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Facilities Committee Minutes – November 10, 2016

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Facilities Committee Meeting from November 10, 2016:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


Ronald Perry, Chairman

Donald Elliott, Commissioner

Clifford Adams, Commissioner

Thomas A. Boland, Sr, Commissioner

Todd Kline, Senior Engineer

Jimmy Junkin, Executive Director                             


Robert Bowen, Commissioner

 ALSO PRESENT:                 

John Donaghy, Chief Financial Officer

Pam Crosby, Director of Procurement                                                           

Chairman Perry called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM.


There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Chairman Perry closed the Public Comment Period.


Minutes from August 16, 2016 Facilities Committee Meeting

Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to adopt the minutes of the August 16, 2016 Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes. Motion approved 4-0-0.

Mansfield Street Change Order – T. Kline

Todd Kline presented the Mansfield Change Order. It was explained that the project is a cooperative effort between the City of Brunswick and JWSC.  This Change Order contract is between the City of Brunswick and J.H. Stone Construction.  The memorandum read that the main portion of the project is the replacement and upgrade of the aged and failing gravity sewer mains, many which are 50+ years in age.  The contractor has encountered unknown pipes and mains during the installation of the new system.  It was noted that each time an unknown or unforeseen main is encountered, the contractor must verify that the infrastructure is no longer in service and then remove that section of main.  This causes project delays and costs for demolition and removal.  The contractor has submitted a change order to the City of Brunswick for additional expenses caused by the above conditions.  The JWSC staff has reviewed the above referenced change order for justification.  The requested quantities have been verified in the field by the JWSC staff and the pricing requested is consistent with the original bid documents.  The City of Brunswick staff has also reviewed the proposed change order.  The staff recommends approval of the change order in the about of $12,509.36 for the Mansfield Street water and sewer system project.   The City of Brunswick will pay the contractor and JWSC will reimburse the City.  There was further discussion regarding the process of insurance claims and the removal of the existing infrastructure of old abandoned lines.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Adams in order to facilitate completion of the improvements to the Mansfield Street water and sewer system project that the JWSC approve the proposed increase in work scope presented by the City of Brunswick on behalf of Stone Construction, Inc. to be processed as a Contract Change Order for the additional amount of $12,509.36. Motion carried 4-0-0.


PS 2032 RFP Update – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby provided an update on the PS2032 RFP. The mandatory pre-bid has already taken place and yesterday was the deadline for the pre-qualification applications to be submitted.  The staff has decided based on the quality of the applications that there will be an extension of the deadline for pre-qualification applications until 11/16. There were (3) potential bids received and a few things were missing from the application packets. The staff has reached out to other potential contractors and it was noted that some of the reasons why they did not submit a bid was because they were too busy to take on more projects or that local firms would most likely be selected.   The pre-qualified list will be submitted on 11/17 and ask for bids to be due on 11/30.  The first Commission meeting in December is when the staff will be giving the recommendation.  The goal is to increase the competition pool.  Pam stated that staff has reviewed other governmental websites and reached out to potential contractors as well.

Surplus Update – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby updated the committee of the surplus updated list as a formality. The most recent compiled list of inventory, equipment, and vehicles which are no longer of use to the JWSC or are in a condition which renders them unserviceable.  The list included (2) VacCons that are being disposed of.   As previously presented, there are 4 new VacCons that were approved to be purchased.  It was questioned if the staff was trained or will be trained on the new vehicles. The John Deer Mini Excavator was questioned and it was stated that there is something wrong with the hydraulics components and the cost is more than the value.  There might be an opportunity for a trade-in value to be used for items left to be purchased.  To dispose of these items the Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission must declare the items as surplus.  Once declared surplus, the Director of Procurement will dispose of the items in a manner most beneficial to the JWSC.


Mr. Junkin discussed the SPLOST that passed this week. JWSC is trying to begin the initial process towards providing an RFP for an engineer on the N. West Mainland sewer project.  The plan is to select an engineer for the project and work with the county on developing a schedule and cash flow issues to begin.   It was recommended for the JWSC legal counsel and the county attorney to develop a memorandum of understanding for the managing of bidding and contractual efforts to complete the projects.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:20 pm.