Human Resources Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday, August 8, 2019
For your consideration please read the minutes from the Human Resources Committee Meeting held on Thursday, August 8, 2019 at 10:30 a.m.
Human Resources Committee Minutes 8-8-19 with Attachments
To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below.
Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission
1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520
Commission Meeting Room
Thursday, August 8, 2019 at 10:30 AM
Donald Elliott, Committee Chairman
Cornell Harvey, Commissioner
Andrew Burroughs, Interim Executive Director
Ben Turnipseed, Commission Chairman
Steve Copeland, Commissioner
Jay Sellers, Director of Administration
Janice Meridith, Exec. Commission Administrator
Wayne Neal, Commissioner
Pamela Permar-Shierling, The Islander
Chairman Elliott called the meeting to order at 10:30 AM.
There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Chairman Elliott closed the Public Comment Period.
- Minutes from June 20, 2019 Human Resources Committee Meeting
Commissioner Harvey made a motion seconded by Committee Chairman Elliott to accept the minutes from the June 20, 2019 Human Resources Committee Meeting. Motion carried 2-0-1. (Commissioner Neal was absent from the meeting.)
- Emergency Response Pay – A. Burroughs
Mr. Burroughs advised that the Emergency Preparedness Committee Meeting on the previous Thursday and the items discussed included FEMA reimbursements. He stated that one issue with previous reimbursements was that the written policy for emergency response pay was not followed and FEMA will only reimburse for what is specifically written in the policy prior to an event. Staff reviewed the policies and determined there were only a few clarifications or revisions that were needed within Section 4.1 and 6.2 of the JWSC HR Standards of Practice. Mr. Burroughs provided a redlined copy of the revised policy draft and discussed those few revisions with the Committee. Commissioner Harvey requested for “Executive” to be placed in front of “Director” in the last sentence of Section 4.1.12 where the word “Director” is replacing “Chairman of the Commission” for clarification.
Commissioner Harvey made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to approve the changes as made by staff and as requested by the Committee within Sections 4.1 and 6.2 of the JWSC HR Standards of Practice and to forward to the full Commission for approval. Motion carried 2-0-1. (Commissioner Neal was absent from the meeting.)
- Salary Survey – A. Burroughs
Mr. Burroughs explained the salary survey as prepared for the Committee. The survey included comparisons of the executive, senior and superintendent staff position salaries of JWSC and those as obtained from the AWWA (American Water Works Association) for the same or similar positions at similar sized utilities. He noted that the data pulled from the AWWA survey was collected by the AWWA prior to March of 2018. The 2019 data is not available yet. Mr. Burroughs explained the methodology he used to complete the salary survey: Identify current JWSC senior level positions; Identify AWWA job specifications with similar responsibilities; Record data on board-operated utilities; Record data on utilities serving populations of 50,000 to 100,000; and compare data to existing JWSC positions. Chairman Turnipseed asked if the data was broken down by region. Mr. Burroughs responded it was broken down by states, but not by region. Commissioner Harvey advised that the concern was in our geographic region and area survey of salaries in this area. He expressed a concern that the AWWA surveyed salaries are skewed and not compatible with this area and noted it would merit to compare the JWSC salaries with salaries in our geographic area rather than nationally. Mr. Burroughs noted that the AWWA survey was more industry specific for comparison, and that a comparison would be done that was more specific to this geographic area. Commissioner Copeland questioned if this study was done internally and Mr. Burroughs responded that it was. Commissioner Copeland asked if benefits were included for comparison. Mr. Burroughs recalled for the Committee that in Mr. Condrey’s presentation he had advised that an organization’s total benefits should be within 38% to 41% of total compensation. Commissioner Copeland asked where JWSC’s benefits are at, and Mr. Burroughs provided that based on last year’s insurance plan, JWSC’s benefits were at about 41%, and this has not been calculated with the current insurance plan.
- Safety Stand Down Review – A. Burroughs
Mr. Burroughs advised that on Wednesday July 31, 2019 Safety Stand Down Day was held. Two groups met at different times due to staff size and lunch was provided for all. There were three presenters, Jeffrey Singletary from TSI reviewed the previous year’s safety incidents, Mike Riepenhoff from Zenith discussed “Ergonomics”, and Charlie Moore gave a presentation on active shooter awareness. Mr. Burroughs then explained the current safety incentive program and how the incentive was earned. He advised that the safety incentive program will be discontinued in the presenting of checks to employees and that safety will be now included on employees’ annual evaluations and will be considered individually. Mr. Burroughs provided that as of October 1, 2019 all JWSC employees will be subject to random drug testing rather than only those with CDL licenses, and that testing will be administered by Teamwork Services. The Committee further discussed the safety training that is provided for JWSC employees as well as defensive driver training. Commissioner Elliott commented that he was happy with the safety accountability being moved to individual, but he would like to have a monetary amount to be provided for someone who takes extra effort to ensure that all are safe on the team. This should be incorporated to include each level up in supervision with some sort of bonus at each level for ensuring the safety of the organization to enforce it. Commissioner Harvey commented that he had some concern hearing that the safety incentive would be discontinued. Mr. Burroughs explained this was discussed with the Safety Council and there is consideration for a raffle program to be offered. He added that at times when there is a monetary reward involved, it may cause some people to not report their incidents in order to receive the incentive. With the change in the program, safety does become a part of the employee’s annual evaluation and can benefit them if they are safe and receive a higher evaluation score causing them to receive a salary increase.
With no further business to discuss, Committee Chairman Elliott adjourned the meeting at
11:10 a.m.