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Facilities Committee Minutes – September 24, 2015

or your consideration, please review the minutes for the Facilities Committee Meeting from September 24, 2015:


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PRESENT:                  Ronnie Perry, Chairman

Clifford Adams, Commissioner

David Ford, Commissioner

Todd Kline, Senior Engineer

Steve Swan, Executive Director


Donald Elliott, Commissioner

Thomas Boland, Commissioner

Chairman Perry called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM.


There being no citizens who wished to address the Commission, Chairman Perry closed the Public Comment Period.


Commissioner Ford made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to adopt the minutes of the August 13, 2015 Facilities Committee meeting. Motion carried 3-0-0.

Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Ford to add item #10 and #11, Property Conveyance and Logistec, to Discussion and move item #2 Abbington Wood Easement & Utility Acceptance to Approval.

Abbington Woods Easement & Utilities Acceptance – T. Kline

Todd Kline Presented to the Commissioner the background of Abbington Woods and presented the location via a map. The Owner of Record has submitted a letter of intent and application and will accept responsibility.  It was stated the staff deemed the project is compliant with JWSC.

Commissioner Ford made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to move Acceptance of the On-Site Water and Sewer System along with associated easements within Abbington Woods development as public infrastructure for ownership, operation and maintenance to the full Commission for approval.

There was further discussion regarding costs.  Motion carried 3-0-0.


Proposal to Appraise Facilities – S. Swan / F. McGinty

Steve introduced Fred McGinty, of McGinty-Gordon & Associates, and stated this cost savings proposal is for discussion only. Mr. McGinty discussed the Proposal to Provide Appraisal Services for Insurance Purposes.  This policy with CBIZ will provide an appraisal which will enable us to receive accurate rates and will can insure for a value that makes sense.  The last time these values were looked at was in 2011.  There was further discussion as to the need for this appraisal. We want to be sure that our insurance program meets the requirements of the Commission and we are properly insured for the proper values on the bigger items. This is also required for property value part of our FEMA package and can help us know how long it will take to get back on-line in case of an emergency.  The Master Plan is not an appraisal but only a cost estimate to upgrade systems. It was suggested that we consult with an engineering firm and get a quote to compare.

Commissioner Ford made a motion seconded by Commissioner to forward the Appraisal Service to the full Commission for approval.

Cyber Liability Insurance Policy – S. Swan / F. McGinty

The issue of Cyber insurance is a result of a meeting back in April. There is potential exposure to the Commissioners and JWSC is not currently insured for Cyber Liability.  This is a coverage that was unheard of 6 or 7 years ago and now it is common.  As a result of that meeting one of the quotes were from INSUREtrust/Beazley and they are in touch with our INS team.  There was further discussion on what is covered.  It was recommended to bring before the Facilities Committee, the Finance Committees and then the full Commission.

Permitting NPDES Status Update – T Kline

Mr. Swan updated the Committee on the proposed WWTF on NW Mainland (West Glynn County). The contract with ATM/Four Waters was to study the feasibility of this project.  The letter was discussed and they recommended JWSC does not proceed with the project.  It was recommended to forward to the full commission to keep everyone updated and eventually close out the project.  It was confirmed that we will let EPD know this information and that it can be revisited at a later time.  All agreed to forward to the full commission.

CVS Parking Lot – S. Swan

Steve Swan updated the Commissioners on the CVS parking lot. JWSC Legal staff were asked to draw up an agreement, liability, parking lot, landscape, rules of parking lot, and camera system for an amendment to the CVS contract.

Cityworks Update – L. Burns

Lisa Burns updated the Commission on the Cityworks program. The most recent updates were adding Microsoft Office and finalization of assets and GIS program.

FLETC Utility – T. Kline

Todd Kline reported to the Committee the intent to secure a contractor to locate underground water and sewer facilities at FLETC for JWSC and to engage as a consultant to DOT. Taking inventory and mapping out these utilities is the first step in this project.  The intent is to solicit to companies that do this on a regular basis and plug into our GIS system.  We would like for FLETC to review the package first and then possible share in the costs for the location of utilities.

R&R Report – T. Kline

Project updated and previously reviewed on the previous Commission Meeting.

Refurbishing of Sludge Dryer – P. Crosby

Mr. Swan updated the committee on the dryer that broke causing JWSC approx. 30k a month in hauling of sludge. Ms. Pam Crosby updated the committee on the Bid Results for RFP for Sludge Dryer Repairs.  Pam presented the two contractors results and the key points for both companies. The staff recommends the bid be awarded to Allen & Graham and suggests the committee forward to the full Commission for approval.  It is estimated the project could be done in 45 days and are local companies.

All agreed to forward to full Commission for approval.

Property Conveyance Project – S. Swan

Mr. Swan updated the committee on the Property Conveyance Project. After consulting with Hall, Booth & Smith it was found there were a number of properties still needing to be surveyed and the remaining balance may not be enough to complete the project.  HBS and JWSC staff have been asked to provide accurate numbers of what is remaining to be paid for.  There was additional discussion on project and properties already surveyed.

Logistec – S. Swan

Mr. Swan updated the committee on the Ports Authority project to build a container wall and it was noted that the utilities will need to be relocated and JWSC is one of them. There is concern with the company Logistec and their bilge water.  A corrective action will be needed and JWSC should be a part of the approval process and the ability to inspect.

Director’s Update

Mr. Swan and Commissioner Adams updated the committee on the construction at Sinclair Point and the top of manholes/rim elevation concerns. The manholes and elevated rims are exposed and sticking up which could cause vehicle damage or a liability on JWSC. It was suggested that we work with the county and city and not release Certificates of Occupancies until the manhole problems are corrected.  It was stated that for future large developments that a bond on the developer could be required.

Meeting adjourned at 3:38 pm.