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Human Resources Committee Minutes – April 7, 2016

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Human Resources Committee Meeting from April 7, 2016:

BGJWSC Human Resources Committee Meeting April 7, 2016

To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


John Cason, Chairman

Donald Elliott, Commissioner

Thomas Boland, Acting Exec. Director

ALSO PRESENT:                

John Donaghy, Chief Financial Officer

Pam Crosby, Purchasing Director

Amy McKim, Teamworks, Inc.            


Allen Booker, County Commissioner

Chairman Cason called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM.


There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Chairman Cason closed the Public Comment Period.

Minutes of the March 17, 2016 Human Resources Committee.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to approve the minutes from the March 17, 2016 meeting. Motion carried 3-0-1 (Commissioner Booker was absent for the vote).

Employee Payroll Auto Deposit/Debit Cards – J. Donaghy/A. Kim

John Donaghy updated the committee on the Auto deposit for employees. JWSC would need to provide an op-out form for auto deposit on those employees still wanting to be paid by check. Legal Counsel provided Georgia Code 34-7-2. Amy stated that on new employees TSI can provide the pay debit card and they can opt out if they do not want it. Amy met and discussed with the 23 employees not signed up for automatic deposit and stated 8 have agreed to change over soon and 5 employees stated they will not change. It was stated that 83 employees are still getting their pay stubs while on auto deposit. Some do not have the access or ability to print from home computers. There is no extra charge to provide checks. Additional incentive to sign up for automatic deposit were discussed. One idea was the monies could show up a day earlier in the banks for those with automatic deposit. Checks are now printed and delivered to finance and then distributed to the superintendents for them to deliver to employees.  It was requested for further discussion at the staff meeting and additional research.


Employee Pension Committee – J. Donaghy/A. McKim

John discussed the brochure on the benefit plan that was sent out earlier. There was discussion on Pension Audit Reports and permitted and unpermitted investment. The formation of the committee was discussed to have 2 commissioners, Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer, Human Resources Manager and 2 – 4 employees from various departments (System Pump. Maint. Admin, Water Division, etc.). The purpose of this committee is to provide a positive foundation to get employee involved and informed and will be mostly administrative. This committee will not make investment decisions and the employees would share and promote the pension plan. As it is currently, the employees get information once a year. It would be good to encourage everyone to be a part of the 457b. Met Life will come 2 or 3 times a year and set up meeting times with employees. It was questioned if there was any delay in time and interest during the transition of the Newport Group. It was stated that the pension benefits are reported in unfunded balance and required by GASB (Governmental Accounting Standards Board) due to it being a liability. We are required to report on annual audits making it a public matter.

Employee Physicals – P. Crosby

Pam presented to the committee an updated on the employee physicals. She discussed the quotes from Apple Care and the Hospital. Cigna does offer a bio-metric screening which includes blood pressure, glucose, BMI, and weight, etc. It was suggested to stay with the previous clinic used, Urgent Med-One at the cost of $115 but we should receive a detail of what is included. It is requested to let employees know the test results and provide a follow up plan.


Commissioner Boland discussed the need for a visitors policy and to have the front door to the receptionist locked. A sign for the side door is need to direct customers to the front. They are working on functional changes in the workings of everyday process and may be moving people around. The Lapel pins have been decided and will be ordered shortly. It was recommended to continue with the holiday party gathering and to keep it as it was last year. Also the evaluations and pay raises are be looked at. The commissioner and Acting Exec. Director are working diligently to catch up on evaluations.

Meeting adjourned at 10:50 AM.