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Facilities Committee Minutes March 9, 2017

For your consideration, please review the minutes from the Facilities Committee Meeting on March 9, 2017:

Facilities Committee Minutes with Attachments 3-9-17

To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:

Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission

1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520

Commission Meeting Room

Thursday, March 9, 2017 at 3:00 PM




Cliff Adams, Committee Chairman

Robert Bowen, Commissioner

David Ford, Commissioner

Todd Kline, Senior Engineer

Jimmy Junkin, Executive Director                                      

ALSO PRESENT:                 

Don Elliott, Commission Chairman

Thomas Boland Sr., Deputy Director

John Donaghy, Chief Financial Officer                                                                                   

Chairman Adams called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM.  


There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Chairman Adams closed the Public Comment Period.

Janice Meridith introduced Christa Stan to the Committee.  Christa is a new employee joining the BGJWSC team as the Procurement Coordinator. 


  1. Yancey – Administration Building Generator Relocate – M. Lemke / Blake Wittenberg

Matt Lemke explained that the JWSC administration building, located at 1703 Gloucester Street currently does not have a back-up power source.  This location serves as JWSC’s customer service location and warehouses the information system servers.  When the building was renovated in 2015 there was an ATS switch incorporated, however it has never been used nor a back-up generator for the building installed.  JWSC staff has determined that a generator currently located at PS4134 on Greenswamp Road is not required to support operations for that location.  JWSC staff has worked with the generator services provider, Yancey Cat, and electrical services provider, White Electrical, to develop an estimate of the costs to relocate and rework the electrical configuration in order to make the generator compatible with the needs of the JWSC administration building.  The estimate is for a total of $77,220.38 and is a turnkey solution, providing all costs associated with the relocation, electrical reconfiguration and installation of the unit at the JWSC administration building site.  Yancey Cat will serve as the primary contractor on the project and oversee the activities of the electrical and construction service providers that will also participate in this work.  Initial cost estimates associated with purchasing a new generator with the specific requirements needed to support the JWSC administration building ranged from $160-$180K.  By utilizing and reworking an existing asset that is currently not in use, JWSC sees a great benefit to moving forward with this project instead of purchasing a new asset for this purpose. Staff recommends approval of the estimate from Yancey Cat to relocate, reconfigure electrical components and install an existing generator to service the administration building at 1703 Gloucester Street.  This will provide a resource to support our JWSC administration and information systems functions and become a vital component that is currently missing from our Storm Preparedness planning.

Further discussion on the subject was brought about.  Commissioner Bowen questioned if the pump station 4134 is being decommissioned or was it parked or just not being used. Matt responded that it was just parked.  Bowen then questioned if the pumps were going to be relocated as well and if they were ever exercised. Kirk Young added that the pump station currently has nothing flowing through it, and likely has not been exercised either due to the anticipated development in that location having not happened as of this time.  The actual condition of the pumps is not know at this time, but the generator was noted to be in good condition. The location of the pad for the generator to be placed at the administration building was questioned and Matt indicated that the pad would be elevated off the ground at a serviceable level. Commissioner Ford questioned if the pad was a part of the estimate provided and Matt responded that it was a large part of the estimate.  The need for the electrical rework on the generator was questioned since the ATS is already in place at the building.  Kirk Young explained that even though the generator is in good condition, that there was evidence of rodents chewing on the wires, items such as the pulleys ware corroded, and that load banking, preventive maintenance and reworking is necessary onsite to ensure that the unit is usable.  Matt Lemke indicated that the load banking and preventive maintenance was a part of the customer service agreement already in place between JWSC and Yancey on our generators. Blake Wittenberg added that the voltage of the ATS at the administration building and the generator are different, therefore the breakers will need to be switched over.  It is more cost effective to perform the work in the manner as on the Yancey proposal rather than reworking the ATS on the building.  There will also be incidentals such as the conduit that will have to be erected and the electrical scheme that will have to take place.  Blake added that these are items that are a part of the cost of the concrete pad, in additional to other very specific details that are critical in the correct placement and set-up of this generator.  Commissioner Ford questioned if this was a single sourced bid or if other bids were obtained.  Matt advised that this was a single sourced bid.  Commissioners Ford and Adams indicated that they recommended the staff tack back the request for approval and attempt to obtain more bids, even though this generator is currently under the customer service agreement with Yancey which covers preventative maintenance and loadbank testing where it is currently located.  This generator has not been serviced yet due to the list for generators to be serviced has been prioritized.  The Committee requested not to vote on approval and for more bids to be obtained for this generator relocation project.

  1. Landscape Services Award Recommendation – J. Donaghy / M. Hopkins

John Donaghy presented to the Committee that the current contract for Landscaping Services is coming to an end, and that an Invitation For Bid was issued on January 13, 2017.  A pre-bid meeting was held on January 30, 2017 with 6 firms in attendance.  Bids were due and received on Tuesday, February 14, 2017 with the following 4 firms submitting a bid:  A to A Landscaping, Coastal Greenery LLC, Coastal Landscape and Design, and Urban Environmental Services LLC.  A 4 person team of JWSC staff performed a bid evaluation on March 6, 2017.  The submittals were evaluated using weighted evaluation criteria that included quality of services offering, staff experience and equipment resources to perform the service as well as a cost component.  The combined evaluation score for each bidder in each category and a price bid sheet were provided to the Committee for their review. John briefly discussed the scores. Based on staff’s evaluation of the services proposed, experience, capabilities, price and overall value score, a recommendation of award to Coastal Greenery was proposed.  The scope of services and qualifications seem to be on a comparable level, with price being the most significant factor in the evaluation scores.

Commissioner Ford made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to move the recommendation of the Landscaping Services Award forward to the Commission.  Motion carried 4-0-0. 

  1. Surplus Equipment Approval – M. Lemke

Matt Lemke presented to the Committee that the JWSC staff has determined that the following assets are of no longer use to the mission of the JWSC:  SPMD-402 and SPMD-403, both are Vac-Con trucks.  They have both been replaced with recently purchased newer models.  Matt had also prepared and presented to the committee a list of facts providing details on the current condition of these assets.  To dispose of this property, the BGJWSC must declare the property as surplus.  Once declared surplus, the Director of Procurement will dispose of the property in a manner most beneficial to the JWSC.

Commissioner Bowen made a motion seconded by Commissioner Ford to move the recommendation of declaring the surplus equipment identified as SPMD-402 and SPMD-403 as surplus forward to the full Commission to authorize its disposal in a manner most beneficial to the JWSC.  Motion carried 4-0-0. 


  1. Carylon Co. – I. & I. Repair Update Presentation – Glen Hill

Glen Hill gave a presentation to the Committee on Sewer Inspection and Trenchless Rehabilitation Services with regard to a BGJWSC update on technologies and projects.  First he introduced Carylon Company information and background details, along with a summary of their services such as condition assessment, sewer pipe cleaning, and trenchless rehabilitation which is project specific and in itself includes manhole rehabilitation, chemical grouting and lateral rehabilitation.  Glen continued to discuss in more detail the services.  Condition assessment includes CCTV inspection, lateral launch inspection capabilities, and multi-sensor inspection technologies.  Additional notes were given on sources of infiltration for sanitary sewer collection systems and rehabilitation for infiltration removal (various steps were explained).  Manhole inspection and the steps of manhole rehabilitation were also discussed as well as the various products and processes involved, some specific to BGJWSC manhole rehabilitation projects.  Finally, Glen provided an update on the rehabilitation projects and manhole issues for BGJWSC.

  1. 4 Waters / McKim & Creed – I. & I. Abatement Program Presentation – Angela Bryan / Greg Anderson

Angela Bryan and Greg Anderson presented to the Facilities Committee a Presentation of a Wet Weather Flow Inflow/Infiltration Abatement Program.  4 Waters and McKim & Creed have been working closely on various projects for the past year.  During this time, 4 Waters has learned much about McKim & Creed’s R & R Group and particularly their approach to the I & I Abatement Program.  Angela further explained that knowing the issues of BGJWSC, that there may be some interest in learning more about what McKim & Creed does and their approach, so she believed it was beneficial to introduce them to the BGJWSC.  Their specific program could be of a benefit which could work for BGJWSC.  The agenda for presentation that Angela and Greg brought to discuss covered various subjects such as: Dunbar Creek WPCP Master Plan I & I upgrade recommendations for 5 year and 10 year; Dunbar Creek WPCP Consent Order I & I list; I & I Abatement Programs currently being undertaken by McKim & Creed, Inc.; Wet Weather I & I flow reduction approach; Clearwater Florida case study; and a Proposed Flow Monitoring Initiative for JWSC – (St. Simons Island/Dunbar Creek WPCP).

  1. North Mainland – SPLOST Near-Term Improvements – J. Junkin

Mr. Junkin briefly discussed the North Mainland capacity issues and a short term schedule/plan to help get to the long term solutions.  This plan is an overall approach to modifying parts of the system from lift stations 4110, 4039, 4048, 4028, and also 4005 with near-term improvements, some of which will be permanent and some will be temporary.  With this plan, he expects that within a 4 to 5 month timeframe there should be some opened up capacity for customers to tie into.  The overall long term solutions will take about 7 months.  There are still some decisions that will have to be made about financing, but if the Commission agrees to it, the project should be able to be turned loose within 4 to 5 months after that and customers could be tying on. The intent is, with financing and with Commission’s permission, he would like to go ahead and do a survey of the residents of the North Mainland that need taps now, and estimates that there are possibly 180 homes waiting on this project to get done for their own construction to happen.  If we can find the financing and go ahead and do the survey and find those that 180 who need taps within 180 days, he would like to go ahead and sell them the taps with a Hold Harmless that will protect the BGJWSC until at least September 1, 2017.  Mr. Junkin believes that anything that can be done should be done to start construction.


Mr. Junkin discussed that BGJWSC has been working on the 5 year and 10 year plans and should soon have some details of what needs to be done, and the costs with inflation taken into account that had not previously been considered.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:40 pm.