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Commission Minutes September 1, 2016

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from September 1, 2016:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


Thomas Boland, Chairman

Clifford Adams, Vice-Chairman

Donald M. Elliott, Commissioner

Allen Booker, County Commissioner

John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner

Ronald Perry, Commissioner

Robert Bowen, Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT:                 

Jimmy Junkin, Executive Director

Charlie Dorminy, Legal Counsel

John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration & Finance

Pam Crosby, Director of Purchasing 

Commissioner Boland called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM. Commissioner Booker provided the invocation and Commissioner Boland led the pledge.


Jay Roberts, Roberts Tate Law – Jay Roberts spoke on behalf of Frederica Development which owns Frederica Township subdivision. On the agenda is the Unsolicited Proposal and Roberts Civil Engineering has submitted an Unsolicited Proposal for inflow measurements in the sewer line in basin 2032.  Mr. Roberts state that it was reported by JWSC that they do not have actual measured flow data. It was stated that the JWSC forms their decisions and actions based on theoretical calculations and not actual measurements. RCE engineer is prepared to install a flow meter and have a testing for a month to determine the current flow rate.  Mr. Roberts asks that the Commission consider their proposal to install the inflow meter at the cost of $3,000 for a month.  We appreciate Commissioners consideration for the installation of the new pump.

Monica Smith, St Simons Island – The Convention and Visitors Bureau stated that we are only experiencing a 60% full at the hotels and motels they interact with and those providing figures. Mrs. Smith was asking if JWSC would direct the staff to interact with the County on the capacity of the hotels.

There being no additional citizens who wish to address the Commission, the Chairman closed the public comment period.

EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION – Commissioner Cason & Cindy Barnhart, TSI

The Georgia State Board of Examiners for Certification of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators and Laboratory Analyst recognizes the following JWSC employees – Antonio Simmons, WWT for Wastewater Operator Class III License; Paul Sutton, SPM for Wastewater Collector License, Paul Herrin, WWD for Water Distribution Operator License.  Derrick Simmons accepted on Paul Herrins’ behalf.  These employees are now permitted to practice as Wastewater Collections Operator, Wastewater Operator, and Water Distribution Operator in the state of Georgia and are entitled to all of the privileges allowed under the registration act of Georgia.


Communications & Customer Service Committee Commissioner Adams

There was nothing new to report.

Economic Development Committee – Commissioner Elliott

There was nothing new to report.

Facilities Committee – Commissioner Perry

There was nothing to report

Finance Committee – Commissioner Elliott

Commissioner Elliott requested the removal of the Rate Resolution Revision from the agenda as it is not going forward based on the townhall meeting previously held.

Human Resources Committee – Commissioner Cason

Met this morning but there is nothing to report.

Legislative Committee – Commissioner Boland

There was nothing new to report.


Minutes from the August 18, 2016 Regular Meeting

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Bowen to approve the minutes from August 18, 2016 Regular Meeting. Motion carried 7-0-0.

Minutes from the August 18, Executive Session Meeting

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the minutes from the August 18, 2016 Executive Session Meeting. Motion carried 7-0-0.

Rate Resolution Revision – J. Donaghy / Comm. Boland

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Booker to remove item #3 Rate Resolution Revision from the Approval items. Motion approved 7-0-0.


Unsolicited Proposal Update – C. Dorminy

Charles Dorminy updated the Commission on the Unsolicited Proposals (UP). Roberts Civil Engineering submitted a request to install upstream meters instead of downstream meters that JWSC is currently installing.  The UP are currently being considered.  The preliminary sketches have been submitted by Roberts Civil Engineer.  A second UP has been received by Roberts Civil Engineering to basically assist the JWSC with installing the Mag Meters and connecting them to SCADA.  We are currently evaluating all proposals.  Mr. Junkin stated that JWSC will make every effort to get the DFS people out to get the meters already installed and connected to SCADA.  And also include the other meters received that have not yet been installed and connected.  Commissioner Elliott asked that if we approve are we requiring additional liability insurance and it was confirmed yes we are requiring additional insurance.  Mr. Junkin stated that there are 5 meters that are not installed and none of them are hooked up to SCADA.  It was stated the JWSC does not have the resources to install and will request our SCADA folks to help in installing.  It was noted that much of the work in underground pipes, etc, is not what we expected to find based on our GIS system and information we have in the computer.  Commissioner Elliott stated he believed that there has been many incidents where work has been done haphazardly without the proper material and not recorded properly.  This most likely is from previous contracted personnel and not properly inspected by JWSC personnel from previous staff.  Commissioner Bowen stated that many of the records were not kept well or transmitted to JWSC correctly and without a proper method of process.   Kirk Young stated that a Mag Meter is used for monitoring.  The Run Data is available and the data is useful.  It was asked what is the advantage of Roberts Civil Engineering installing the inflow meter and it was stated that it we will provide inflow spikes for the lift station.  Actual influent from the lift station should be the same.  Charlie stated there are two (2) UP where the first is to install the other meter.  The other is to connect the meter that is already there to SCADA which includes four (4) other lift stations.  There is a problem to provide accurate estimates of the costs due to not knowing what is in the ground.  We do not know what is in the ground so we can’t give an accurate estimate which ranges from 5k to 25k depending on the lift station.  Mr. Junkin stated that DFS can connect the meters back into our SCADA system and find out information on how the system is running.  The SCADA stands for Supervisory Control of Data Acquisition which provides remote monitoring and control that operates with coded signals.  Jonathon Roberts of Roberts Engineering spoke on the peak flow and the JWSC Master Plan.  Mr. Roberts stated they would like to see a measured hourly flow.   Commissioner Elliott clarified the request for more frequency of data collection and asks that Planning and Construction Division plan to read the meters hourly to help provide the data requested.  The Chairman requests that staff continue to work with Roberts Civil Engineering.  Kirk stated that a representative for the Mag Meters will be here next week to discuss and gather advice on a portable device that physically gathers a data log during peak hours and totalized values.  There was further discussion on DFS and working with them is a concern.  It was stated that staff has been instructed to review and compare other companies.  Todd Kline reiterated the previous statement with Kirk that JWSC can count the number of stops and starts with the current SCADA set up.  We also know how much the pump is pumping if you multiplied the pump rate times the number of minutes it runs we then know how much flow is flowing through the pipe.  If you know how much the pump pumps you know how much goes through the system.

Update & Revision to 2012 Construction Standards – T. Kline

Mr. Kline addressed the subject on the Construction Standards. The commission has asked staff to update the Design and Construction Standards and consider an RFP process going forward.   Some deficiencies have been called out in the design standards as well as construction materials and methods.  Some issues will need to be addressed and staff will be updating soon.  The plans are to reflect all input from all division of JWSC; bring in the same line as other regional utilities; and seek input and final review from stakeholders.  It was stated that it is critically important to gather input from developers, engineers, Glynn County, the City of Brunswick, vendors, and Utility Contractors.   It is also recommended to seek outside sources for assistance.

Updated Proposed Sewer Tap Fee Allocation Policy – J. Junkin

Mr. Junkin updated the Commission on the Sewer Tap Fee Allocation Policy public meeting this past Tuesday. It was believed that the meeting went well and further research is required.  A report will be provided on the measure of the lift stations that show where we are now and what we are doing to improve them, etc.  This report can be published publically.  The Unsolicited Proposal is a good tool but needs to seek support in the public on capacity.  It is expected obtain the feedback gathered and provide to the full commission in about 2 weeks.

 Grand Jury Appointment Process – C. Dorminy

Charles Dorminy presented the Grand Jury Appointment Process and stated there is one position to be appointed in January 2016. A letter was sent yesterday to the Clerk and Grand Jury to initiate the process.  The advertisements will run October 3rd and October 10th.  Applications will be due by October 14th. Interviews and public hearings will be held according to the Grand Jury schedule.  Selection will be made by the Grand Jury on November 30th.


Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss Potential Litigation and a Property Contract. Motion approved 7-0-0.

The Chairman stated there may be a vote afterwards when the Commission reconvenes.

Executive Session ended

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to adjourn the Executive Session and return to the Regular meeting. Motion approved 7-0-0.


The Chairman asked for a report on the 2032 additional pumps and capacity issue.

Mr. Junkin updated the Commission on the 2032 pump situation and stated JWSC has installed the pumps and received additional capacity. The numbers are still being refined.  A follow up will be provided from the Tap Fee Allocation Policy and a possible 2nd meeting on September 20th to finalize the policy.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to move the Regular Meeting from September 15th to the 22nd.  Motion approved 7-0-0.

The Chairman discussed the potential contract on leasing of property to help with the project at LS 2032. The lease request was declined and JWSC is looking into plan B.


Mr. Junkin reiterated that JWSC is doing its best to determine the exact nature of our needs at each of the most critical 10 Lift Stations and what these purchased back-up pumps will do for us. We are hoping to have a document in the next few weeks that shares the condition and terms on how many people are waiting on allocations or tap fees and how it will all work out.   A map is also being created to help better understand the issue and status at each location.  Much depends on SPLOST and the possibility of Unsolicited Proposal and items may shift some.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Bowen to adjourn the Regular Meeting. Motion approved 7-0-0.

There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Boland adjourned the open meeting at 4:02 pm.