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Finance Committee Meeting Minutes – Wednesday, May 19, 2021

For your consideration, please read the minutes from the Finance Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room.

Finance Meeting Minutes 5-19-21 with Attachments

To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below.

Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water & Sewer Commission

1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520

Commission Meeting Room

Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 3:00 PM 



Bob Duncan, Committee Chairman

Charles Cook, Commissioner

Tripp Stephens, Commissioner

Andrew Burroughs, Executive Director                                               

ALSO PRESENT:                  

Ben Turnipseed, Commission Chairman

LaDonnah Roberts, Deputy Executive Director

Frances Wilson, Senior Accountant

Christa Free, Procurement Coordinator

Committee Chairman Duncan called the meeting to order at 3:06 PM.  


Chairman Duncan opened the Public Comment Period.

There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Committee Chairman Duncan closed the Public Comment Period.


A motion was made by Chairman Duncan to modify the agenda by moving Discussion Item #2, a virtual presentation from Doug Gebhardt with Davenport & Company before approval items. Commissioner Stephens moved to modify the agenda and place the virtual presentation ahead of the approval items and Commissioner Cook seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0-0.

Doug Gebhardt with Davenport & Company gave a virtual presentation regarding Capital Needs Analysis for the Brunswick Glynn Joint Water & Sewer Commission. During the presentation he discussed such items as Market Update, two options for Structured Long Term Debt Service, Public Market Issuance of a bond, and an Overview of the Financing Process. Mr. Gebhardt explained to the Commissioners present that new bonds as of 05/19/21 were issuing at approximately 2.25%, in response to an inquiry from Commissioner Stephens. Chairman Duncan inquired as to the time frame for receiving/issuing the bond, and Mr. Gebhardt advised that the process could be completed in 60-90 days from the approval by the BGJWSC Commission. He further explained that funds would be available immediately after closing and must be spent within three years. BGJWSC Commission Chairman Turnipseed asked if the Commission would be required to purchase bond insurance, and Mr. Gebhardt explained that there would be no benefit to the purchase of bond insurance.


  1. Minutes from the April 14, 2021 Finance Committee Meeting

Commissioner Cook made a motion seconded by Commissioner Stephens to approve the minutes from the April 14, 2021 Finance Committee Meeting.  Motion carried 3-0-0. 

  1. Total Compensation Study Contract Award – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs provided that the JWSC issued Request for Proposal No. 21-020 Professional Services for Total Compensation Study on Friday, April 9, 2021. The intent of the study includes a review of the existing JWSC pay plan as well as the value of benefits provided to staff members in order to ensure internal and external equity among the different job classification (69), and remain competitive in the recruitment of new staff members. Deliverables for the RFP were defined as: Job Classification and Compensation Plan, Information Meetings and Presentation Findings, and an Implementation Plan. Three (3) proposals were received on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 ranging in price from $24,500.00 to $76,510.00. Firms were scored based on Experience & Qualifications, Project Plan and Philosophy, Proposed Project Schedule, and Pricing. Mr. Burroughs provided a scoring matrix for the three firms and suggested that the contract be awarded to Evergreen Solutions, LLC in the amount of $24,500.00. The funding for this study will come from the Technical Services portion of the Office of Director’s budget. The study is expected to take 120 days.

Commissioner Cook made a motion seconded by Commissioner Stephens to move that the Finance Committee recommend to the full Board of Commissioners that the Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water and Sewer Commission enter into a contract for the Total Compensation Study with Evergreen Solutions, LLC, in the amount of $24, 500.00.  Motion carried 3-0-0. 

  1. ATS Installation Change Order No. 1 – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs presented a change order request for Automatic Transfer Switches for Portable Generators for the BGJWSC, a contract that was approved with Y-Delta, Inc at the April 15, 2021 full Commission meeting. After a conversation with GEMA, only 10 of the requested 22 transfer switches were approved for funding by GEMA to be approved at 85%. The initial contract was approve for 22 switches at a price of $773,085.00. JWSC Staff prioritized the station sites based upon existing conditions and determined the stations selected for submission to GEMA for reimbursement. The reduction in scope did not impact the approval of the contract to Y-Delta, Inc. The new total cost of the switches and docking stations based on the bid from Y-Delta, Inc was reduced to $324,507.00. FEMA will reimburse 75%, and GEMA will reimburse 10% of the cost, leaving JWSC’s portion of the project at $48, 676.05.  Mr. Burroughs explained to the Committee that additional funding for the 12 installations not included in this change order and the additional 67 locations requested will be considered by FEMA/GEMA after January 1, 2022.

Commissioner Cook made a motion seconded by Commissioner Stephens to move that the Finance Committee recommend the full Commission approve the change order for ATS Installation from 22 installations to 10 installations as presented.  Motion carried 3-0-0.

  1. Audit Services Contract Award – L. Roberts

Ms. Roberts provided that the JWSC issued Request for Proposal No. 21-022 for Auditing Services for the BGJWSC on March 19, 2021. One proposal was received on April 20, 2021 from Mauldin & Jenkins, CPAs & Advisors, who are the current auditors for the JWSC. Their proposal cost came in at $19,900.00 for each period of the three year contract.

Commissioner Stephens made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cook to move that the Finance Committee recommend the full Commission enter into a contract for Auditing Services for the JWSC in the amount of $19, 900.00 with Mauldin & Jenkins, CPAs & Advisors. Motion carried 3-0-0.

  1. Leak Adjustment – City of Brunswick – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs informed the Committee that the City of Brunswick requested a leak adjustment due to a water leak at the Roosevelt Lawrence Youth Center. City staff have repaired the leak, and usage has returned to normal levels. Mr. Burroughs presented the leak adjustment request from the city as well as receipts showing purchases for the repair of the leak. He also presented the usage pattern for the Youth Center to show usage well above normal in January and February of 2021. The leak adjustment was calculated to be $2,003.90. Staff has reviewed this request for a leak adjustment and determined it should be granted to the customer.

Commissioner Cook made a motion seconded by Commissioner Stephens to move that the Finance Committee recommend the full Commission approve the leak adjustment in the amount of $2,003.90 to the account of the City of Brunswick as presented.  Motion carried 3-0-0.


  1. Financial Statements Month End April 30, 2021 – F. Wilson

Mrs. Wilson presented the financial statement for the month ending April 30, 2021.   She reviewed the Balance Sheet with the Committee, and highlighted current assets such as Accounts Receivable, and current liabilities, for example, Customer Deposits Payable.  Mrs. Wilson also briefly reviewed line items on the Combined Revenue Statement, Project Report, and Reserves.

Committee Chairman Duncan asked if there were any other items to discuss.

There being no further business, Chairman Duncan adjourned the meeting at 3:52 p.m.