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Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, April 3, 2019

For your consideration, please read the minutes from the Facilities Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 at 3:00 p.m.

Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes 4-3-19 with Attachments

To read the minutes, please open of download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below.

Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission

1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520

Commission Meeting Room

Wednesday, April 3, 2019 at 3:00 PM



Ben Turnipseed, Chairman

Bob Duncan, Commissioner

Jimmy Junkin, Executive Director

ALSO PRESENT:                 

Donald Elliott, Commissioner

Charlie Dorminy, Legal Counsel

Andrew Burroughs, Deputy Exec. Director

Pam Crosby, Director of Procurement


Steve Copeland, Commissioner

MEDIA PRESENT:               

Taylor Cooper, The Brunswick News

Chairman Turnipseed called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM.


There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Commissioner Turnipseed closed the Public Comment Period.

Chairman Turnipseed requested a motion to enter into Executive Session.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Duncan to enter into Executive Session.  Motion carried 3-0-1.  (Commissioner Copeland was absent from the meeting.)

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to adjourn from Executive Session.  Motion carried 3-0-1.  (Commissioner Copeland was absent from the meeting.)

Charlie Dorminy left the meeting after the Executive Session.


  1. Minutes from Facilities Committee Meeting March 22, 2019

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Duncan to approve the minutes from the Facilities Committee Meeting held on March 22, 2019.  Motion carried 3-0-1.  (Commissioner Copeland was absent from the meeting.)

  1. Award of Engineering Study to Provide Service to Unserved Areas

Mr. Junkin advised that the responses to the RFP for an Engineering Study to Provide Service to Unserved Areas had been received and evaluated.  Georgia Water and Environmental Services were recommended by staff to be awarded with the contract for these engineering services in the amount of $17,636.00.  He recalled for the committee that JWSC will be looking at extended services to three key areas along Highway 341 currently not receiving sewer services.

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Chairman Turnipseed that the Brunswick Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission enter into a contract with Georgia Water and Environmental Services in the amount of $17,636.00 for engineering services to perform a Cost Study to Provide Sewer Service to Select Unserved Areas of Glynn County.  Motion carried 3-0-1.  (Commissioner Copeland was absent from the meeting.)

  1. Award of Engineering Study for Academy Creek Basin Odor Control

Mr. Junkin informed the committee that staff had issued a RFP for an engineering study to examine the odor issues at Academy Creek.  The study will be performed to determine if it is more cost effective to treat odors at the eight upstream stations or treat the odor once it reaches the Academy Creek Water Pollution Control Facility.  He further noted that staff had evaluated the four proposals received and recommended that Stantec be awarded the contract in the amount of $51,499.00.

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to move that the Brunswick Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission enter into a contract with Stantec in the amount of $51,499.00 for engineering services to conduct an odor Control Study for the Academy Creek Water Pollution Control Facility.

Commissioner Duncan requested an overview of the scope of work and Mr. Junkin provided brief details of options that will be evaluated.  There were additional questions regarding existing baseline versus the results of technology choice recommended by the vendor and implemented by JWSC.  Andrew Burroughs gave an overview of Odalogger technology and the sampling that JWSC staff does within the system.  Commissioner Duncan confirmed that this will allow JWSC to show results and communicate effectively with the community.  Chairman Turnipseed inquired about the funding, and Mr. Burroughs advised that the funding was coming from the City of Brunswick previous SPLOST.  The chairman questioned if the results data from previous studies/trials results would be given to the firm selected for the Academy Creek rehabilitation, and Mr. Burroughs responded yes.  After additional technical issues and details were discussed, a vote was taken.

Motion carried 3-0-1.  (Commissioner Copeland was absent from the meeting.)


  1. Manhole Rehab RFP & Schedule

Mr. Junkin provided that Systems Pumping & Maintenance has identified 68 manholes with a condition score of 4 or 5 that require rehabilitation.  The RFP is in preparation and is expected to be issued prior to July 1, 2019, with hopes of the bidding, evaluating and approval process being completed in a timely manner to allow this work to begin early in FY2019-2020.  Based on the history JWSC now has with the product “Sewpercoat” which does have a 10 year warranty on the product.  JWSC has also been able to incur a 10 year warranty on application of the product as well.  There are still a few manholes needing to be rehabbed during the current FY budget.  The funding for the 68 manholes to be bid will come from the FY2020 Budget.

  1. Academy Creek Phosphorus Levels

Mr. Junkin provided that the influent total phosphorus readings at Academy Creek have been elevated over the past three months.  High rain levels caused high flows for the month, which create operational challenges for the wastewater plants, especially in the handling of solids. Chairman Turnipseed questioned if the sample is being taken in the best place and noted that perhaps the influent sampling should be moved.  He and Andrew Burroughs discussed possibilities of relocating the sampling for more accurate results.  Mr. Burroughs also provided that the levels are not down yet, due to the 1 to 2 month retention time keeping the numbers elevated for the near future.  He stated that the amount of phosphorus going out is not regulated, it is sampled once per month and reported only.  There was some additional discussion pertaining to future regulatory limits, permitting and concerns of the State of Georgia regarding reservoirs.

  1. Update on Status of CCTV Video Recommendations for Existing Gravity Lines for North Mainland SPLOST Project

Mr. Junkin updated the committee on the CCTV video that had been taken of the existing gravity lines for the North Mainland SPLOST project.  The results of the video indicated between 6,000 and 8,000 feet that will need to be lined.  Chairman Turnipseed questioned where most of the problems were, and Andrew Burroughs responded in the B&W Grade Road area and the Whitlock area, downstream of PS4036.  Most of the manholes appear to need work as well.  Thomas & Hutton will provide their recommendation on assets to repair.  It is expected that the CIPP work should begin by sometime in August of 2019.

  1. Schedule for Ridgewood Water Production Facility Project

Mr. Junkin provided that $935K of the budgeted $1M is remaining, with likelihood that the Board of Commissioners will need to approve a budget increase.  A proposal to provide bid document updates and contract administration services from the Engineer of Record.  If that is acceptable, a notice to proceed with updated Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Cost will be provided.  It is expected to advertise construction bidding by May 1st.

  1. Update All Water Production Facilities Recommended Repairs/Upgrades

Mr. Junkin reported that the Water Production Division indicated that the actual production facilities themselves are in decent shape, yet some repair and/or replacement is needed.  For example there is a need to replace a high service pump at the Mallery Water Production Facility.  Several stations have pumps with older motors that are most likely not running efficiently, yet the pumps are in good shape.  The elevated tanks do need painting, some needing both interior and exterior paint.  It is estimated that the combined painting needs will total between $1.5M and $2M. The Brunswick Villa Ground Storage Tank was discussed regarding the possibilities of replacing both of the 2 small GST’s with one 250,000 gallon GST or retiring this GST due to being closest to the saltwater plume.

  1. Update Large Meter Testing Program

Mr. Junkin noted that the large meter testing program will begin early in Fiscal year 2019-2020.  After conducting budgetary pricing of meter testers, staff has recommended the purchase of two testers.  A Sensus W125 for meters up to six inches in diameter and a Sensus W1250 for meters six inches and greater, with the cost of each at $4,500.  Sensus will provide training and certification for those meters.  There are about 2,000 meters that are 2” or greater and about 800 greater than 2”.  Staff will begin testing with the largest customer accounts by volume first and work their way down.  When asked how often testing should be done and what the AWWA standard was for testing, Andrew Burroughs responded that annually 10% of all meters should be tested.  Chairman Turnipseed inquired about the two large meters to be installed at Sea Palms, and Mr. Burroughs advised that those are being sourced at this time, they should be ordered within the next week, at a cost of between $8,000 and $10,000 each, and leadtime to be determined at time of order.

  1. Possible 2020 SPLOST Recommended Projects

Mr. Junkin discussed the SPLOST 2020 Project Considerations with the committee, including the priorities of those possible projects.  He indicated that the highest priority placed on the SPLOST funds initially is for cooperative projects involving City or County SPLOST projects as they become better defined. A list of the 2020 SPLOST County projects has been received, which staff is in the process of reviewing to determine which JWSC assets need to be reviewed for rehab or expansion purposes while work is proceeding on these County projects.  The list of City projects is in process of completion, for which the similar process will be followed by JWSC staff to review to determine the JWSC assets in those City project areas.  The second priority for SPLOST funds would be for additional emergency pumping assets for storm or other incidence where loss of power would cause significant consequences.  Mr. Junkin continued with the prioritized list of possible JWSC 2020 SPLOST Projects as follows:   projects eliminating inflow & infiltration from sanitary sewer systems; City of Brunswick water improvement projects listed in the JWSC 2015 Master Plan; providing facilities for economic development around the Exit 42 area; providing service to neighborhoods where there are currently failing septic systems or poor private well drinking water supplies or both; replacing old metal or transite sewer pump station force mains; and system wide water meter replacement over the next five to six years.

  1. Manufacturer Warranty Information on Possible Meter Changes

Mr. Junkin recalled for the committee that the Ami project was discussed at the previous Commission meeting.  As was noted, the level of commitment and investment warrants doing a competitive RFP for replacement water meters.  Mr. Junkin provided a sample comparison matrix that provided a number of consideration and project proposal factors for which staff evaluators will be considering and comparing.  He added that warranties from the various responders will be included in this analysis since these warranties do vary from one manufacturer to another.

  1. Update on Projects

Mr. Junkin noted that the panels have shipped for the LS3114 pump replacement and will take about 30 days to install thereafter.  Commissioner Elliott questioned how many taps have sold for this lift station and Mr. Burroughs replied very few and he then confirmed for Chairman Turnipseed that there is capacity once the panels are installed.  Chairman Turnipseed inquired as to the location of LS 4121 and Mr. Burroughs advised it was near Sonic and Altama Avenue.  The plan and bid document development is in progress at this time and the bid is expected to be advertised by mid-May 2019.  Mr. Junkin then discussed the Village Area Drainage Improvements Project with the committee, which is a Glynn County project.  He updated that there are minimal opportunities for water main replacement since the County has modified the paving/concrete removal scope to minimize disturbance and shorten project time, and added that more water main replacement is expected in the second phase of the project.  Mr. Junkin then proceeded to update on the St. Simons Island Smoke Testing project which has a $150K budget.  He noted that the kick off meeting had been held and the Notice to Proceed letter will be issued on May 1st.  The door hangers and JWSC customer relations video have been approved, as well as data presentation and nomenclature.  The smoke testing is expected to begin on June 3rd with completion in August 2019.

  1. Status of Final Plans/Bid Date for Magnolia Park Water Improvements

Mr. Junkin provided an update on the status of the Magnolia Park Water Improvements Project.  He noted that JWSC waterlines have been re-designed within the shoulder and outside of roadway in areas possible.  The initial Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Cost from EMC indicates a large amount of the costs are associated with concrete and curbing replacement.  The City of Brunswick is finalizing the storm drainage design with EMC.  The final JWSC design direction and cost portion will be determined after receiving the cost sharing criteria from the City.  Chairman Turnipseed requested a list indicating the number of recorded leaks in the area to be provided at the next committee meeting.  Mr. Burroughs advised that he could provide the recorded leaks and also present those on a map as requested.  Chairman Turnipseed inquired about the funding for the Project.  Mr. Burroughs provided that the JWSC portion will come from R&R and the City of Brunswick funding comes from their SPLOST funds.  The construction of the project will be advertised for bid by the City of Brunswick.

There being no further committee business, Chairman Turnipseed adjourned the meeting at 4:35 p.m.