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Facilities Committee Minutes – August 13, 2015

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Facilities Committee Meeting from August 13, 2015:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


Ronald Perry, Committee Chair

 Clifford Adams, Commissioner

Steve Swan, Executive Director

Todd Kline, Senior Engineer


David Ford, Commissioner

Also Present:        

Donald Elliott, Commissioner

Chairman Perry called the meeting to order 10:00 AM


There being no citizens who wished to address the Commission, Chairman Perry closed the Public Comment Period.


Commissioner Elliott made a motion and seconded by Commissioner Adams to adopt the minutes from the July 9, 2015 meeting. Motion carried 2-0-1 (Commissioner Ford was absent for the vote).


Septic to Public Sewer System – S. Swan

Steve Swan shared the proposed document explaining the septic issue. It was stated that the systems are governed by the Heath Department. Many Glynn County septic systems are failing or are located in areas subject to environmental issues requiring periodical services. The goal of the Joint Water and Sewer Commission is to assist septic owners transition to the public sewer system. Some systems must have a specific design. There was discussion regarding individual homeowners and HOA’s recognized by GA Law and the costs of setting up a public system.

Water Tank Contracts and Policy – T. Kline

The contract for water tank maintenance was discussed and noted that inspections need to occur on a regular basis. Many problem areas were identified with the elevated storage tanks, ground storage tanks and wells during the Master Plan preparation. The current contractor has been under contract for a very long period and it was noted that this needs to be set up as competitive bid. A slide show was presented showing significant issues with some facilities and will be addressed with the contractor.

Mariners Landing Update – T. Kline

Todd Kline updated the committee on Mariners Landing. The current status is non-compliant due to wastewater collection and transport capacity issues. Glynn County’s review show the plans as non-compliant. The Final Plat submitted by the engineer is under review.

Villas at Gascoigne Update – T. Kline

Todd Kline undated the Committee on the Villas at Gascoigne. It was stated that the JWSC staff have reviewed and found it is non-compliant due to constrains on wastewater transport capacity issues.

Mr. Kline stated work on 2030 is proceeding well. Fires lines were discussed on highway 99 and 341.

Mallory Water Tower Update – S. Swan

The Mallory Street Water Tower was discussed and Mr. Swan identified two areas of concern: water / property. The list of SPLOST items were discussed as well as the history of the water tower on Mallory Street. The project would reconstruct a new water tower tank which will correct very poor fire flow capacity and associated low pressure. The average daily use in that area was discussed. The JWSC was contacted by the church located right at the property line asking if the water tower was necessary. It was stated and all agreed that this is a highly commercialized area and the need for this project is necessary. There was further discussion regarding making this facility a single leg post which allows less rust surface and less maintenance.

Director’s Update

There being no other business to bring before the Committee, the Chairman Perry adjourned the meeting at 11:10 am.