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Commission Minutes – March 20, 2014

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from March 20, 2014:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:

PRESENT:                           Dale Provenzano, Chairman

                                                Thomas A. Boland, Commissioner

                                                John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner

                                                Sandra J. Dean, Commissioner

                                                Donald M. Elliott, Commissioner

                                                David H. Ford, Commissioner

                                                Ronald E. Perry, Commissioner                                                                                                                                                                        

ALSO PRESENT:               Stephen A. Swan, Executive Director  

                                                John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration           

                                                Desiree E. Watson, JWSC Attorney

                                                Barbara Rogers, JWSC Acting Clerk

Chairman Provenzano called the meeting to order and provided the invocation.  Commissioner Dean led the pledge.         


There being no citizens who wished to address the Commission, Chairman Provenzano closed the Public Comment Period.


Communications & Customer Service – Commissioner Dean

Commissioner Dean stated the Committee met and established goals for 2014 that included holding Town Hall Meetings, creating delinquent cut-off procedures including for sewer flat rate customers, and standardizing the JWSC letter head.

Economic Development – Chairman Provenzano

Chairman Provenzano stated that currently a 93 room hotel and a 30 unit office building are both looking to submit plans.  Chairman Provenzano advised Commissioners that the Economic Development Authority does have some funding available for water expansion to currently unserved areas in industrial parks.  This funding would be in the form of extremely low interest loans.  Commissioner Cason stated that the City Commission received a very positive presentation from the Downtown Development Authority at their meeting last night.  Commissioner Perry stated that a major trucking firm has purchased property in the Exit 29 area to build their east coast headquarters.

Facilities – Commissioner Perry

Commissioner Perry advised the Commission that the appraisal, inspection and survey would all be completed within the next three weeks on the Gloucester Street property.  The title work will be complete by the end of next week.  A meeting has been scheduled with Greg Bell of Teamwork Services to discuss the possibility of Teamwork Services also relocating to the new building.

Acceptance as Public Infrastructure – Sunrise Pointe

Sunrise Pointe is a 22 lot single family residential development located near the end of South Harrington on Saint Simons Island.  Sunrise Pointe has a private and gated 40 foot right of way.  The sanitary sewer consists of approximately 915 LF of 8-inch diameter gravity sewer mains with associated manholes, services and appurtenances which lie entirely with the limits of the private right of way of Sunrise Drive.  These sanitary sewers drain to a wastewater pumping station located in a landscaped median near the subdivision entrance.  The water distribution systems consists of approximately 865 LF of 8-inch PVC and approximately 400 LF of 2-inch PVC water lines with associated valves, fittings, and hydrants.    JWSC staff has inspected the subject facilities, LS 2053, in addition to the Sunrise Pointe Subdivision; the lift station also serves the Nature Point Subdivision on the north side of South Harrington via a gravity system.  It also serves the Village Creek Marina facility via a publically owned force main.  controls outside of the fenced area.

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Dean to accept the water lines, sewer lines, and lift station, with associated easements and deed of conveyance serving Sunrise Pointe Subdivision as public infrastructure.  Motion carried 7-0-0.

Commissioners held a brief discussion on private systems and the need to identify all of these systems which feed into the JWSC systems.   

Finance – Commissioner Elliott

John Donaghy reviewed the Comparative Balance Sheet, Revenue and Expenditure Budget Report, and Accounts Receivable Summary for the period ending February 28, 2014.

Commissioner Elliott updated the Commissioners on the status of the FY 15 Budget preparation stating it would be ready for Commission review by the second meeting in April.  The general consensus was to schedule a separate meeting for budget review.

Commissioner Elliott stated other areas the Finance Committee currently has under review are customer deposits, payment assistance programs, and fire hydrant maintenance, testing and billing.

Human Resources – Commissioner Cason

Commissioner Cason stated the Committee was in the process of developing a job description and salary range for the proposed Purchasing Director.

Legislative – Chairman Provenzano

Chairman Provenzano stated that when a recommendation is received on how to proceed with implementing corrective changes to the existing ordinances on how the JWSC can handle the sewer flat rate customers, the Legislative Committee will work to have these changes passed by the City and County.


1.  Minutes of the March 6, 2014 regular meeting, March 12, 2014   special called meeting and the executive session of March 6, 2014, (subject to any necessary changes).

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to approve the minutes of the March 6, 2014 regular meeting, March 12, 2014   special called meeting and the executive session of March 6, 2014.  Motion carried 7-0-0.


1.  Director’s Update

Executive Director, Steve Swan, stated he had completed introductory meetings with employees in each division.   The weekly planning meetings with division heads are going well and he plans to begin meetings at the crew level shortly.

Some changes have been brought to the JWSC web site such as highlighting employees for attaining certifications and planned and unplanned service outages.  New Safety Council and TOES (Traffic, OSHA, Environmental, and Safety) met this morning and will continue to meet monthly.

Mr. Swan stated he will be speaking to the Home Builders Association, Rotary Club and Board of Realtors in the near future.  Several RFPs are being prepared for items such as radio/cell phone service, customer service videos, South Harrington well work, and a wage and salary survey.

2.  Chairman’s Update

Chairman Provenzano asked Commissioners and staff to advise him of dates they would be available to schedule a Commissioner’s Retreat and submit any agenda items they would like to discuss to Steve Swan.


Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Dean to close the regular meeting and adjourn to executive session to discuss or deliberate upon the appointment, employment, compensation, hiring, of key personnel.

Motion carried 7-0-0.

Back in session, no action taken.

There being no further business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Provenzano adjourned the meeting.