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Commission Minutes March 2, 2017

For your consideration, please review the minutes from the Commission Meeting on March 2, 2017:


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Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission

1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520

Thursday, March 2, 2017 at 2:00 PM 



Donald M. Elliott, Chairman

Clifford Adams, Commissioner

Michael Browning, Commissioner

Cornell L. Harvey, Commissioner

Robert Bowen, Commissioner

Steve Copeland, Commissioner

Dave H. Ford, Commissioner

 ALSO PRESENT:                 

Jimmy Junkin, Executive Director

Charlie Dorminy, Legal Counsel HBS

Thomas A. Boland, Sr., Deputy Director

John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration & Financ

Todd Kline, Senior Engineer

Pam Crosby, Director of Purchasing                                             

Chairman Elliott called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM.  Commissioner Copeland provided the invocation and Chairman Elliott led the pledge.


Chairman Elliott opened the public comment period.  There being no citizens for public comment, Chairman Elliott closed the public comment period. 


Compliance & Legislative Committee – Commissioner Browning

No update at this time.

Facilities Committee – Commissioner Adams

No update at this time.

Finance Committee – Chairman Elliott

No update at this time.

Human Resources & Safety Committee – Commissioner Harvey

Commissioner Harvey summarized the Human Resources & Safety Committee meeting from earlier in the morning of Thursday, March 2 at 10:00 am. He advised that a presentation was given by Job Corps and that they would be returning at a later date to present a MOU to propose an increase in JWSC’s participation with them.  JWSC recruiting efforts and employee turnover rates were also discussed at the committee meeting.

Public Information & Customer Relations Committee – Commissioner Copeland

Commissioner Copeland announced that the first meeting for the Public Information & Customer Relations Committee did meet on Tuesday, February 28.  A number of topics were discussed and there were three deliverables that came out of the meeting for drafting and discussion on the follow-up monthly meeting.  Those items were: (1.) A statement of (SOP) Standard of Practice for items that the Commission handles (i.e. the boil water advisories, etc.), (2.) an effective community engagement program, and (3.) a presentation to demonstrate the value of the Commission to the county, the value of the water & sewer system to the state, and the value of the water & sewer system to the nation.

Chairman Elliott asked for a motion to amend the Agenda to defer Approval items 5, 6, and 7. Commissioner Browning motioned, with Commissioner Harvey seconding to defer those 3 items and amend the Agenda.  Motion carried 7-0-0.


Jay Sellers recognized Joey Nesbit as the first College of Coastal Georgia student to complete an internship with the BGJWSC.  Joey has been working as a Public Affairs Intern, and was thanked for all of his hard work.


  1. Minutes from the February 16, 2017 Regular Meeting

Chairman Elliott asked for an update on the Public Comment from the February 16 Commission meeting by Mr. Albert Carter regarding a Certificate of Occupancy and waiver for an RPZ, which is a backflow preventer.  Superintendent Derrick Simmons advised that he had been in contact with Mr. Carter and requested for Mr. Carter to provide a letter from his contractor stating when he would have the backflow installed, and what type.  Supt. Simmons had as of yet not received the letter, but did get the information on the backflow.  When the letter is provided he will sign off on it.  The backflow was scheduled to be installed either Monday or Tuesday of the next week. 

Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Copeland to approve the minutes from February 16, 2017 Regular Meeting.  Motion carried 7-0-0. 

  1. Minutes from the February 16, 2017 Executive Meeting

Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Copeland to approve the minutes from February 16, 2017 Executive Meeting.  Motion carried 7-0-0. 

  1. Property Insurance Renewal – P. Crosby / Fred McGinty

Pam Crosby informed the commission that every year at this time, a renewal of the property and liability insurance is conducted.  McGinty and Associates is the broker for BGJWSC.  Mr. Fred McGinty was present to discuss the premiums which had been previously provided via letter to the JWSC. If approved, the new policies are due to begin on March 15, 2017.   Fred McGinty discussed the comparisons of the 2016 premiums and the proposed 2017 premium increases.  The property rate increase is driven by the fact that there were 2 very large claims in 2016 which are still pending and in excess of a half-million dollars.  These 2 claims were due to Hurricane Matthew and the 2 JWSC pumps that were damaged by a contractor.  Ace American Insurance Company is the property insurance provider.  The pricing they have proposed is the lowest cost as compared with other policies reviewed.  The automobile insurance premium will increase due to the added new vehicles and 4 new Vac-Con trucks, with the total value increasing from $2.65M to $4.75M for the year.  Brief discussions continued regarding claims that have been settled, policies, coverage, premiums and deductible options that were considered, along with defensive driver training that JWSC does provide for employees.  The terrorism coverage on the policy was also briefly discussed and explained by Mr. McGinty from a liability standpoint, and property coverage.  Chairman Elliott asked that discussions regarding property and liability insurance be placed on the calendar for January of 2018 so that the Commission will have a better opportunity to evaluate the insurance needs prior to receiving proposals and information from the insurance companies.

Commissioner Ford made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams that the Brunswick Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission accept the proposals from Trident, Ace and Travelers Insurance for BGJWSC’s various liability and property insurance policies for the 2017-2018 coverage period.  Motion approved 7-0-0.

  1. Pilar Comprehensive Agreement – C. Dorminy

Charlie Dorminy presented an unsolicited proposal which has been discussed previously in the Commission.  This was the first unsolicited proposal that has reached the finalization point.  There are some minor changes possible, and if those do occur, the proposal will come back before the Commission.  This proposal concerns Lift Station 2002, of which is in the Master Plan for improvements, however is not due on schedule yet.  There is a developer with interest in proposing to pay the $115,000.00 for the pumps and materials required for the upgrade from 20 HP pumps to 30 HP pumps with the provisions: that BGJWSC provides the installation and in-house labor services; also the Commission will agree to reimburse the materials cost to the developer over a period of 5 years from the capital of the Sewer Tap Fees with 70% being paid to the developer and 30% retained by the JWSC; the repayment will only last for 5 years with no guarantee that the developer will be reimbursed the full $115,000.00 cost of the materials he provides; and the developer acknowledges that any shortfall on the full reimbursement within those 5 years will be absorbed by the developer. JWSC will not accept any Sewer Tap Fees on this Lift Station 2002 until this project is completed. Once the project is completed, the developer will pay their Sewer Tap Fees, and JWSC will in turn pay the developer their 70% portion towards the reimbursement of the project materials costs.  The JWSC will guarantee that the developer, upon completion of the project, will receive their requested Sewer Taps by reserving the Taps as required by the Pilar Hotel during the 5 years.  If the developer has not paid for their reserved Tap Fees by the expiration of the 5 year term, then those Sewer Tap reservations will cease. The loan of the $115,000.00 is interest free to the JWSC.  The Mag-Meter required has already been purchased by the JWSC due to a consent order in place. This unsolicited proposal will help the JWSC to do this project 4 years sooner than as planned for in the Master Plan.  This should be a normal and relatively simple/minor project with a short time period for labor expended for installation which should not cause the JWSC to incur any unreasonable opportunity costs. This upgrade should provide extra capacity to cover needs well into the future for additional customers, and will aid the JWSC in meeting requirements as per the consent order in place.

Commissioner Harvey made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams that the Brunswick Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission accept the unsolicited proposal and adopt the comprehensive agreement with the Oak Cottage Partners.  Motion approved 7-0-0.

  1. Proposed Amendments to the Evaluation & Compensation Policies & Procedures- J. Donaghy (Agenda amended to defer Approval item 5.)
  1. Proposed Amendments to the Probationary Period & Paid Time-Off Benefits – C. Barnhart (Agenda amended to defer Approval item 6.) 
  1. Proposed Director of Operations – J. Junkin (Agenda amended to defer Approval item 7.)

  8.  SR 99/US 341/Green Swamp Road WM Extension Project – Change Order 1 – H. Patel

Harry Patel presented to the Commission a Change Order Request to Project # 232 – SR 99/US 341/Green Swamp Road Water Main Extension.  BGJWSC is currently under contract with Seaboard Construction Company to facilitate this project.  The scope of work includes that installations of approximately 17,700 LF of 8” and 10,340 LF of 12” PVC C900 Water Main, approximately 1,150 LF of Directional Bore, connection to the existing system, testing, disinfection, surface restoration and removal and replacement of asphalt where necessary. To date, installation on Division IIA and Division III is complete.  The contractor has encountered unforeseen utility conflicts on Division II which were not shown on the plans.  The JWSC with the help of Richardson, Garretson & Associates, LLC redesigned this section to facilitate the water main installation.  The new proposed design will have the water main installed on the East side of Hwy 341 as opposed to the West side which was in the original design.  To facilitate the necessary changes the contractor has provided a change order in the amount of $53,823.99.  Pricing has been evaluated and together with the initial price of the contract is still below the opinion of probable cost completed by RGA.  Installation of this water main is a vital component to provide residents and businesses along SR 99, US Highway 341, and Green Swamp Road with potable drinking water and fire protection.  The staff has reviewed the options and believe that it is advantageous and beneficial to have the contractor facilitate the installation of the new water main as proposed at this time while they are still mobilized.  The pricing and plan proposed by the Contractor is consistent with other current work.

Commissioner Ford made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams that the Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission approve and authorize the Executive Director and Board Chairman to execute the additional pricing provided by Seaboard Construction Company to be processed as Contract Change Order (s) in the amount of $53,823.99. Motion approved 7-0-0.


  1. JWSC R & R/Capital Project Status Update – T. Kline

Todd Kline presented the Project Update.  Project 232 – State Route 99 Waterline Extensions.  Phase I is in Engineering Design phase with the re-route of waterline due to existing utilities – JWSC has reviewed and presented for approval contractor’s change order; Phase II construction is 10% complete and the contractor is starting on wetlands bores along SR99; Phase IIA and Phase III are now complete; and Projected Completion Date (due to Change Order) is revised to May 31, 2017.  Project 319 – Urbana.  Sanitary sewer & sewer services are complete; JWSC installation of Water is complete; the City of Brunswick Storm portion is complete. Road Base will be installed in order of Macon Ave./Talmadge Ave./Wilson Ave./J Street – March 3, 2017.  PS4019 is offline now with demolition TBD.  Paving of all roadways are expected to be complete by March 22, 2017. Replacement of concrete/asphalt sidewalk and driveways expected by March 8, 2017.  Project 421 – Mansfield Street Sewer Replacement.  Projected completion date is still to be determined (City of Bwk.).  Recent delays incurred due to internal contractor issues; are working with City on path forward.  Contractor is still present and working – JWSC has requested a scheduled plan for completion. The sanitary sewer is complete with exclusion of minor grouting & adjustment work.  The City of Brunswick storm drain installation is currently between Bay and Grant Street.  Water system contractor to replace existing 12” main in storm conflict box at Bay Street; completing new main taps necessary for new mains.  Roads in poor condition and are a hindrance to adjacent businesses; constant maintenance will be in place until final paving is necessary.  Project 503 – Canal Crossing Water & Force Main Improvements.  Projected completion date is still to be determined by the County.  JWSC waiting for East Coast Asphalt and Glynn County to provide plans for lowering the new 16” Water Main; Contractor is to provide Glynn County and JWSC plans for review.  Currently awaiting completion on final punch list items & record drawings.  JWSC found PVC pipe section exposed and large rocks placed on top.  Discussion has been held with contractor and contractor is to properly bury the pipe and cover it as per standards.  Contractor is to provide a final plan of how they will revise and complete this section to JWSC.  Project 504 – Canal Crossing Pumpstation.  Projected completion date is March 31, 2017.  Project is 95% complete with LS4101 online. Awaiting completion of final punch list items and record drawings, and flow meter wiring.  Seaboard Construction agreement has been executed to manifold force main into new 20” force main.  Roadway permit has been filed. Project 505 – Pumpstation 2032 Regional Station & Forcemain.  200 day contract.  Projected completion date is July 22, 2017.  78% of force main has been installed from PS2032 to intersection of Frederica Road and Palmetto Street.  The HDD installation on Palmetto is underway.  Balance of work: bore tie-ins, pipe fitting @ PS2032, headworks tie-in @ Dunbar WWTP.  This project is doing very well on schedule. Project 501 – Alder Circle. Intergovernmental Project with Glynn County – SPLOST V funded.  All bids received were over the Engineers Probable Cost.  Project is on hold awaiting re-evaluation of project scope.  Project 602 – Holly Street Sewer Rehabilitation/ Replacement. SPLOST V funded.  Final engineering design is complete.  Engineering had to be re-designed due to utility lines and items that caused much review.  Will be sending to the County for bid process.  Probable cost estimate is $497,691.25.  Project 701 – PS4048 Force Main Improvements.  Is in Engineering design phase and will be designed to reroute around LS4005.  3,200 LF of 24” force main upgrade using open cut, Jack & Bore and HDD methods. Permitting and surveying is in process.  Expected bid for construction is March 2017, with probable cost estimate of $1,566,600.00. Preliminary design reviewed with County & City engineers.  Recommended material pre-order of $150,000.00.  Project 702 – North Mainland Sewer Basin Re-route.  This is a SPLOST 2016 project, budgeted for $11,700,000.00.  An intergovernmental Agreement is in process at this time between BGJWSC and Glynn County regarding the bidding process.  Is a phased project in order to expedite as a long term component of the solution for North Mainland capacity.  The engineering design RFP is in progress, with preliminary components: utility locates, geo-technical, surveying and permitting.  The projected construction for PS4110 segment of 8 to 12 months, with the total project estimated at 2 to 3 years in time.  Project 703 – PS4003 Decommission & Gravity Sewer.  This is also a SPLOST 2016 project.  Purpose is to eliminate the Pump Station and extend the gravity flow straight to Academy Creek WWTP.  Engineering design RFP is in process.  Project 704 – Canal Road to Glynco Parkway 12” Water Main Loop.  Pre-engineering in progress and route discussions being held with Glynn County.  Project is a continuation of existing 16”/12” water main on Canal Road to Glynco Parkway of approximately 2,500 LF, with an extension of 12” water main from Glynco Parkway to Airport Road of approximately 6,000 LF. This will utilize 3,000 LF of surplus C900 PVC pipe from PS2030 Project.  Evaluating as JWSC in-house project; Design and Construction.  Project 705 – Hautala to Old Jesup 12” Water Main Loop.  Project budgeted at $110,000.00.  Located at Cate Road and Old Jesup Road Intersection.  Purpose is to provide a second connection between the former separate City and County water systems.  Engineering design by in-house Planning & Construction is complete.  Proposed construction by JWSC.

  1. Intergovernmental Agreement – J. Junkin / C. Dorminy

Mr. Junkin briefly discussed the Intergovernmental Agreement with JWSC, the County and the City.  The Agreement has been drafted by the County Attorney.  Mr. Junkin and Alan Ours met to review and discuss the Agreement, with a decision to revise some wording from the agreement on both ends, regarding duration. The Draft has been sent to concerned parties for revision. The purpose of the Agreement is to allow the JWSC to have direct disbursement and control of the SPLOST funding for planned projects with the North Mainland being a main issue of concern. There is a sense of urgency to complete the various necessary projects on the North Mainland Improvements.


Mr. Junkin briefly mentioned that the draft budgets from the staff level were coming due to be brought before the Commission in the near future. 


Chairman Elliott had no comments to add to the discussion. 


Personnel, Potential Litigation, Real Estate

Commissioner Ford made a motion seconded by Commissioner Harvey to amend the Agenda to add Personnel, Potential Litigation and Real Estate issues and to adjourn into Executive Session with no vote to be taken.  Motion Carried 7-0-0.

Return to Regular Session

Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Copeland to come out of Executive Session.  Motion carried 6-0-1.  (Commissioner Bowen was excused from the Executive Session and absent for the vote.)

Chairman Elliott adjourned the open meeting at 4:05 pm.