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Facilities Committee Minutes – June 11, 2015

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Facilities Committee Meeting from June 11, 2015:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:

Present:                 Ronald Perry, Committee Chair

David Ford, Commissioner

                              Clifford Adams, Commissioner

Steve Swan, Executive Director

                              John Donaghy, Finance Director

                              Todd Kline, Planning & Construction Senior Engineer


Also Present:         Donald Elliott, Commissioner

                              Thomas Boland, Commissioner

                              Jay Sellers, Operations Analyst




Chairman Perry called the meeting to order 2:00 PM

Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Ford to add item #2 Canal Crossing Engineering Work Funding & Schedule of Values to the agenda for approval.  Motion carried 4-0-0.


There being no citizens who wished to address the Commission, Chairman Perry closed the Public Comment Period


Steve Swan updated the Committee on the Memorandum for the Canal Crossing Engineering Work Funding & Schedule of Values.  The memo listed the water and sewer projects that will directly benefit the Canal Crossing development.  The benefits include elimination of dead end sections of the water distribution system, the ability to provide pressure and flow requirements, increase wastewater capacity, and facilitate future wastewater collections plan and shorten transmission distance to Academy Creek WWTP.

Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Ford to forward the Canal Crossing Engineering Work Funding & Schedule of Values to the full Commission for approval.  Motion carried 4-0-0.

Commissioner Ford made a motion and seconded by Commissioner Adams to adopt the minutes from the May 19, 2015 meeting.  Motion carried 4-0-0.


Proposed IT Building Renovation – Steve Swan

Steve Swan updated the committee on the smaller building next to the New Office.  Retaining this building can be used for expansion at a later time.  Mr. Swan met with the contractors to discuss what is needed to lease this smaller office building.  The suggested items to make it more marketable were adding a wheelchair ramp, a walkway and windows.

Brookman WPF Status – Todd Kline

Todd Kline discussed the Brookman Water Production Facility with the Committee.  He stated JWSC has been assisting the county on the punch list items before possession can take place.  The facility was well built and has back up power available.

RFP for Burner Restoration at Academy Creek – Todd Kline

Todd Kline discussed the burner at Academy Creek and the operating costs for Biosolids processing.   He acknowledged Alvin Lang who stated the Fenten dryer has been down since February.  When using the dryer the sludge is not as heavy and cost is down.  Cost to repair the burner and the urgency of the situation was discussed.

FEMA Hurricane Preparedness Packet – Jay Sellers

Jay Sellers discussed the FEMA Hurricane Preparedness Packet and the 3 tiers of staff in an emergency response situation.  The packet includes supplies needed specifically a radio kit and costs which were presented.  Mr. Sellers, who is currently serving as the Training and Development Coordinator for the Glynn County Emergency Management Agency, discussed the re-entry phases and FEMA requirements.

Fancy Bluff WPF – Todd Kline

Todd Kline discussed the Fancy Bluff Park next to the Water Production Facility and recognized Ms. Monica Smith.  Mr. Kline used a map to show the committee the property.  He explained the need to amend the easement going in and out and making sure that the JWSC property is secure.  Mr. Kline summarized the memo from David Hainley, Director of Community Development, stating the park next to the WPF has been left in disrepair.  The memo stated that the staff is currently evaluating what would be the appropriate levels of improvements desired by the local residents and to satisfy the Department of Interior and the cost of these improvements.

R & R Project Status Update – Todd Kline

Todd Kline provided a handout of current projects and updated the committee on each item.

JWSC New Office Complex Update – Steve Swan

Steve Swan updated the committee on the New Office Complex stating the contractor has fallen behind causing other delays.  The date to move has been delayed.  The other buildings in the center have an interest in updating their façade front to match CVS and JWSC new building.

Director’s Update 

Steve Swan introduced Mr. Cherry of the Water Resource Advisory Committee.   Mr. Cherry updated the Commissioners on Glynn County’s chlorine patches and Red Zones in Savannah.  Mr. Cherry stated that JWSC has done a good job at being pro-active and the water measurements and levels are recovering.  Chairman Elliott stated he wanted to see more participation from the Commissioners in these types of programs and attend their meetings whenever possible


There being no other business to bring before the Committee, the Chairman adjourned the meeting.