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Finance Committee Minutes – June 14, 2016

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Finance Committee Meeting from June 14, 2016:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


Donald Elliott, Commissioner                                             

Ronald Perry, Chairman                                       

John Cason, Commissioner

Thomas Boland, Acting Director       

John Donaghy, Chief Financial Officer

ALSO PRESENT:                  

Pamela Crosby, Director of Procurement

Shanesha Sallins, Financial Analyst                                        

Chairman Elliott called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM.


There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Chairman Elliott closed the Public Comment Period.


Minutes from April 19, 2016 Finance Committee Meeting

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to adopt the minutes of the April 19, 2016 Finance Committee Meeting.  Motion approved 4-0-0.

Rate Resolution – Comm. Elliott / J. Donaghy

Commissioner Elliott introduced a slide presentation which will be shared with the Board of Realtors meeting tomorrow 6/15.  Comm. Elliott continued stating the 2016 budget did not include a rate increase.  The budget development timeline was discussed which included Preparation, Rate Study, Master Plan, Development of Capital Improvement Fees, and Town Hall meetings.  The budget by account and cost center was shared.  The discussion continued with proposed water and sewer rates.  The new FY 2016-2017 budget will show a 2M increase compared to FY 2015-2016.  The other slides shared were: proposed Septic Tank Hauling Discharge; Fire Protection Charges, Fees & Fines, Capital Improvement Fee, and REU’s.  The Master Plan projects for water & sewer were explained which included their capital costs.   There was additional discussion on the rate resolution options and the motion choices that the Commission will vote on in Thursday’s meeting.  It was noted that the 50% reduction was rescinded last June.  The committee members present agreed to show this presentation to the full Commission on Thursday.

FY 2017 Budget – J. Donaghy

This item was briefly discussed in the presentation and will be explained in the Financial Report under discussion.

Development Authority Meeting Update – Comm. Boland

Comm. Boland updated the committee on the recent meeting with the Authority.  There was discussion on the $120k used on the Canal Crossing.  It was noted that the group discussion sewer concerns and possibly using a gravity system to help the area which included East Gate McBride.  There was further talk about JWSC acquiring a bond.   It was recommended to place these discussion items before the Commission for Thursday.  The water lines on FLETC was addressed as a concern.


May End of Month Financial Comparative – John Donaghy

John Donaghy discussed the May Financials which included the Commission Report and the Revenue and Expense ending through 5/31.  John stated there is $183K of expenses over revenue for the first 11 months of the year.  The total is approx. $24M in revenues and should break even on a budget basis for the year.  The superintendents should get their reports today.   John will have the balance sheet details cash accounts reports for Thursdays’ meeting.

LS 2032 Update – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby updated the committee on the LS 2032 project.  It was stated there were 6 engineering firms submitted proposals.  The scoring was judged by four (4) evaluators and found there were 7 points difference in the top two firms.  Pam stated the staff will recommend an additional 2 weeks to meet with them and address questions or concerns.  It was noted that there is a component of the time line where an estimated additional 4 months may be needed to complete the project than originally thought.  One item of concern will be traffic control and JWSC would like to meet with the county for feedback and design proposals.  Pam stated some engineering firms backed out due to not being able to meet the timeline.  Those six firms that submitted a bid were: 4 Waters Engineering; Goodwyn, Mills, & Cawood; Hodges, Harbin, Newberry & Tribble; Hussy Gay Bell; Roberts Civil Engineering; and Thomas & Hutton.  It was stated that now is a good time to prepare and plan which includes notifying the public as well.


  • Boland stated Friday 6/17 there will be a tour of all water towers, water production, and storage water tanks for the commissioners.
  • The Round-up program is in the planning stages and a software program may be needed.
  • John updated the committee on the account for landlords and tenants. The turnover was discussed. In the City there were 800 service addresses that had multiple customers due to people moving in and out.
  • The fraudulent activity on bank account was discussed by John. It was stated that there were several checks that were attempted to be cashed and the bank defused them.  There is currently and investigation and was noted that it was not an employee.  Additional security controls have been implemented.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:22 pm.