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Commission Minutes – July 7, 2016

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from July 7, 2016:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


Thomas Boland, Chairman

Clifford Adams, Vice-Chairman

Donald M. Elliott, Commissioner

Allen Booker, County Commissioner

John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner

Ronald Perry, Commissioner

Robert Bowen, Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT:                  

Charlie Dorminy, Legal Counsel

John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration

Pam Crosby, Director of Purchasing

Commissioner Boland called the meeting to order at 2:03 PM. Commissioner Perry provided the invocation and Commissioner Boland led the pledge.


There being no citizens who wish to address the Commission, the Chairman closed the public comment period.


Employee Recognition – Comm. Cason, Cindy Barnhart, & Kirk Young

  • Jason Daniels – The Georgia State Board of Examiners for Certification of Water Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators and Laboratory Analysts recognizes Jason Jack Daniels as a Water Distribution Operator.
  • April Lee & Don Hendricks – In the interest of continuing education and training, April Lee and Don Hendricks have completed the courses in Backflow Prevention at the University of Florida TREEO.
  • Dana Read, Jr. – was presented a Certificate of Achievement for outstanding work performing the duties of GIS Analyst for the JWSC while also fulfilling a commitment to serve his country as a Senior Airman with the 224th Joint Communications Support Squadron of the Georgia Air National Guard. His service to the community and to his country is held in high regard by the management and staff of the JWSC and we wish him well in his upcoming deployment.        


Communications & Customer Service Committee Commissioner Adams

There was nothing new to report.

Economic Development Committee – Commissioner Elliott

There was nothing new to report.

Facilities Committee – Commissioner Perry

There was nothing new to report.

Finance Committee – Commissioner Elliott

The recent taps fees collected were reported.

Human Resources Committee – Commissioner Cason

The committee met this morning and discussed GMA Resolution and Employee Physicals.

Legislative Committee – Commissioner Boland

There was nothing new to report.


Minutes from the June 16, 2016 Regular Meeting

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to approve the minutes from June 16, 2016 Regular Meeting. Motion carried 7-0-0.

Minutes from the June 16, 2016 Executive Session

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the minutes from June 16, 2016 Executive Session Meeting with the revision made to the subject to be Personnel Issue. Motion carried 7-0-0.

Engineering & Design RFP for PS 2032 Force Main Improvements – H. Patel/P. Crosby

Harry Patel presented a brief description of the PS2032 project to the Commission. The project is located centrally on St. Simons Island.  The estimated sewer that flows through PS2032 from the existing customer is determined to be approximately 1,000gpm which does not include influent penetration.  Sewer flows to this pump station are projected to reach approx. 2,000gpm by the year 2035 which the current force main cannot support.  The proposed project includes construction of approx. 9,100lf of 16” force main along Frederica Road to Palmetto St.  The construction will continue with 2,700lf of 14” force main along Palmetto Street to the receiving Dunbar Creek.  Pam Crosby stated that this project is part of the 2015 Master Plan Update, the northern portion of St. Simons Island is an area that has been identified as having sewer service deficiency to adequately serve both existing customers and projected development at this time.  JWSC is currently working to improve PS2032.  It is estimated that PS2032 will still have a pumping deficiency, as mentioned, rendering it inadequate to serve the existing customer.  Additional improvements to PS2032 are limited by deterioration of the wet well structure and the 8-inch discharge force main which also manifolds flow from smaller lift stations on South Harrington Road.  This is the number one project of what needs to be fixed on the 5 year Master Plan.  The proposed 40” force main is the critical first step until a new lift station is constructed. The design of the force main project is complicated and poses several potential challenges. It requires significant resources and a sound understanding of the existing conditions of the station itself and the demands on the system as it is today.  We desire that the start of construction to begin in late fall/early winter with approx. 5-6 months to complete.  The permitting will be critical in the process and needs to fall in place to follow the timeline. Close collaboration with the Glynn County Public Works and Engineering Department will be critical to ensure any necessary traffic control measures meet County requirements and are reviewed and approved prior to construction operations.  Public understanding and buy-in to the proposed traffic control and PS2032 Forcemain project in general will be necessary.  The RFP was issued on 5/13.  There were six (6) submissions received. The final two (2) firms selected for interviews were – Hussey Gay Bell and 4 Waters Engineering.  Both firms submitted strong proposals and only two (2) points separated them in the final evaluation scoring.  Significant differences in engineering design and permitting cost estimates were vetted in each interview.  Staff felt that 4 Waters recognizes the need for quick engagement and detailed evaluation in the design and permitting phase of the overall project in order to successfully execute the construction phase on the necessary timeline.  The recommendation by staff is to enter a contract with 4 Waters to provide PS2032 Forcemain Engineering Design, Permitting and Construction Services.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Bowen to move forward and enter into a contract with 4 Waters Engineering for PS2032 Force Main Engineering Design, Permitting and Construction Services.

There was additional discussion regarding proposal and construction fees, references and the evaluation criteria. It was noted that there was only 2 points difference between the two (2) firms.  Commissioner Cason commended that staff has done well in their process. Motion approved 7-0-0.

Additional Flood Insurance – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby explained the request for renewed and additional flood insurance coverage for the contents of this administration building 1703 and the Annex at 1709 Gloucester Street. Currently the JWSC has two (2) flood policies through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).  The primary policy with Nationwide covers the building and no contents within the building are covered under this policy.  This will renew on July 31 with a premium price of $1,475.  Additional flood insurance coverage for the contents inside the building can be purchased for an additional premium of $779.  The second policy for excess flood insurance is with Lloyds of London for the same buildings that provides $3,695,000 building flood insurance excess of the $500,000 primary flood coverage through NFIP. The renewal premium for a limit of $3,520,000 is $11,095.76.  This policy also covers the building, no contents coverage.  The total flood coverage is for just over 4M.  Last fall CBIZ appraised the building at a little over 4M.  Additional coverage for the contents inside could be purchased from Lloyds of London at a premium rate of $1,998.96.  The broker has offered to temporarily bind coverage for the building at $3,520,200 effective June 30 contingent on approval by the JWSC. The primary flood policy with American Bankers has a 30 day waiting period from the time we request.  Staff recommends renewing the existing American Banker’s and Lloyds flood Insurance policies and add $500k contents coverage on the American Banker’s Insurance policy and add $633k excess contents coverage from Lloyd’s of London Insurance Policy.  It was stated that JWSC originally paid $800k for the new Administration building complex and is now appraised at 4,020,200 million and that CVS is a good tenant.

Commissioner Booker made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott that JWSC move forward and approve the renewal of the following coverages: American Banker’s Insurance policy at a premium rate of $1,475.00 and Lloyd’s excess policy at a premium rate of $11,095.76.

Additionally, to move forward and add contents coverage policy in the following amounts: Add $500,000.00 contents coverage on the American Banker’s Insurance policy at a premium rate of $779.00 and add $633,000.00 excess contents coverage from Lloyd’s of London at a premium rate of $1,998.96. Motion approved 7-0-0.

Urbana MOU with City of Brunswick– P. Crosby

Pam Crosby provided a brief history of the Urbana MOU as JWSC is currently under contract with Griffin Utility Construction to replace sanitary sewer utilities. The City of Brunswick has presented an MOU for consideration by JWSC to include replacement of storm drainage infrastructure within the limits of the existing Urbana project that equals to an amount of $125,000 as quoted by the contractor.  The additional construction time is estimated at (8) weeks.  The coordination of the City of Brunswick storm drain improvements with JWSC sanitary sewer utility replacement will minimize disturbance to residents and reduce the project time if bid independently by the City of Brunswick.  The coordination of both efforts will allow for repaving of the construction area only once and foster a cooperative effort with the City.  JWSC has met with the contractor and they are willing to amend the JWSC contract to include this work.  The City Commission has already approved.  Staff recommends that JWSC enter into the

Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Brunswick to incorporate storm drainage and amend the contract with Griffin for an additional $125,000.

Commissioner Bowen made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to move forward and enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Brunswick to incorporate storm drainage infrastructure within the limits of the existing Urbana project in the amount of $125,000.00 as quoted by Griffin Utility Construction and to amend the existing BGJWSC Urbana contract accordingly.

Commissioner Boland noted that it is important that the commission is very cooperative with the City and County and this is a good example of it. This will make our contract a little longer and cost a little more but it is but by being good neighbors is the way to do this.  Another example of cooperation is our contract with the City on the Mansfield project and with the County on Canal Road.  Todd Kline recognized the City of Brunswick Engineer, Garrow Alberson, is also present.

Motion approved 7-0-0.

Surplus Declaration of New Items – J. Meridith

Janice Meridith presented the Surplus Update and explained the process of identifying surplus, taking pictures, comparing values, and presenting to the committees. The items are then prepared and posted to  Doing this helps JWSC utilize the benefits of posting to a wider base for customers in these surplus items.  Once the information is posted to the GovDeals website it is very active in taking care of the process which includes: notifies purchaser, sends the bill of sale, collects the payment with direct deposit to JWSC account.  JWSC staff does not handle any money.  It is a very efficient manner of disposing of JWSC assets and making attempt to get every bit of value back out of those surplus assets that we can.  Janice went through the list and shared that the total revenue from sale of surplus has been so far $8,200.70.  The last 6 items were requested to be included as surplus included: Mack Water Truck, Metal Shelving, Ford F150 Truck 2001, Vermeer Ditch Trencher, Case-Skid Steer, and SCADA Components/Antennas.  It was questioned if the JWSC identifying markers were removed from the items and it was stated that these items were clean and clear.

Commissioner Bowen made a motion seconded by Cason that JWSC approve the additional items to be declared as surplus and disposed of in a manner most beneficial to the JWSC.

It was noted that JWSC has come a long way and this is a way of cleaning up all the facilities. Motion approved 7-0-0.

Amendment of Section IV of the 2016-17 Rate Resolution – J. Donaghy

John Donaghy presented the Memorandum for the Rate Resolution Amendment. John explained the history of the difficulties with lift station 2030.  The staff has taken some actions to identify the pumping capacity and ways to measure and monitor the capacity actually running through it.  The result allowed JWSC to determine the capacity available to commit to for future building and to reserve or set aside the remaining capacity so that we do not have the same issue again.  This has all brought about needed changes to the Rate Resolution as it was adopted June 16, 2016.   Some of the changes are (1) Capital Improvement Fees will be paid upon approval of construction plans by the JWSC.  The capacity will be held in reserve.  (2) Construction plans will not be approved by the JWSC if service is not available, or if basin capacity is insufficient to support the construction plan. (3) JWSC will begin billing the customer administrative charges and debt charges for the reserved capacity upon payment. (4) Additional capacity may be acquired if plans change, depending on the capacity available at the time of change. The staff has identified amendments to Section IV, (e) and (f) of the Rate Resolution to assure the necessary capacity of water and/or sewer service is available prior to the commencement of construction.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Bowen that JWSC accept the amendments to the Rate Resolution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. Motion approved 7-0-0.

Unsolicited Proposal Policy – C. Dorminy

Charles Dorminy, Legal Counsel for JWSC, presented the Unsolicited Proposal Policy. A brief background was shared in the memorandum that Georgia law and Brunswick and Glynn County ordinances authorize the JWSC to enter into contracts with private entities to improve JWSC infrastructure.  However, the JWSC does not currently have a policy in place that governs how to accept and review proposals for any projects that private entities may wish to undertake.  Mr. Dorminy continued by stating the legal counsel has drafted a policy in consultation with JWSC staff.  The purpose of this policy is to create a uniform procedure through which private entities may submit proposals for projects the JWSC is not currently pursuing and to provide a mechanism through which JWSC infrastructure may be improved with minimal concurrent cost to the JWSC.  Mr. Dorminy explained the items in the policy and noted that this proposed policy is modeled after O.C.G.A. § 36-91-110 et seq. The highlights included: JWSC may charge fees to cover costs, JWSC may reject any unsolicited proposal at any time, JWSC shall not be required to provide a reason for its denial, private entities assumes all risk in submitting such proposals, JWSC shall not be obligated to reimburse the private entity for costs, the agreement may be totally or partially funded by entities, Agreements may include investment recapture provision, and private entities agrees to release, hold harmless and indemnify JWSC from and for any and all claims related to the project or proposal

Commissioner Booker questioned the incurring of costs and it was stated that staff time would be considered an opportunity costs to the developer. It was noted that the reimbursement would be decided by the commissioners.

A public comment was presented by Vassa Cate with concerns about the future possibility that there may not be capacity later after contractor pays up front. There was further discussion.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to adopt the proposed Unsolicited Proposal Policy and begin accepting proposals as of July 15, 2016 and added that the first period should be open from July 15 to October 15 so that there is a timeframe for review. Motion approved 7-0-0.

Yancey Generator CSA Approval – P. Crosby/M. Lemke

Pam Crosby updated the Commission on a previous presentation on the generator equipment with details described in the spreadsheet. Pam stated that Matt Lemke has been working on the equipment replacement value and assessment.  There are 32 generators in the equipment fleet.  Proper generators are critical to the JWSC mission to provide sufficient water and sewer services.  JWSC has worked with Zabatt and Yancey to manage repairs in FY2015 and FY2016.  Nearly all of the equipment has been evaluated and repaired.  The key points to consider in the agreement include: all parts and labor will received a 20% discount on repair parts and labor, equipment will be serviced quarterly, semi-annually, or annually, and the agreements are machine specific and managed individually.  The service work orders generated from each service will be incorporated into the Cityworks program once the Fleet Maintenance module is fully implemented.  The annual cost to provide CSA’s for the 32 generators was presented to be $28,525.30.  The Loadbank test will be an additional cost of $16,305.50 but will be addressed at a later time as it is currently a work in progress to gather final numbers.  JWSC staff recommends establishing an ongoing maintenance program with Yancey for a Customer Service Agreement on JWSC generators to begin August 2016.  There was further discussion on the additional engine driven equipment that will be incorporated.

Commissioner Bowen made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason that the BGJWSC move forward and approve entering into a Customer Service Agreements with Yancey for combined Generator Services in the estimated amount of $28,525.30. Motion approved 7-0-0.



  • Chairman Boland updated the commissioners that the next Commission will be moved to July 28th at 2:00 PM.



There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Boland adjourned the open meeting at 3:34 pm.