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Commission Minutes – March 19, 2015

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from March 19, 2015:


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Donald M. Elliott, Chairman

Clifford Adams, Commissioner

Thomas Boland, Commissioner

Allen Booker, County Commissioner

John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner

Ronald Perry, Commissioner


David H. Ford, Commissioner 

ALSO PRESENT:                  

Stephen A. Swan, Executive Director

John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration

Desiree E. Watson, JWSC Attorney

Denise J. O’Neal, JWSC Acting Clerk

Chairman Elliott called the meeting to order. Commissioner Perry provided the invocation, and Chairman Elliott led the pledge.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to excuse Commissioner Ford from today’s Meeting. Motion carried 6-0-0 (Commissioner Ford was absent for the vote).


There being no citizens who wished to address the Commission, Chairman Elliott closed the Public Comment Period.

Chairman Elliott announced that pursuant to the Agenda the Executive Session would follow the Approval of the Minutes from the March 5, 2015 Meetings and once the Executive Session was over, the open meeting would follow.


Facilities – Commissioner Perry

Commissioner Perry reported that the Facilities Committee did not meet.

Finance – Commissioner Elliott

Chairman Elliott reported that Finance Committee held a meeting and discussed financing capital projects, the Condrey Pay Plan; issues with turning on and turning off water; and the budget.

Communications – Commissioner Ford

Chairman Ford was absent from today’s Meeting. During the March 5, 2015 Special Called Meeting, the date of March 26th was tentatively set for the next Communications Committee meeting.

Human Resources – Commissioner Cason 

Chairman Cason stated that the Human Resources Committee did not have anything to report as this time.


Minutes of the March 5, 2015 Regular

Commissioner Booker made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to approve the minutes of the March 5, 2015 regular meeting. Motion carried 6-0-0 (Commissioner Ford was absent for the vote).

Minutes of March 5, 2015 Executive Session.

Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Perry to approve the minutes of the March 5, 2015 Executive Session. Motion carried 6-0-0 (Commissioner Ford was absent for the vote).

Condrey Pay Plan – S. Swan

The Condrey Pay Plan Memorandum attached to the Agenda was summarized by Mr. Swan. Recommended changes to pay rates will allow employees’ pay to be competitive within the industry.

Commissioner Booker asked if every employee would be receiving a raise, to which Mr. Swan replied “no.” Mr. Swan stated that the change in the pay scale is to bring each section’s pay rates up to a competitive level within the industry. Mr. Swan stated that there are seven employees who are maxed out in their positions and will not receive raises.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland that the JWSC adopt the “Plan A” as presented by Condrey and Associates to be effective for the pay-period beginning April 26, 2015. Motion carried 6-0-0 (Commissioner Ford was absent for the vote).

Chairman Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to close the special called meeting and adjourn to executive session to discuss pending and potential litigation. Motion carried 6-0-0 (Commissioner Ford was absent for the vote.

Back in open session.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to accept the Attorney’s recommendation. Motion carried 6-0-0 (Commissioner Ford was absent for the vote).

Insurance Renewals – McGinty

Mr. Donaghy discussed the handout included with the Agenda regarding Insurance Renewals. He stated that at the last meeting, an extension was to be requested of McGinty-Gordon for responding to insurance renewal quotes. Fred McGinty addressed the Commission and recommended renewing with Argonaut/Trident. Commissioner Boland asked if next year the renewal process could be started earlier. Mr. McGinty stated that it is a very complex policy due to, among other reasons, the number of properties insured. Mr. McGinty suggests that the Commission do a comprehensive appraisal and that the Commissioners might want to consider not insuring all property owned. Mr. Donaghy stated that a review of the value of all properties was done four years ago.

Mr. Swan suggested that next year Mr. McGinty start working on the renewal process thirty days prior to the expiration of the current policies and present the quotes to the Commission fifteen days later.

Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason that the Brunswick- Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission approve the renewal quotes for Property, Casualty and Liability insurance coverage in the amount of $377,440.51 for the policy year March 16, 2015 to March 15, 2016, and authorize the Executive Director and Director of Administration to execute the documents necessary. Motion carried 6-0-0 (Commissioner Ford was absent for the vote).

Proposed Uniform Changes – D. Paulk

Mr. Paulk summarized portions of the memorandum regarding the uniform selection and showed several samples. Mr. Swan summarized additional portions of the memorandum, including number of each uniform item each employee would receive. In response to Commissioner Cason’s question concerning steel toed boots, Mr. Swan stated that if an employee lifts over 10 pounds, then steel toe boots are required under OSHA. Commissioner Cason also asked about laundering the uniforms. Mr. Swan stated that JWSC will be responsible for laundering the uniforms and have a drop off container for employees. Mr. Swan discussed the safety concerns with germs as one reason the JWSC will launder the uniforms for employees. In response to Commissioner Booker’s question regarding the color of the uniforms, Mr. Swan stated that the colors have been approved. Mr. Paulk handed out a form that would be utilized in tracking the uniforms.

Commissioner Cason made a Motion to approve the uniform selection as follows: “I move that the selection of be approved in accordance with the JWSC HR policy on uniforms.” which was seconded by Commissioner Boland. Motion carried 6-0-0 (Commissioner Ford was absent for the vote).


Chief Financial Officer Report

Mr. Donaghy summarized the financial reports attached to the Agenda and explained each category on the Balance Sheet, including the reserve funds. Mr. Donaghy explained the Commission Report showing expenditures for 2012, 2013, and 2014. Commissioner Boland asked if the savings in the budget was because the expected expense had not been incurred yet, to which Mr. Donaghy stated that was correct. Mr. Donaghy said he would be happy to discuss the reports with any of the Commissioners at anytime.

Mr. Swan stated that Senior Engineer Todd Klein would speak on R&R at the next Commission meeting.

Commissioner Elliott asked when the Master Plan was due and if it would be possible to get a waterfall chart. Mr. Swan stated the Master Plan is due in June and the numbers are fluid. Mr. Swan stated the Master Plan on the wall is eight years old.

Mr. Donaghy stated the report shows $7,000,000.00 tied up in projects currently in the works, and that the reserve funds are important for obtaining funds in the future, and for JWSC’s bond ratings.

Water Shut-off and Turn-on Policies

Commissioner Elliot stated there had been a couple of issues in the last few weeks. Mr. Donaghy explained:

Vacant account – shows

Delinquent account – a report can be run which will show amount and day

When an account is $300.00 and 60 days delinquent, it is reviewed as to

–  40-50 accounts are cut-off per day on Monday through Thursday between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. No accounts are cut off on Fridays or Holidays.

The back of the bill states the policy regarding water cut-off.


Mr. Swan discussed a recent water cut-off at a restaurant. The water was cut-off at the restaurant at approximately 9:20 a.m. The property owner then paid the bill. The water was turned back on, but by that time the owner had missed out on lunch service due to no water. The owner admitted that he knew he should have already paid the bill. Mr. Swan stated that JWSC is required to inform the Health Department when water is cut-off at restaurants. Mr. Swan stated that he believes a face-to-face meeting with the business owner should happen when JWSC goes out to cut-off water at a business. Mr. Donaghy clarified that there are exemptions, including medical reasons, from cut-off if the JWSC is notified by paperwork being properly completed regarding those health reasons and the need for water.

Mr. Donaghy stated he works with Customer Service staff regarding cut-off issues and it will take more resources to make changes in how the process now works.

Chairman Elliott stressed the importance of being more customer friendly regarding cut-offs, but at the same time realizing there are some who will take advantage. Chairman Elliott stated there may be a need for a change in policy.

Mr. Donaghy stated the Customer Service staff refers those in need to agencies that might be able to assist them. He further explained the process for delinquent cut-offs and deposits.


Mr. Swan invited all present to the Employee Appreciation Luncheon at Howard Coffin Park from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. tomorrow.

Commissioner Boland asked about a recent spill at FLETC. Mr. Swan stated that the spill was beyond JWSC’s control and was mainly due to construction debris clogging the line and would not affect the EPD Consent Order.


Chairman Elliott stated that he and Commissioner Boland recently attended a conference in Macon, which included the Open Meeting Act and the Open Records Act.

There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Elliot adjourned the meeting.