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Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – Wednesday, November 20, 2024

For your consideration, please read the minutes from the Finance Meeting held on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at 3:00 p.m.

Finance Minutes 11-20-24 with Attachments

To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below.

Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water & Sewer Commission

1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520

Commission Meeting Room

Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 3:00 PM 



Charles Cook, Committee Chairman Pro tem

Lance Sabbe, Commissioner

Andrew Burroughs, Executive Director                                               

ALSO PRESENT:                  

Dave Ford, Commissioner

Ben Turnipseed, Commission Chairman

LaDonnah Roberts, Deputy Executive Director

David Owens, Director of Finance

Frances Wilson, Accounting Manager

Janice Meridith, Executive Commission Admin.                                               


Clayton Watson, Committee Chairman           

Commissioner Cook served as Committee Chairman Pro tem and called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM.  


Commissioner Cook opened the Public Comment Period.  There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Commissioner Cook closed the Public Comment Period.

Commissioner Sabbe made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cook that Commissioner Ford serve as a member of the Finance Committee for this meeting.  Motion carried 2-0-1.  (Commissioner Watson was absent from the meeting.) 

Commissioner Sabbe made a motion seconded by Commissioner Ford to excuse Commissioner Watson from this Finance Committee Meeting.  Motion carried 3-0-0.


  1. Minutes from October 16, 2024, Finance Committee Meeting

Commissioner Sabbe made a motion seconded by Commissioner Ford to approve the minutes from the October 16, 2024, Finance Committee Meeting.  Motion carried 3-0-0. 

  1. Worker’s Compensation Annual Renewal – Jeffrey Singletary, TSI / Jarrett Bridges, Turner

Jarrett Bridges informed the Committee that three years ago, the JWSC switched from a thirteen (13) year relationship with The Zenith to National Liability & Fire for workers’ compensation insurance.  The Zenith experienced significant losses during the 2021-2022 policy year, which led to the premiums from National Liability & Fire being more competitive during the 2022-2023 policy. At last year’s renewal, the JWSC experienced a 2.42% increase in workers compensation premium. For the current policy year, the workers’ compensation premium is $248,777. The experienced mod has risen sharply as it is based upon a 36-month period that includes consecutive significant claims years. On a positive note, for the current policy year to date, total losses are at the lowest point since 2010-2011. Also, the highest loss year will roll off before next year’s renewal, which should yield positive results for the next renewal period. Given the increase in experience mod for the utility, Turner & Associates advised staff that it would be unlikely to receive more competitive pricing from a different carrier. National Liability & Fire provided a quote of $268,148 for the annual renewal ($19,371 above the current year premium).  This equates to a 7.79% increase in workers’ compensation insurance premiums. Mr. Bridges reviewed and explained all of the details in depth with the Commissioners.

Commissioner Sabbe made a motion seconded by Commissioner Ford that the Finance Committee recommend the full Commission approve the purchase of workers’ compensation insurance coverage with National Liability & Fire for policy year 2025-2026 in the amount of $268,148. Motion Carried 3-0-0.

  1. Glynn-Brunswick 911 Services Agreement for External Entities – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs advised that Glynn County and the City of Brunswick established a Joint Public Safety Communications Department (JPSCD) to provide radio coverage for police, fire, and emergency medical services. It also provides radio coverage for other public entities that provide a benefit to the citizens of Glynn County and the City of Brunswick. Radio coverage is provided through a 800 MHz system. JWSC purchased a total of ten (10) of these radios in three total purchases in 2015, 2017, and 2021 to utilize during emergency response efforts in the event of loss of cellular service.  The primary method of communication for JWSC operations during emergency response is through company-issued cell phones. However, at times, cellular service has been impacted during these storms. Most recently, this occurred during the Hurricane Helene response. During this period, the JWSC utilizes the ten (10) 800 MHz radios to be able to communicate with key team members during the event. When cellular service is restored, radio usage is discontinued.  The attached agreement outlines responsibilities for the JWSC when considering using these radios and provides for a service charge to be paid by the JWSC to Glynn County for their usage. The service charge is $55 per month per radio, or $6,600 annually. This item will be paid from the Admin Services annual operating budget.

Commissioner Ford made a motion seconded by Commissioner Sabbe that the Finance Committee recommend the full Commission enter into the Glynn-Brunswick 911 Services Agreement with the Glynn County Board of Commissioners. Motion caried 3-0-0.

Customer Portal for Water Usage Management – L. Roberts

Mrs. Roberts shared with the Committee that in November 2023, the Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water & Sewer Commission completed a systemwide water meter change-out. As part of that project, BGJWSC also implemented a new meter data management system that is a software product from the manufacturer of the new water meters, Neptune Technologies. That product is named Neptune360. Neptune360 is used by BGJWSC staff to upload and download information between our billing system and our meter reading process. It also provides the benefit of allowing all BGJWSC staff to view customer water usage data by month, day, or hour. Neptune360 also has the capability of setting alerts to identify customers’ unusual water usage patterns. However, this data is only available to staff members. So, any notifications to customers of those identified issues must currently occur through a manual process managed by BGJWSC staff. Customers have been extremely appreciative of the current courtesy alerts sent to them by staff. However, numerous customers have expressed an interest in having direct access to the water usage data. That is the purpose of the Neptune My360 software. Implementation of that software will allow customers to set up a portal specific to their account(s) and not only view their usage data, but set alerts related to their usage. It will also allow customers who have multiple accounts to manage all of those water usage accounts with one login, but separate alert parameters. This will result in even more timely and more customized notification to customers of a potential issue, with the accompanying benefits of keeping unintended water usage low and conserving water.

Commissioner Sabbe made a motion seconded by Commissioner Ford that the Finance Committee recommend that the full Commission approve purchase and implementation of the Neptune My360 Customer Portal and associated staff training at a cost of $36,500.  Motion carried 3-0-0.

  1. 1703 Gloucester Subdivision Plat – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs stated that In June 2021, Glynn County and the JWSC executed an intergovernmental lease agreement with purchase option for the property previously occupied by CVS at 1709 Gloucester Street. The lease agreement was for $5,500 per month with a purchase option for $280,000, with any lease payments made being contributed towards the purchase price. The County and JWSC have been working through the subdivision process as required by the City of Brunswick to finalize the sale of the property.  Shupe Surveying was contracted by Glynn County to perform the necessary field work and documentation to subdivide the property. The JWSC retains ownership of 1703 Gloucester (main office) and 1715 Gloucester (annex). Glynn County will purchase 1709 Gloucester (Board of Elections and the parking lot in front of 1709 Gloucester. The generator for 1703 Gloucester will be located on the newly created parcel at 1709 Gloucester. Easements for the generator, access, and parking will be recorded separately.  From commencement of the lease agreement, Glynn County has paid $231,500 in monthly lease payments to the JWSC. Through execution of the purchase option, the County will pay the remaining balance of $48,500 to the JWSC. 

Commissioner Ford made a motion seconded by Commissioner Sabbe that the Finance Committee recommend that the full Commission approve the subdivision plat of 1703 Gloucester Street. Motion carried 3-0-0. 

  1. Academy Creek Influent Pumps Purchase – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs stated that The JWSC operates four (4) submersible influent pumps at Academy Creek to pump the wastewater throughout the treatment process. The existing 125 horsepower (hp), 12” Yeomans pumps are obsolete, and parts are not available for rehabbing the existing pumps. The lack of availability of parts was confirmed by both repair shops and a manufacturer’s representative for the Yeomans line of pumps. In September 2023, the Commission approved the purchase of two new (2) Flygt pumps from Xylem Water Solutions.  In the Fiscal Year 2025 budget, staff requested the purchase of two additional Flygt influent pumps for Academy Creek. At the September 2024 Commission meeting, the Commission approved a contract with BRW Construction to install new bases and guiderails for all four pump slots, with material being provided by Xylem at no cost to the JWSC due to issues matching the new pumps to the existing bases.  To maintain consistency among the influent pumps at Academy Creek, staff requested a sole source quote from Xylem Water Solutions for two new 110 hp Flygt pumps. The cost of these two new pumps including shipping is $168,030. This equipment was approved in the capital purchase line item of the FY2025 budget for the Wastewater Treatment division with a budgeted cost of $160,000.

Commissioner Sabbe made a motion seconded by Commissioner Ford that the Finance Committee recommend that the full Commission approve the purchase of two new Flygt influent pumps at Academy Creek from Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. in the amount of $168,030. Motion carried 3-0-0. 


  1. Financial Statement Month End October 31, 2024 – F. Wilson

Mrs. Wilson presented the financial statement for the month ending October 31, 2024. She reviewed the Balance Sheet noting the Current Assets and Current Liabilities and briefed the Committee on the Combined Revenue Statement.  The various Operating Revenues accounts were noted, and details on the Summary of Revenues and Summary of Expenses were highlighted.  Mrs. Wilson briefly reviewed line items on the Cash Balances and the Project Report. 

Commissioner Cook asked if there was any further business to discuss.

Commissioner Cook adjourned the meeting at 4:01 p.m.