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Commission Minutes – May 5, 2016

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from May 5, 2016:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


Thomas Boland, Chairman

Clifford Adams, Vice-Chairman

Donald M. Elliott, Commissioner

Allen Booker, County Commissioner

John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner

Robert Bowen, Commissioner


Ronald Perry, Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT:                

Tony Rowell, Legal Counsel

John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration

Todd Kline, Senior Engineer

Pam Crosby, Director of Purchasing

Commissioner Boland called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM. Commissioner Booker provided the invocation and Commissioner Boland led the pledge.


Monica Smith, St Simons Island, GA. – Suggestion to the Commission to post a press release to the public that the election has to be deferred to the November ballot and that there was an error on behalf of the Board of Elections and was not added to the May ballot. Two members of the board are up for election.

Greg Wilkes, St Simons Island, GA – Mr. Wilkes spoke on behalf of builders, bankers, suppliers, contractors and real estate professionals and discussed concerns with the proposed rate increase. The document Mr. Wilkes provided was shared showing the jump. It was stated projects have been placed on hold due to the proposed costs. Mr. Wilkes believes this increase will cause homeowners to revert back to septic tanks. The appraisals can’t absorb the shock of this cost. It was stated the Burton & Associates proposed a potential phase in process.

Jason Counts, St. Simons, GA – Mr. Counts stated Mr. Wilkes expressed his concerns.

Richard McKinnon, St Simons Island, GA – Mr. McKinnon discussed the tap fees and increasing the water by $2 across the board will achieve about the same amount.

The Chairman appreciated those who came forward with their concerns and stated they will be considered. The townhall meetings will be May 31st and June 1st and it was recommended for all to attend and express concerns. Commissioner Cason discussed the SPLOST as being the best way to support rehabilitation of JWSC projects. He suggested all citizens address the County Commission to expand the SPLOST funding to help cover costs.


Employee Recognition – Commissioner Cason

Commissioner Cason and Ray Juliano presented the certificate for the following employee.

Wastewater Collection System Operator – Jeffrey Ryan McCumbers.

Financial Analyst Position – Shanesha Sallins was recognized as accepting the Financial Analyst position. CVS Handicapped Parking Project – Gregory Sellers, John Harrison, Paul Sutton, Michael Herrington, James Slaughter were recognized as installing a wheelchair access parking spot in the CVS parking lot. Building Construction – Commissioner Boland recognized the following for construction work at the buildings – Mark Hopkins, Ricky Hobby, Carlos Houston, and Scotty Poston. East Beach Causeway Project – Commissioner Boland recognized Derrick Simmons, Alvin Hall, Jeffrey Herrin, Jason Daniels, and Lyndon Oliver. The work performed saved JWSC money and they completed the project in a quick timeframe.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to excuse Commissioner Perry from the meeting today. Motion approved 6-0-1 (Commissioner Perry was not present).


Communications& Customer Service Committee Commissioner Adams

Townhall meetings are planned for rate resolution and the budget.

Economic Development Committee – Commissioner Elliott

There was nothing new to report at this time

Facilities Committee – Commissioner Perry

Commissioner Perry was absent. Nothing new to report.

Finance Committee – Commissioner Elliott

Will have the Rate Resolution Update under discussion

Human Resources Committee – Commissioner Cason

There is nothing new to report

Legislative Committee – Commissioner Boland

There is nothing new to report


Minutes from the April 21, 2016 Regular Meeting

Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to approve the minutes from April 21, 2016 Regular Meeting. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Perry was absent for the vote).

Minutes from the April 21, 2016 Executive Session Meeting

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the minutes from April 21, 2016 Executive Session Meeting. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Perry was absent for the vote).

 Minutes from the April 28, 2016 Special Called Regular Meeting

Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to approve the minutes from April 28, 2016 Special Called Regular Meeting. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Perry was absent for the vote).

 Minutes from the April 28, 2016 Special Called Executive Session Meeting

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the minutes from April 28, 2016 Special Called Executive Session Meeting. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Perry was absent for the vote).

 GDOT MOU Resurfacing State Route 27 – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby presented to the commission the GDOT MOU Resurfacing State Route 27. This is a contract to resurface SR 27 from Zuta Branch Creek to Yellow Bluff Creek in Glynn County.  The project area includes the BGJWSC 18 manholes and 14 water valve boxes and will require some to be adjusted or relocated.  Pam explained that each GDOT contract document package requires an official resolution from the governing body.  The project estimate is $27,500.00 and does not usually require the Commission approval.  Due to the official resolution request an approval is recommended.

Commission Bowen made a motion seconded by Commissioner Booker that the BGJWSC approve the Memorandum of Understanding and Contract Item Agreement with the GDOT for the SR 27 Road. Motion approved 6-0-1(Commissioner Perry was absent for the vote).

There was additional discussion as to who will inspect the project and it was noted that BGJWSC will shadow their work and inspection. It is a standard practice when work is being performed within the DOT right of way to track and follow inspections.

 Enforcement Response Plan – A. Walker

Angela Walker presented the Enforcement Response Plan to the commissioners. After further review of the Enforcement Response Plan it has been brought back to the full Commission for approval.  The memorandum explained the background of the ERP and the responsibility and enforcement authority of the JWSC.  The ERP has four (4) actual parts to it: Reflects the POTW’s responsibility to enforce pretreatment requirements and standards, identifies how the POTW’s will investigate non-compliance, specifies officials responsible for each type of enforcement, and specifies types and time frames when dealing with escalating enforcement for anticipated types of violation.  This is actually a part of the requirements noted in the 40 CFR is for the POTW’s to set up the Enforcement Response Plan.  This will be the first time that JWSC will have one.  It was noted that an additional portion was added since the last preview before the Commission.  Previously it was left up to the discretion of the Executive Director to approve all

fines and it was the end of the appeal process. After legal counsel reviewed, there was an addition which states that any other matter not addressed in this ERP, shall be governed by the

Glynn County and City of Brunswick water and sewer ordinances and/or permits as the case may be.   In the ordinance there is a mechanism that allows the Commission to have a full vote on any appeals that a citizen may have. Angela also noted that if there are any recommended civil/criminal penalties that it does need to be acknowledged to the Commission by the Executive Director.

Commissioner Bowen made a motion seconded by Commissioner Booker that the JWSC approve the Enforcement Response Plan according to the Code of Federal Regulations requirements. Motion approved 6-0-1 (Commissioner Perry was absent for the vote).


Rehabilitation Update – T. Kline

Todd Kline updated the commission regarding on-going projects. State Route 99 Waterline Extensions – This project consists of a bore under Norfolk Southern on Greenswamp Rd. and is expected to be complete in November 2016. It was recommended to have a ground breaking ceremony.  The cost is 1.2M.  Urbana Sewer Replacement – The installation is in progress and going well. This project is expected to have sewer portion completed in July 2016.  Once sewer is in the City will be working on storm improvements prior to paving.  There was discussion regarding the lengthy time of the roads unpaved.  It was recommended to have better communication with the City and County with projects.  The cost is 1.7M.  PS2030 Force main & water main – Pumpstation, new force main and new waterline are complete and online. The final completion and demobilization is by end of May.  The cost is 3.9M.  Frederica/Atlantic Sewer Rehabilitation – The contractor has been onsite for two (2) weeks for lining repairs and grout work.   The 12 item punch list is being reviewed.  A video will be provided for post-review soon.  Mansfield St. Sewer Replacement – Gravity sewer is being installed. The City will come in after and work on the storm project.  According to the contractor the final completion schedule date is expected October 2016.  The cost is $900k.   Hampton Water Production Facility – This project is a 100k gallon ground storage tank and ready to online next week. This is a $980k project.  Canal Road to Old Jesup Water & Force Main Extensions – There was a community meeting with the neighbors on April 16 and it went well. A large portion of the main has been installed and is progressing nicely.  Glynn County has extended the contract to the end of August for completion.  The cost is 1.1M project.  Canal Crossing Water & Force Main Improvements – this is a Glynn County road widening project and JWSC has been added as a change order via MOU. Glynn County extended the contractors contract to the end of August for completion.  The cost is $975k for this project.  Canal Crossing Pumpstation – This station is scheduled for startup on Monday. The cost is $271k project.  Alder Circle/Sea Palms East Water Line/Fire Protection – The bid documents have been submitted to Glynn County for construction bidding. This is a SPLOST funded project.  The cost is yet to be determined but estimated at $400k. Pumpstation 2032 Regional Station and Forcemain – This is a new force main design RFP. There is consideration of a Design/Build form project.  The cost is yet to be determined and estimated at 3.0M. Glynn Haven Sewer Rehabilitation/Replacement-Survey & Engineering Design RFP – There have been proposals received and it is under evaluation. It will be submitted to Glynn County for construction bidding/award.

Todd explained the variety of contractors and engineers that JWSC is working with and trying to key in on the different abilities and talents and suggested using local as much as possible. This report was appreciated by the commission and suggested the percentage of completion be added for future updates.

There was discussion using a map of Brunswick on capacity and reversing of flow.

Revised SPLOST V List – T. Boland

Commissioner Boland updated the Commission on the remaining items on SPLOST 5 and the funds left over. There was a letter and discussion with the Glynn County Chairman.  One issue for 1.5M for a treatment plant on Buffalo Creek for site, permit & design for Mainland WWTP was discussed.  It has been requested to have the money repurposed for Academy Creek.  Another was the Brookman Elevated water tank for the mainland and requested the funds of $46k be considered to take care of the balance. Alder Circle is being looked at for completing with a balance of $178k.  The Glynn Haven has a remaining balance of $561k and working to complete.

Rate Resolution Update – Commissioner Elliott

Commissioner Elliott discussed the Rate Resolution and discussed charging for recapturing costs for certain items. Calculations were discussed and the differences in the rate payers and the tap fees from developers were compared.  The next Commission meeting will be a discussion and review of the townhall presentation.  The Commission will then address the public via these public meetings.



Chairman Boland expressed appreciation to Commissioner Elliott for his hard work on getting the numbers together for the rate resolution and the financials on the Master Plan.


The Chairman stated there is no need to go into Executive Session.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to adjourn the Regular Meeting. Motion approved 6-0-1 (Commissioner Perry was absent for the vote).

There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Boland adjourned the open meeting at 3:50 pm.