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Human Resources Committee Minutes – April 7, 2015

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Human Resources Committee Meeting from April 7, 2015:


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Present: John Cason, Chairman
Thomas Boland, Commissioner

Not Present: Allen Booker, Commissioner
Steve Swan, Executive Director

Also Present: Donald Elliott, Commissioner
John Donaghy, Chief Financial Officer
Heather Ott, Teamwork Services

Meeting was called to order at 10:09 AM by Commissioner Cason.
Commissioner Boland made a motion and seconded by Commissioner Cason to adopt the minutes of the March 5, 2015 Human Resources Committee Meeting. Motion carried 2-0-0.

Bylaws Review:
Commissioner Boland and Commissioner Cason would like for Heather Ott from Teamwork Services to ensure that all the updated HR policies have been implemented. Mr. John Donaghy handed out a copy of the Glynn County Code of Ordinances and a copy of the Bylaws Planning Commission County of James City, Virginia. After a brief review of both documents Commissioner Boland felt that these could be pulled together with current bylaws, take suggestions of sections that need to be updated, include references to other procedural and operational agreements currently being used and to get the new attorney involved with this process.

Additional Discussion: Commissioner Boland inquired if there had been any employee feedback on the salary review letters that were distributed last Friday. Ms. Ott advised that what she has received has been positive. Ms. Ott confirmed that 116 letters were distributed. Commissioner Cason would like a report that is generated with the list of employees who were given increases, the amount of increase. Mr. Donaghy said he would put together that list and provide to the Commissioners.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:35.

There being no other business to bring before the Committee, the Chairman adjourned the meeting.