm. There was two items that needed addressing: reducing the fees service model to the members and participants of the plan. GMA was able to reduce the administrative fees and reduce the investment management fees as well as simplified the fund line up. They have upgraded their service plans to in-house and gearing towards retirement education. They also realized they needed to change the record keeper which brings us up to date. On October 14, 2015 GMA signed a contract with the Newport group and will be the new record keeper. Early to mid-march there will be a black out period because of the transition to Metlife and participants will be notified.   Commissioner Booker noted the organization to “Build a Better Brunswick” and offers many benefits and a possibility to partner from Coastal. It was discussed to have a contact person discuss further at the next full Commission. The direct deposit was discussed and noted that not all employees have direct deposit. John Donaghy discussed the BB&T on debit card and encourages employees to develop a banking relationship. John stated this topic is planned to be on the next HR Committee meeting in February.

Entry Level Job Position – S. Swan

Steve Swan explained the Temporary Work Base Positions for Job Corp. JWSC currently uses Express Personnel Service for Temporary employees and everything goes through Teamworks Services Incorporated. The remaining items in the packet are job descriptions for each employee in each division. The Fleet Manager position was discussed and it was requested for TSI to provide the resume and interview notes to the HR Commissioners. Another temporary hiring agency named “Source 21” was discussed. It was recommended that the positions coming up on the employment ads in the newspaper be brought before the Commission. Commissioner Cason recommends keeping all the hiring to Mr. Swan but the HR Committee would like to be kept aware of the jobs regularly and to keep this item on the agenda for discussion on every HR meeting. Additional job positions of Financial Analyst, HR Coordinator, and the Assistant Executive Director were discussed. The salaries are not currently in the budget and it was recommended for further review until the new budget is developed. Temporary positions were discussed indicating we currently have 10 temp employees.

Incident Report Update 6 months – S. Swan

Steve Swan reported on the Tool Box Topics which reported the accidents in the last 6 months. The incidents have declined and the insurance is very pleased with our results. There have been 24 reported incidents (3 of which were contractor’s) so far this fiscal year to date. JWSC is making great strides and we are seeing the results. The repercussions for not following the rules on accidents can be suspension and/or termination. Repayment for damage that occurs from employees negligence is payroll deductions for half the damage as long as it is not below minimum wage as per the Georgia law. Commissioner Cason recommended that repayment for damaged equipment should be part of the policy. Commissioner Boland requests a quarterly report on what the pay out is on the Safety Incentive.

Troy University Agreement – S. Swan

Steve Swan discussed the Troy University Agreement and noted a few changes would need to be made on the agreement. Legal Council has had a chance to review. JWSC should provide all educational resources possible for the employees. It was suggested to have a wide variety of options available to the employees at the Safety Stand Down Day and to not appear as exclusive. It was recommended to have the agreement on the next Commission Meeting.

Job Description Deputy Director (Assistant Executive Director) – Commissioner Cason

The Deputy Director Job Position was discussed with details and background experience needed which is crucial to the position. It was recommended to gear the experience in this position to sewer, water and hydraulics. It was recommended to share the job description with all the commission and to get an understanding of the process for the selection along with the recruitment process as well. The positions for Deputy Director, Financial Analyst, and HR Coordinator would need to be part of the next years budget. It was recommended that TSI come back with salaries and costs to fill the positions.

Future Topics

Service Award Lapel Pin – Amy McKim

Amy McKim provided a booklet of highlighted quotes and ideas of lapel pins. The options included years and stones sequence. Commissioner Cason recommended that Mr. Swan and Ms. McKim choose the best choice and bring back to the Committee for review and approval.


Upcoming Agenda Items for the next Human Resources Committee Meeting.

Staff will have several sections of the policy handbook available.

Section 4.14 – Dress Code – recommendation for changes

Section 4.17 – No Smoking

Section 5.6 – Educational Assistance and Incentives

Section 7.1 – Performance Evaluations

Section 7.2 – Performance and Improvement Plan

2016 Annual Employee Physicals

Lapel Pins

Meeting adjourned at 11:30 AM.