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Compliance & Legislation Committee Minutes – May 17, 2017

For your consideration, please read the minutes from the Compliance & Legislation Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 1:00 pm.

Compliance & Legislation Committee Minutes 5-17-2017 with Attachments

To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below:

Brunswick-Glynn County

Joint Water and Sewer Commission

1703 Gloucester Street

Commission Meeting Room

Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 1:00 PM 



Mike Browning, Committee Chairman

Don Elliott, Commission Chairman

Jimmy Junkin, Executive Director

Charles Dorminy, Legal Counsel                                   

Also Present:             

Tom Boland, Deputy Director

John Donaghy, Chief Financial Officer

Angela Walker, Pre-Treatment Compliance Coordinator 


Cornell Harvey, Commissioner 

Chairman Browning called the meeting to order 1:00 PM


There being no citizens who wished to address the Committee, Chairman Browning closed the Public Comment Period. 


  1. Minutes from April 19, 2017 Compliance & Legislative Committee and Finance Committee – Combined Meeting

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Browning to approve the minutes of the April 19, 2017 Compliance & Legislative Committee and Finance Committee Combined Meeting Minutes.  Motion approved 2-0-1 (Commissioner Harvey was absent). 


  1.  Pre-Treatment Compliance Report Update – A. Walker

Angela Walker presented the updated list of Pretreatment Compliance to the Committee.  Other than the general information for update, she noted that item #5 indicated problems with grease in the lift stations, caused by certain restaurants lacking in the cleaning of their grease traps.  Angela has been addressing those issues by visiting the restaurants and establishments which “dump” into these lift stations, requesting the grease traps to be cleaned out and pumped, revisiting where necessary, and providing notice to the Georgia Environmental Health Department.  The pump out schedule for one specific restaurant has been changed from every 3 months to every month.  After investigation of the establishments that pump into the lift station shared by this restaurant, JWSC was able to identify the specific location that was causing grease to move straight into the lift station. This location was been checked and required multiple visits by JWSC and Environmental Health.  This occurrence of over-filled grease traps and grease moving straight into a lift station can cause a blockage and problems within the lift station.  Even though JWSC is obligated to stay within compliance requirements as set forth by the EPD, it unfortunately often requires repeated visits by JWSC to non-complying establishments in an attempt to enforce compliance.  Angela also noted item #9 on the update report, regarding industrial pretreatment permits and the status of the five that are in progress, one of which has had revisions.  The original goal was for this group of permits to be approved by July 1, 2017 so they would all have concurring renewal dates.  On a final note, Angela mentioned that she is working on a yearly pre-treatment report that is due to the EPD by June 1, 2017, and she would be meeting with Mr. Junkin to review the report prior to sending the final copy in.

  1. Legislative Considerations for SPLOST – J. Junkin

Mr. Junkin advised that in the last few months the financial position of the utility has been closely looked at.  It is known that funding is short for many of the R&R, Capital Projects and day to day operations which need to be done.  He noted that JWSC’s borrowing capacity will be used up based on the rate of funding that is needed for JWSC to do everything that is necessary to be done to the system.  Mr. Junkin indicated that he is concerned about rates, for example tap fees going up and the fact that this still does not cover the funding requirements that will be incurred.  He indicated that within the next couple of years, it may be necessary to make a case for support to our state representative for laying groundwork for the long term, and formulating plans to work with local elected officials and state representatives.  The current SPLOST should not be the only source JWSC looks toward for additional funding.  Mr. Junkin noted that JWSC may need some type of dedicated assistance in order to meet our long term needs.  The Committee agreed that considerations should be made to find some solutions and avenues for sources of funding to help with the R&R Projects that must be done to maintain the system. Mr. Junkin expressed that additional sources must be searched for and he is willing to do what is necessary to solve these issues and meet with whomever necessary.

3.  Rate Resolution – Draft of Verbiage Changes – J. Donaghy

John presented the draft of the Rate Resolution for 2017-2018 and explained the sections, along with verbiage changes that are being made.  Currently the draft is still a work in progress.  The final draft will be presented to the Commission at the last meeting in June. Specific attention was given for explanation of line items in the section concerning “Meter Replacement Costs.”   John noted that replacement of damaged meters is addressed in the Ordinance, and was added to the Rate Resolution as well.  He also mentioned that there are new sections in the fees portion of the Rate Resolution (e.g., on-site sanitary sewer systems fees required in the case JWSC is asked to do maintenance of private sewer systems which is granted on a case by case basis).

Executive Director’s Update

There was no additional update at this time. 

There being no other business to bring before the Committee, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 1:57 pm.