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Commission Minutes – June 2, 2016

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from June 2, 2016:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


Thomas Boland, Chairman

Donald M. Elliott, Commissioner

Allen Booker, County Commissioner

John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner

Robert Bowen, Commissioner


Ronald Perry, Commissioner

Clifford Adams, Vice-Chairman

ALSO PRESENT:                

Charlie Dorminy, Legal Counsel

John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration

Harry Patel, Engineer

Pam Crosby, Director of Purchasing

Commissioner Boland called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM. Commissioner Booker provided the invocation and Commissioner Boland led the pledge.


Diane Hurt, Brunswick – Ms. Hurt addressed the Commission regarding the CVS doors. Ms. Hurt explained her experience trying to get through the sets of doorways while being on crutches. She is concerned with disabled individuals that may struggle with entering into the pharmacy. The specifics of the doorway issue is the vacuum and the pressure and weight of the door. It was noted that JWSC recently addressed the doorway but Ms. Hurt would like it to be looked into further. The Commission stated that the staff will review further.

There were no additional citizens to address the Commission, Chairman closed the public comment period.


Communications& Customer Service Committee Commissioner Adams

There was nothing new to report.

Economic Development Committee – Commissioner Elliott

There was nothing new to report.

Facilities Committee – Commissioner Perry

There was nothing new to report.

Finance Committee – Commissioner Elliott

Will discuss town hall meeting during the discussion period.

Human Resources Committee – Commissioner Cason

HR met today and discussed employee physicals and Teamworks, Inc. contract which is up for renewal.

Legislative Committee – Commissioner Boland

There was nothing new to report.


Minutes from the May 19, 2016 Regular Meeting

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to approve the minutes from May 19, 2016 Regular Meeting. Motion carried 5-0-2 (Commissioner’s Perry and Adams were not present for the vote).

Appointment of Auditors – J. Donaghy

John Donaghy presented before the Commission the appointment of auditors. He stated we make it a practice of changing auditors every three (3) years.  Last April we released an RFP for auditing services and the winning bidder was Mauldin & Jenkins with a total of $24,900.00.  The staff is asking that the current auditor be appointed for the 2016 fiscal year.  This would be the second of the three year bid.  There was further discussion on the years appointed.

Commission Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason that the JWSC engage the accounting firm of Mauldin & Jenkins to perform the financial audit of the Brunswick-Glynn County joint Water and Sewer Commission for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016 at a cost of twenty four thousand nine hundred ($24,900.00) dollars. And, that the Chairman, Executive Director and Director of Administration be authorized to sign the necessary documents. Motion carried (5-0-2) Commissioner’s Perry and Adams were not present for the vote).

Urbana Manhole Replacement Change Order – H. Patel

Harry Patel presented the Urbana Sewer Improvements Change Order for three (3) existing deteriorated manholes.   The memorandum explained the specific details that the project involves.  Upon installation of the new sewer mains and manholes, it was discovered that three (3) existing manholes near the project area have deteriorated due to H2S gases.  Further investigation was conducted by the JWSC and it was determined that the manholes are in severe need of replacement and are in danger of collapsing.  The contractor, Washington County Machine Shop provided a proposal of $30,350.00 to replace the three (3) existing manholes.  It was noted that it should not take long since they are already mobilized.  The timing depends on ordering the structures and getting them on site.   Harry stated the County will work on the storm drainage and then the road will be paved.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to accept proposal presented by Washington County Machine Shop to be processed as a Contract Change order for the total additional amount of $30,350.00. Motion carried 5-0-2 (Commissioner Perry and Commissioner Adams were not present for the vote).

Canal Crossing MOU Additional Funding – H. Patel

Harry Patel presented the Canal Crossing Water & Force Main Improvements Change Order for existing FM & WM Bore and additional funding. The memorandum was read and discussed the background.  Harry explained the Glynn County is currently under contract with East Coast Asphalt for drainage Improvements on Canal Crossing Road and shopping center project.  As part of the improvements the County will relocate the existing 12” JWSC water main and existing 6” force main at their cost.  This was previously approved by the JWSC in the form of a MOU was approved by the Commission.  To meet G-DOT specifications, plans had to be revised for the section of utilities crossing Spur 25.  The revisions increased the length of the bores and additionally the price.  Glynn County has provided pricing from East Coast Asphalt, LLC for the revision in the amount of $58,390.00.  Pricing has been evaluated and together with the initial price is still below the opinion of probable cost completed by EMC.  With the above mentioned revisions, the JWSC has obtained G-DOT approval for the work and is in the final stages of receiving the permits. These improvements are vital components of the current Master Plan projects.  It was stated the G-DOT requested changes on the initial drawings prior to approval. The original permitting from the County was not approved or acceptable by DOT approx. 3 weeks back.  It was then asked by G-DOT and the County that JWSC make necessary changes to the permit and it was then approved.  Due to this being the County’s contractor, JWSC was not originally responsible for the contractor or permitting.

Commissioner Bowen made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott that the BGJWSC approve the additional pricing provided by Glynn County to be processed as Contract Change Order in the amount of $58,390.00 and on future projects JWSC performs its own permitting on joint projects. Motion carried 5-0-2 (Commissioner Perry and Commissioner Adams were not present for the vote).

Annex Roof Repair – Commissioner Boland

Commissioner Boland discussed the Annex Roof and stated he was with the understanding that the annex roof had been fixed or replaced originally. It was noted that the annex was not part of the original roof repair in 2015.  It was stated there were leaks discovered recently and the options were discussed.  The holes have recently been patched but it will not permanently fix the problem.  The choices are to patch as they are presented, recover the roof costing approx. $35 k, or fix it correctly at $54,275.00 with the same contractor that fixed the other two (2) buildings.  It was noted that there is still money left in the building fund to take care of this issue.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Bowen that JWSC accept the proposal from BBG Contracting Group, Inc. to repair the Annex Building roof in the amount of $54,278.00. Motion carried 5-0-2 (Commissioner Perry and Commissioner Adams were not present for the vote).


Rehabilitation Update – H. Patel

Harry Patel presented the Rehabilitation projects update. SR 99 Waterline Extension is approx. 13% completed. This project consists of a bore under Norfolk Southern on Greenswamp Rd. and is expected to be complete in November 2016. The easements are still being discussed with the consultant Mr. Lewis and the surveyor. The cost is 1.2M.  Urbana Sewer Replacement is approx. 26% completed. The installation is in progress and is currently at the intersection of Macon & G St. installing MH #29. This project is expected to have sewer portion completed in July 2016. The City will be working on storm improvements prior to pavingThe cost is 1.7M. PS2030 Force Main & Water Main Improvements – This project is substantially compete. The final change order and pay request items are being worked through.  The final completion and demobilization is by end of May.  The SCADA was discussed as pending for the finalized quote and contract detail for DFS. The cost is 3.9M. The question was asked how the percent was figured on each project and it was stated that the pay request each month is divided by the total amount of the project.  There is still material remaining from the contract change and final items that require further discussion before being completed.  It was stated that the contract is correct and legal has reviewed.  Frederica/Atlantic Sewer Rehabilitation – This project is substantially complete. The contractor has been onsite for two (2) weeks for lining repairs and grout work.  The video will be provided tomorrow for review.  Upon final review the project will be closed.  The cost is 1.7M.  Hampton Water Production Facility – This project is 93% complete. This project is a functional 100k gallon ground storage tank and well rehabilitation. The electrician will be onsite adding a chlorine booster pump on 6/7/16 prior to going on-line. This is a $980k project.  Canal Road to Old Jesup Water & Force Main Extensions – This project is approximately 60% complete. The contractor has installed 2,400/3,600 LF of Water Main.  Approximately 300 LF sewer main has been installed.  The contractor is working closely with Glynn County on public notifications/traffic control.  The waterline completion from Spur to Old Jesup Rd is mile-stoned to August 1st.  The tap to existing 16”WM on Old Jesup has been made.  The cost is 1.1M project.  Canal Crossing Water & Force Main Improvements – This is a Glynn County road widening project and JWSC (16” water & 20” force main) has been added as a change order via MOU. Glynn County’s engineer EMC is coordinating the bore locations with G-DOT.  The G-DOT permitting was approved the week. Glynn County extended the contractors contract to the end of August for completion.  The cost is $975k for this project.  Canal Crossing Pumpstation – This project is substantially complete.   Lift station 4101 is on line.  The SCADA programming, fencing and punch items are remaining.  The cost is $271k.  Mansfield St. Sewer Replacement – This project is approximately 14% complete. This is the City of Brunswick storm project.  JWSC is participating for water and sewer portion of the road replacement.  The contractor is through the most difficult /deepest gravity sewer section at PS 4002.  The Contractor has finished installing all of the 15” sewer main from Monk St., and Reynolds St.  The installation of 36” sewer main began and to date the contractor has installed approx. 142 LF on Reynolds St. Reynolds will be re-established with graded/compacted base and opened to local traffic.  The final paving overlay will proceed at the end of the project. According to the contractor the final completion schedule date is expected October 2016.  The cost is $900k.  Another manhole was discovered that is not located on any maps.  This manhole is very old and will need to be removed and covered up.  Alder Circle/Sea Palms East Water Line/Fire Protection – The engineering is complete and is currently in construction bidding phase with the County. EMC is the design engineering firm.  This is a SPLOST V and JWSC funded project.  In the last meeting the JWSC had agreed to fund the cost difference between the SPLOST V amount of $178,599.00 and the final cost.  The cost is yet to be determined but estimated at $400k. Pumpstation 2032 Regional Station and Forcemain – The force main route survey has been complete by EMC engineering. The design RFP has been advertised and submissions are due 6/7/16.  Three (3) addendums have been issued to address questions.  The funding source & developer participation policy is to be determined.  The cost is yet to be determined and estimated at 3.0M.  There was additional discussion on the in-house engineering and construction work that can be done on smaller projects.  Glynn Haven Sewer Rehabilitation/Replacement-Survey & Engineering Design RFP – Proposals have been reviewed. The Survey and Engineering designs have been awarded to Hodges, Harbin, Newberry & Tribble, Inc. (HHNT Inc.) The engineering designs are in progress and will be submitted to Glynn County for construction bidding/award.

It was noted that the dates and details on contracts and projects are important and appreciated when they are presented during meetings.

Employee Physicals – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby presented to the Commission on the employee physicals. The memorandum stated the JWSC provides annual physical exams to its employees. Feedback was received through employee survey conducted by Teamworks, Inc.  Some issues were scheduling difficulty, did not receive test results, and the results and next steps were not explained to the employees.   Pam stated TSI worked with local providers and the goal was to obtain the most comprehensive lab and exam components for the best value.  The recommendation is to move forward with the proposal with Southeast Georgia Health System for a total cost of $149 per employee.  This benefit would include: On-site service, vision and hearing screening, a protocol packet to know what to do and expect; a two-step process set up in two (2) weeks to draw blood for analysis and then the second week a physical exam, results will remain private, and those who can’t attend the on-site would have the opportunity to schedule an appointment at one of the SEGHS immediate care clinics.  There was further discussion on the County and the City’s employee wellness checks and it was asked for further review.   Pam stated further research will be conducted with Glynn County’s process and will be brought back to the Commission.

Surplus Status – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby updated the Commission on the surplus items. It was stated that the first items went live on auction today on GovDeals.  The items were 4 surplus military generators.  Working through the discarded office furniture at Golden Isles which has been advertised in the paper and on line sites.  Should get good exposure on these items.  On the next report there will be a tally on prices and totals.

Town Hall Presentation Briefing – Commissioner Elliott

Commissioner Elliott updated the Commission on the two (2) town hall meetings this week. There were very few rate payers present to discuss rate increases.  Most of those that attended were from the development community in the area of homes that are approximately $150k or less.  Their concerns were the amount of increase being asked on the capital improvement fee.  JWSC is performing additional research and gathering other options based on their comments.  The Commission will meet on June 16th to make a final determination on the Rate Resolution.  These items will be presented and recommended motions will be provided.  There was discussion regarding feedback from the County, City, or Mayor.  It was suggested that a coordination of the City and County could view the presentation.   It was commented on the organization and staff support and those that put the presentation together that both town hall meetings went very well.  There was additional discussion on the SPLOST and getting the County and the City together for a better understanding.

The Chairman stated that Commissioner’s Perry and Adams are absent from today’s meeting and asked for a motion to excuse them.

Commissioner Cason made the motion seconded by Commissioner Booker to excuse Commissioner’s Perry and Adams from the meeting today. Motion carried 5-0-2.


The Chairman updated the Commission on the 2016 Global Leadership Summit coming up on August 11th and 12th.  On June 23rd there is a trip to Savannah to visit a grease processing facility.

The candidates for the Exec. Director will be interviewed on June 6th and there will be no vote expected on that date.  The regular Commission meeting will begin at 8:30 AM and will follow into Exec. Session.  The candidates will be given a tour of Academy Creek and an information packet on the community will be provided.  The documents related to final candidates will be made available for review in accordance to the Laws of Georgia O.C.G.A. § 50-18-72 as of today.  This will allow the required 14 days for preview prior to 6/16 which is when the final decision will be announced.  The candidates are Robert Pugh from Ohio, Jimmy Junkin from Alabama, Rosemary Carswell from Tennessee, and Brian Brach from New Jersey.



Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss potential litigation. Motion carried 5-0-2 (Commissioner Perry and Commissioner Adams were not present for the vote).

The Chairman stated there will no vote after the Executive Session.

Back in session.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to return to the Regular Meeting. Motion approved.

There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Boland adjourned the open meeting at 3:40 pm.