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Facilities Committee Minutes – July 14, 2016

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Facilities Committee Meeting from July 14, 2016:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


Ronald Perry, Chairman

Clifford Adams, Commissioner

Todd Kline, Senior Engineer

Donald Elliott, Commissioner                      


Robert Bowen, Commissioner

Thomas Boland, Acting Director

ALSO PRESENT:                  

John Donaghy, Chief Financial Officer

Pam Crosby, Director of Procurement

Janice Meridith, Procurement

Matt Lemke, Fleet Manager

Chairman Perry called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM.


There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Chairman Perry closed the Public Comment Period.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to add an item to the agenda item #7 Rear Parking Lot. All agreed.


Minutes from June 9, 2016 Facilities Committee Meeting

Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to adopt the minutes of the June 9, 2016 Facilities Committee Meeting. Motion approved 3-0-1 (Commissioner Bowen was absent for the vote).

Minutes from July 1, 2016 Facilities Committee Meeting

Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to adopt the minutes of the July 1, 2016 Facilities Committee Meeting. Motion approved 3-0-1 (Commissioner Bowen was absent for the vote).

Air Liquide Agreement – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby updated the committee on the liquid oxygen services uses by JWSC. As presented about 3 months ago an Air Liquide representative presented to the committee and stated they were going through a potential merger at the time.  It was determined that the merger went through and the account is being sold off to Mathison Gas.   JWSC decided to move ahead with an RFP.  We received 3 responses: Air Liquide, Lindy, and Mathison Gas.  The three proposals were reviewed.  Staff would like to make a recommendation to extend the current contract to Air Liquide as it transitions to Mathison Gas for the next six (6) months and then revisit a potential RFP.  JWSC may approach Mathison to obtain their best product price and possible grandfather it.

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to extend the contract and forward to the full commission. Motion approved 3-0-1 (Commissioner Bowen was absent for the vote)

Electrical Service Award – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby presented to the committee the Electrical Service Award results. It was stated that JWSC outsources all electrical services as we currently do not have an electrician position as part of the organizational structure.  JWSC currently utilizes Certified Electric for the majority of its electrical work requirements and has been happy with the services.   The arrangement with Certified Electric is not under contract at this time.  Staff has identified, after several meetings internally, that there is not enough work for full time electrical staff but to continue to outsource with guaranteed response time and guaranteed rates.  An RFP was issued on April 1, 2016 and fourteen (14) firms were included on the announcement via emails. There were two (2) pre-proposal conferences held and only three (3) firms were represented: A&B Electric, White Electric, and Certified Electric.  Of those three firms, only one submitted a proposal for consideration which was White Electric.   It was determined by the JWSC staff to move forward and enter into a contract with guaranteed response time for On-Call Electrical Service with White Electric for the FY2017.  For project work, it was determined to continue to bid those items based on $5,000 threshold.  It was questioned who on JWSC staff participated in making the decisions and it was stated there was representation from superintendents for Water Production, Wastewater Treatment, Systems Pumping and Maintenance, and Buildings and Grounds Security.  This is for standard electrical and not HVAC work.

Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to enter into a contract with White Electrical for On-Call Electrical Services and move forward to the full Commission for approval. Motion approved 3-0-1 (Commissioner Bowen was absent for the vote).


Surplus Inventory Update – J. Meridith

Janice Meridith presented to the committee on the updated Surplus status. The spreadsheet of Assets and Revenue generated was discussed in detail.  Janice stated these surplus items have generated, so far, $8,350.70 in revenue.  The primary source of sale has been through the GovDeals website which provides user friendly benefits like summary of items listed, asset status, spreadsheets for finance purposes, reports and bidder map.  Janice shared the website for the committee to see live. Also on the the site offers the sale of real estate.  It was asked for Janice to present to the full Commission.

Vehicle Update – M. Lemke

Matt Lemke provided an update on the vehicle and Equipment Capital Purchase Update. The spreadsheet listed completed items, items on order, and items left to purchase.  Matt stated that all vehicles have been ordered.  It was stated that several different dealerships submitted proposals and ones JWSC purchased from are: Mike Burch Ford, Wade Ford, J.C. Lewis, and Sutherlin Nissan.  The process has begun to determine which items/accessories to be placed on these new vehicles.  It was asked for Matt to present to the full Commission.

Verizon Network Fleet – M. Lemke

Matt updated the committee on the live view GPS status. It was stated that JWSC currently pays a fee per month per GPS whether it is used or not and has limited capabilities.  Matt explained that JWSC recently purchased 22 new vehicles and instead of buying new GPS there is a possibility to go with Verizon Fleet Management and that this program will work with Cityworks.  Matt introduced Kathy Randolph and Anthony Nichols from Verizon and they presented what Verizon has to offer.  Ms. Randolph explained that Network Fleet combines GPS fleet tracking with engine diagnostics and comprehensive vehicle utilization reporting which is recently been added to state contracts.  The service is $19 per month and provides all the AVL GPS tracking which includes speeding, hard breaking, geo-fencing, and idling.  The Verizon Network fleet also has a fleet side which tracks diagnostic issues like: engine hours, tire rotations, oil changes and alerts like notifications of recalls or warranty issues.  This program provides reporting and road side assistance through Allstate.  A short demonstration on the user friendly website was presented.  Commissioner Elliott asked Matt to search state contracts for GA, identify any other providers and compare and contrast cost savings, cost avoidance, and what the total cost would be to place all of our fleet on it.  It was requested to be presented to the full commission.  It was noted that Verizon is the only one on GTA contract.

2032 Update – T. Kline

Todd Kline reported an update of 2032 to the committee. This is the force main on Frederica Road. A staff level pre-design meeting has been planned with the county engineers.  An additional meeting will be provided with the Glynn County members to present the concept and design.  The goal is to keep all informed and prepared regarding traffic and learn from our past project. There is a public meeting to be planned in mid-August to bring the public in for comments.  There are plans for October 11th where the project will be put out to bid for construction.  There are bi-weekly meetings with the engineer staff which is crucial to keep all on the same page.  It was recommended to have the Facilities Committee meeting on a Tuesday to include the update from the bi-weekly meeting.

Canal Crossing Project Update – T. Kline

Todd Kline updated the committee on the Canal Crossing Road project. It was noted that this is a Glynn County lead project.  The JWSC entered into a MOU to reimburse the county for the cost of the water main and force main and is managed by Glynn County.  The contractor East Coast is the County’s contractor.  The JWSC inspectors are on site for many hours every day to observe and assist however they can but keeping in mind this is the County’s project.  The critical developer driven milestones are that the developer has updated flow test information from the system.  They need to finalize their fire suppression systems designs and updated flow testing information from the system.  To reiterate, the key component of this project we are combining the old City I-95 system with the old Glynn County North Mainland system together with an increased main that is boosting the pressures and flow in the area tremendously. That information to make last minute calls on pumps ordered.  JWSC is doing everything we can to accommodate their needs while maintaining everything we need to do like EPD permitting and safety of the system.  To join the two systems together, the EPD required permit modifications and we are currently waiting on this permit and can’t open the valve to both systems officially.

 Canal Road Project – T. Kline

Todd Kline updated the committee on Canal Road and stated that this is a JWSC project. The waterline is complete and tested in the ground and ready to go.  We are waiting for the county to tie into the main extension and complete that connection.  The line is from Old Jesup (old city system) to the front of Canal Road (old county North main system).  The contractor is Woodard Construction and is currently working on the sewer portion.  The secondary component of this project is a 20” force main that is for future use of future reversal of pump station 4039.  There has been permission to open the valves temporarily to flush the system.  JWSC personnel have to operate the valve because this effects our customers due to our standards.

Rear Parking Lot – Comm. Elliott

Commissioner Elliott updated the committee on the parking lot out back. The trees have been trimmed, area cleaned, ground has been leveled, placing crushed gravel and will ultimately lay used asphalt and it will be a permeable parking lot. We have performed this all in house.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:58 pm.