Human Resources Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday, June 6, 2019
For your consideration, please read the minutes from the Human Resources Committee Meeting held on Thursday, June 6, 2019 at 10:30 a.m.
Human Resources Committee Minutes 6-6-19 with Attachments
To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below.
Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission
1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520
Commission Meeting Room
Thursday, June 6, 2019 at 10:30 AM
Donald Elliott, Committee Chairman
Cornell Harvey, Commissioner
Wayne Neal, Commissioner
Andrew Burroughs, Interim Executive Director
Ben Turnipseed, Commission Chairman
Steve Copeland, Commissioner
Charlie Dorminy, HBS Legal Counsel
Baylie Lane, Teamwork Services Inc.
Janice Meridith, Exec. Commission Administrator
Chairman Elliott called the meeting to order at 10:30 AM.
There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Chairman Elliott closed the Public Comment Period.
- Condrey & Associates, Inc. – Conference Call with Steve Condrey, President and Jan Hansford, Vice-President of Condrey & Associates, Inc.
Steve Condrey and Jan Hansford provided a discussion to clarify the methodology that was used in preparing and executing the 2014 job classification and compensation plan for JWSC. Mr. Condrey explained the procedures that were followed by the four staff members from Condrey and Associates, including a lengthy questionnaire completed by JWSC employees regarding their jobs, salary survey information provided by nine other utilities, and personal interviews with an estimated 75% of JWSC staff. Based on the information gathered job descriptions were written and each position was classified utilizing the Factor Evaluation System. Mr. Condrey explained the proposed salary scales that were developed, and also answered the variety of the Commissioners’ questions regarding the utilities used in the comparison and development of the salary scales as proposed. It has been five years since the study was completed. The Commissioners decided to have JWSC staff analyze AWWA’s available data on other utilities and perform a salary comparison to see if JWSC is within range, or if it should be recommended to have another formal salary study done.
- Minutes from May 16, 2019 Human Resources Committee Meeting
2. Minutes from May 16, 2019 Human Resources Executive Session
Commissioner Harvey made a motion seconded by Commissioner Neal to approve the minutes from the May 16, 2019 Human Resources Committee Meeting and the May 16, 2019 Human Resources Executive Session. Motion carried 3-0-0.
Mr. Burroughs excused himself from the meeting at 11:05 a.m.
- Executive Director Position – D. Elliott
Charlie Dorminy provided a response to a question he had been asked by Commissioners at a previous time. Mr. Dorminy stated that as per the Executive Director’s agreement, the Executive Director is an employee of JWSC not an independent contractor. He is employed through a contract, but it states through the contract that he is an employee and would be subject to any other benefits that regular employees are subject to. Mr. Dorminy added that he is not subject to the personnel manual as specifically outlined in the contract.
Baylie Lane from Teamwork Services, Incorporated updated the committee on the advertisements for candidates for the open Executive Director’s position. She provided that the ad was placed on the Georgia Association of Water Professionals website at a cost of $75 for a 30 day ad, Water Environment Federation website at a cost of $295 for a 30 day ad, American Waterworks Association at a cost of $249 for a 45 day ad, Georgia Rural Water Association at no cost, the JWSC website, and also in the Brunswick News at a cost of $100 for a 30 day ad. Mrs. Lane also noted that there have been six qualified responses at this time. Commissioner Harvey questioned the deadline of September 15, 2019 as indicated in the advertisements. After some additional discussion as to the deadline given, the implications, liabilities, and if the advertisement should be revised to “open until filled.”
Committee Chairman Elliott provided a document outlining the hiring process used in selecting the previous three Executive Directors. The hiring of the most recent Executive Director was handled differently in that staff buy-in was included. Staff was directly involved in interviewing and recommending the candidate for selection. The Commissioners were in favor of the process as outlined for the hiring of the new Executive Director, and Commissioner Harvey also indicated he favored the staff involvement in the process.
Regarding the deadline of September 15, 2019, Commissioner Elliott questioned if the current advertisement should be changed. If it is left with the deadline, there is an implication that the position would remain unfilled until that time. Baylie Lane suggested that she could edit the current advertisement to reflect “September 15th or until filled.” The committee agreed with the edit.
Commissioner Elliott asked Chairman Turnipseed to provide an invocation for the Lalley family.
With no further business to discuss, Committee Chairman Elliott adjourned the meeting at
11:37 a.m.