Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes – August 10, 2017
For your consideration, please read the minutes from the Facilities Committee Meeting held on Thursday, August 10, 2017 at 3:00 pm:
Facilities Committee Minutes 8-10-17 with Attachments
To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below:
Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission
1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520
Commission Meeting Room
Thursday, August 10, 2017 at 3:00 PM
Cliff Adams, Committee Chairman
Robert Bowen, Commissioner
David Ford, Commissioner
Todd Kline, Senior Engineer
Jimmy Junkin, Executive Director
Thomas Boland, Deputy Director
John Donaghy, Director of Finance
Pam Crosby, Director of Procurement
Chairman Adams called the meeting to order at 3:01 PM.
There being no citizens that wished to address the Committee, Chairman Adams closed the Public Comment Period.
- Minutes from July 13, 2017 Facilities Committee Meeting
Commissioner Ford made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bowen to approve the minutes from the Facilities Committee Meeting on July 13, 2017. Motion carried 4-0-0.
- Surplus Property – P. Crosby
Pam Crosby presented the recommendation for the declaration of the property located at 101 Hampton River Club Marine Drive, SSI as surplus. She advised that this property currently has a 6” fire well and pump enclosure building on it. Also noted was the fact that this property is in a developed residential area and the lot will need to have the building structure removed and the well abandoned. Mrs. Crosby also added that Georgia Power has a transformer located on this property of which they will need to remove and relocated. This property will be appraised after the building, well, and power structures are removed. Everything above the ground will be removed and the well will be grouted. Included in the packet for the Committee to review are the quotes for the grouting of the well, and pictures and maps of the property. The proposed plan is to advertise the sale of the property and accept sealed bids for the property. Today, Mrs. Crosby is requesting recommendation to move this item forward to the full Commission for approval to declare the property as surplus.
Commissioner Ford made a motion seconded by Commissioner Bowen to recommend forwarding this item to full Commission for approval at the August 17, 2017 meeting. Motion carried 4-0-0.
- Surplus Update – P. Crosby
Pam Crosby presented an update on the surplus that has been sold on the GovDeals website during the past Fiscal Year of 2016-2017 to the Committee. She advised that the 18 items ranged from office furniture and shelving to vehicles and machinery that had been declared as no longer of value to BGJWSC. She also noted that the total funds received from the surplus sales on GovDeals.com for the last Fiscal Year totaled $194,150.00.
- Fleet Storm Preparedness / Fuel & Generators – P. Crosby
Pam Crosby presented fleet storm preparedness regarding fuel and generators. During the storm of 2016, there were concerns as to fuel availability. Even though J.D. Moore has 2 locations, 1 on SSI and 1 in Brunswick, a back-up plan was formed. The back-up plan is to use Lewis and Raulerson out of Waycross. Their brand is the Friendly Express Gas Station of which there are several locations in Glynn County. The program with them is very similar to what JWSC is already doing with Fuel-Pro. Employees with vehicles will have a gas card and can use it at any Friendly Express Gas Station to fuel up. There are also locations outside of Glynn County as well that can be used. This will allow managing the use of fuel more effective and efficient during storms. Also noted was that 6 of their locations have back-up generators to use during storm power outages. Mrs. Crosby then continued to discuss generators. She addressed one generator that is not being used at a lift station, which is expected to be relocated to the administration building as a back-up in case of a power outage during an emergency or storm. At the request of the Committee procurement did obtain some additional quotes for the relocation and installation of this generator to the administration building. She then noted a rental reservation program for obtaining generators in an emergency, which is being reviewed by staff.
- R & R Capital Projects Update – H. Patel / D. Read
Harry Patel discussed the R & R Capital Projects update with the Committee. While referencing a display of the report, he gave a brief update on all listed projects, noting the specifics and details as to the current status of each. Having been asked, he confirmed that all of JWSC’s work is basically complete regarding the system on the Mansfield Street Project. The work for the City is still to be completed. Mr. Patel also mentioned that there was a public meeting held at Brunswick High on August 3rd to share the information on the LS4048 project on the North Mainland. Regarding Phase 4 of the SPLOST projects, he noted that the County has plans to widen Harry Driggers Blvd. and JWSC is not able to do the project until this has happened. This will be due to the infrastructure having to be moved if placed prior to the County widening the road, and the side for widening is not clear from the intersection of Glynco Parkway and Canal Road up toward the intersection of Canal Road and SPUR 25. Not sure which side of the road is to be widened on the part of Canal Road. Dana Read gave an update regarding Pump Station 2029 and the number of customers that are discharging to that Pump Station. He presented a map he was created and prepared for the purpose of analyzing the number of customers in that area and the services they are using. (i.e. water only, or water & sewer) This style of modeling map and additional data will be used to analyze the entire island by sewer basins. Mr. Read also noted that it can be used to help determine the size of pumps that should be used in particular lift stations.
There was no additional update at this time.
The Facilities Committee agreed to change the meeting days and start meeting on the Thursday before the 1st Commission meeting of each month.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:55 pm.