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Commission Minutes – November 6, 2014

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from November 6, 2014:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:

PRESENT:                             Dale Provenzano, Chairman

Thomas A. Boland, Commissioner

John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner

Sandra J. Dean, Commissioner

Donald M. Elliott, Commissioner

David H. Ford, Commissioner

Ronald E. Perry, Commissioner


ALSO PRESENT:                 Stephen A. Swan, Executive Director

John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration

Desiree E. Watson, JWSC Attorney

Barbara Rogers, JWSC Clerk



Chairman Provenzano called the meeting to order and Commissioner Perry provided the invocation.  Commissioner Boland led the pledge.






Chairman Provenzano recognized the following individual to address the Commission:


1.  Sandra Dean, Brunswick, GA.  Mrs. Dean spoke as a rate payor stating she was concerned   with the direction the JWSC is taking.  She stated staff is not following JWSC’s written policy   and procedures and that this practice is unacceptable and should not continue.


There being no additional citizens who wished to address the Commission, Chairman        Provenzano closed the Public Comment Period.




Communications & Customer Service – Commissioner Dean

Commissioner Dean stated no report at this time.


Economic Development – Chairman Provenzano

Chairman Provenzano stated no report at this time.



Facilities – Commissioner Perry

Commissioner Perry stated no report at this time.  The next Facilities Committee meeting is scheduled for November 13, 2014.


Finance – Commissioner Elliott

Commissioner Elliott stated at the last meeting the first quarter financials were distributed to give Commissioners an opportunity to review and ask questions at today’s meeting.  He also stated the Finance Committee will be reviewing the Audit Report at their next meeting and will then be presented to the full Board.  Mr. Donaghy stated all divisions will be preparing budget revisions for review in December.


Human Resources

Commissioner Cason announced the items that will be on the agenda at the Committee’s             November 13, 2014 meeting.


Legislative – Chairman Provenzano

Chairman Provenzano stated no report at this time.





1.   Minutes of the October 16, 2014 regular meeting and the October 28, 2014 special called  meeting, (subject to any necessary changes). – B. Rogers


Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to approve the minutes of the October 16, 2014 regular meeting and the October 28, 2014 special called meeting.  Motion carried 7-0-0.


2.  Minutes of the October 16, 2014 and October 28, 2014 executive sessions, (subject to any necessary changes).  – B. Rogers


Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the minutes of the October 16, 2014 executive session and the October 28, 2014 executive session.  Motion      carried 7-0-0.


3.  Urbana Project – Stantec Incorporated Contract – J. Donaghy


Mr. Donaghy stated the JWSC is participating with the City of Brunswick in a gravity sewer project which will eliminate the need for a lift station.  The City of Brunswick is contributing $250,000 in SPLOST funding.


Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to approve the contract with Stantec Incorporated for the Urbana Project in the amount of $29,750 and authorize the Chairman, Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer to execute the documents necessary subject to approval of legal counsel.  Motion carried 7-0-0.




4.  Condrey & Associates – Amendment to Agreement – S. Swan


Mr. Swan stated the contract with Condrey and Associates needs to be extended to December 15, 2014 since the JWSC has not been able to provide the needed information in a timely manner.  This is a no cost time extension to December 15, 2014.


Commissioner Ford made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to approve the first amendment extending the term of agreement with Condrey & Associates to December 15, 2014.  Motion carried 7-0-0.


5.  Coastal Landscape & Design – Amendment to Include 1703 Gloucester Street – D. Paulk


Mr. Paulk stated Coastal Landscape and Design currently services 54 facilities for the JWSC.     Coastal Landscape has provided a quote to add the property recently acquired at 1703 Gloucester Street, bringing the total number of facilities to fifty-five.  The monthly billing increases from $5,128.00 to $5,561.34.


Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to approve the first      amendment to the contract increasing the Coastal Landscaping and Design contract to a monthly cost of $5,561.34. Motion carried 6-1-0.  (Commissioner Dean cast the opposing vote).


6.  Thomas & Hutton Professional Services Agreement, Frederica Road – J. Hunkele


Mr. Hunkele stated the Frederica Road project was to provide professional services for the design of cured-in-place pipe lining system for a 6,200 linear foot section of existing 18-inch gravity sewer on Frederica Road from Silver Lake to Atlantic Drive, on Atlantic Drive from Frederica to Sixth Avenue, and then to the Dunbar Creek WWTP.


Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to approve the Engineering and Professional Services Agreement with Thomas & Hutton Engineering Company, in an amount not to exceed $40,000 and authorize the Chairman and Executive Director to execute the contract subject to legal counsel review.  Motion carried 7-0-0.


7.  Thomas & Hutton Professional Services Agreement, Atlantic Drive – J. Hunkele


Mr. Hunkele stated the Atlantic Drive project was to provide professional services for design of a 3,000 linear feet of 8-inch gravity sewer along Atlantic Drive from Frederica Road to Sixth Avenue.

Chairman Provenzano inquired if the projects have moved through the Facilities and Finance Committees and received their approval. Commissioner Ford requested that a sole source justification accompany any future project that was to be awarded without a bid process


Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to approve the Engineering and Professional Services Agreement with Thomas & Hutton Engineering Company, in an amount, not to exceed $38,000 and authorize the Chairman and Executive Director to execute the contract subject to legal counsel review.  Motion carried 7-0-0.


8.  Generator Services – D. Paulk


Mr. Paulk stated the JWSC issued a Request for Quotes on September 9, 2014 for the annual service, maintenance and repair of generators.  Quotes were solicited from three firms and two responded.  Both bidders are qualified to perform the work, no negative references were received, and both quotes were responsive.  Staff recommends award to the lowest responsive bidder, Zabatt Power Systems.


Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to award the contract for Annual Service, Maintenance, and Repair of Generators to the lowest responsive bidder, Zabatt Power Systems in the amount of $21,135 and authorize the Chairman and Executive Director to execute the contract subject to review by legal counsel.  Motion carried 7-0-0.


9.  Uniforms – Cintas – D. Paulk


Mr. Paulk stated a Request for Quotes was issued by the JWSC on September 19, 2014 for the annual uniform rental and service agreement.  The project includes rental of uniforms, laundering services for the uniforms, weekly pick-up service for laundering, replacement uniforms, and a mobile boot truck.  The State of Georgia has a contract for uniform rental services in place in conjunction with the National Joint Powers Alliance, a purchasing consortium.  Two companies were identified that provide service to the Brunswick-Glynn County area and quotes were obtained for the rental and servicing of work uniforms.


Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to award the Annual Uniform Rental and Service Agreement to Cintas in the amount not to exceed $48,000 and authorize the contract to be executed.  Motion carried 7-0-0.


10. Contract Expiration Schedule – D. Paulk


Mr. Paulk reviewed with Commissioners a contract expiration schedule.  Chairman Provenzano stated each Committee needs to review the list for the contracts under their oversight and schedule Committee review prior to the expiration dates listed.


Commissioner Elliott stated that the Finance Committee would be developing a new RFQ for legal services restructuring the compensation structure, and not renew the current contract with Taylor, Odachowski, Schmidt and Crossland.  A new RFP could structure legal services into possibly three (3) separate bid documents.  Motion carried 7-0-0.


Chairman Provenzano suggested that an RFP for Legal Services cannot be rewritten and bid prior to the end of the year and effective January 1, 2015, therefore, legal services would be on a month to month at the current hourly rates.


Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to not renew the Taylor, Odachowski, Schmidt and Crossland, and effective January 1, 2015 legal services would be on a month-to-month at the government hourly rates.


Motion and second withdrawn.


Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to forward 2015 month-to-month legal services negotiations to the Finance Committee.  Motion carried 7-0-0.


11. Commissioner Access & Review of Employee Personnel files – Commissioner Dean


A brief discussion was held concerning a Commissioner’s request to review an employee file and  was denied access by Teamwork Services stating the Commissioner would need the Executive   Director’s approval.  Chairman Provenzano stated as a courtesy Commissioners should advise the Executive Director of their request to review staff’s files, however, employee files are covered under the open records laws and can be viewed.




Director’s Update


Executive Director, Steve Swan, stated Robert Ussery has been meeting with all Commissioners in small groups in order to discuss the renovation plans for 1703 Gloucester Street.  Mr. Ussery is compiling Commissioner’s comments for the next Facilities Committee meeting on November 13, the Finance Committee meeting on November 18, and then to the Board at the November 20, 2014 meeting.


Commissioner Ford stated Mr. Ussery had indicated he would be bringing options to the Facilities Committee so that the Commission could make decisions on the direction of the renovations should take.  Mr. Swan stated Robert Ussery will be at the Facilities Committee with the options from which Commissioners can make decisions.



Chairman’s Update






Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to close the regular meeting and adjourn to executive session to discuss potential litigation and personnel.    Motion carried 7-0-0.


Back in session.


Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to accept the EPD        Consent Order and authorize payment of the $10,000 fine and authorize the Chairman to sign the Order.  Motion carried 7-0-0.



There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Provenzano adjourned the meeting.