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Commission Minutes – July 28, 2016

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from July 28, 2016:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


Thomas Boland, Chairman

Clifford Adams, Vice-Chairman

Donald M. Elliott, Commissioner

Allen Booker, County Commissioner

John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner

Ronald Perry, Commissioner

Robert Bowen, Commissioner

 ALSO PRESENT:                  

Charlie Dorminy, Legal Counsel

John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration & Finance

Pam Crosby, Director of Purchasing

Mr. Jimmy Junkin, Incoming Executive Director

Commissioner Boland called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM. Commissioner Booker provided the invocation and Commissioner Boland led the pledge.


There being no citizens who wish to address the Commission, the Chairman closed the public comment period.


Employee Recognition – John Donaghy and Cindy Barnhart.

John Donaghy recognized two Finance Department Employees who recently received their bachelor’s degrees. Our employees have higher education and are becoming more valuable assets to the organization.  In recognition of their outstanding work performing the duties of their jobs for the Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission while also fulfilling a commitment to further their formal education by completing their Bachelor’s degrees.

  • Olivia Cummings – completed her Bachelor of Arts degree in Social and Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology.
  • Frances Wilson – completed her Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a concentration in Accounting.

Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to add items #5 North Mainland Lift Station and item #6 St. Simons Lift Station to discussion. Motion approved 7-0-0.


Communications & Customer Service Committee Commissioner Adams

There was nothing new to report.

Economic Development Committee – Commissioner Elliott

There was nothing new to report.

Facilities Committee – Commissioner Perry

There was nothing new to report.

Finance Committee – Commissioner Elliott

There was nothing new to report

Human Resources Committee – Commissioner Cason

There was nothing new to report.

Legislative Committee – Commissioner Boland

There was nothing new to report.


Minutes from the July 7, 2016 Regular Meeting

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Bowen to approve the minutes from July 7, 2016 Regular Meeting. Motion carried 7-0-0.

Air Liquide-Airgas Merger / Matheson Acquisition Agreement – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby updated the Commissioners and stated that this agreement is for the contract for Liquid Oxygen Supply and Delivery to Academy Creek WWTP. It was stated that Air Liquide had a representative present at the Commission meeting and Facilities Committee in March.  Air Liquide announced in November that they were to pursue a buyout of Matheson Gas, Incorporated. The transaction was pending FTC and the shareholder approval.  JWSC knew the contract was near the end and it was time to issue an RFP.  The proposal requested 3 and 5 year options and formal responses were received from Air Liquide and Matheson Gas.  Praxair communicated a no-bid due to limitations within their supply network to service our location. The initial evaluation of the two (2) proposals showed that the pricing on the product itself was higher through Air Liquide but the trade-offs were in the telemetry and vaporizer unit fees which were lower than the other offerings.  On July 1st JWSC received the Spin-Off documents from Air Liquide, which was required by FTC.  It was noted that the plan service and territory location that BGJWSC resides within will be sold to Matheson Gas and we are no longer Air Liquide.  A conference call was held on July 5th to discuss the impact and to make decisions regarding the short-term contract extension.  Staff recommends to amend the contract for another six (6) months and carry out the existing contract and terms until the end of the year.  JWSC would then place this out for an RFP.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Booker to move forward and extend the current contract with Air Liquide for Liquid Oxygen product and monitoring services until December 2016. Motion approved 7-0-0.

Electrical Services Award – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby updated the Commissioners that JWSC does not have on-staff electricians and all of our electrical services have been outsourced for approximately 2 years. We have been overall pleased with the quality of work and knowledge that Certified Electric provides to support our needs.  One area JWSC is looking for is quicker response times for quotes and on-call services.  JWSC issued a Request For Proposal (RFP) on April 1, 2016.  Fourteen (14) firms were included on the RFP announcement via emails.  There were two pre-proposal conferences held with only three (3) combined firms represented: A&B Electric, Certified Electric, and White Electrical.  Only one firm, White Electrical, submitted a proposal on May 20th for consideration. The staff met and evaluated the need for on-staff electrical and concluded that we were not ready to add staff positions yet but would like to get into a more formal contract for services.  Kirk Young stated that staff was only requiring electrical work for what is really necessary when calling on outside services.  There was further discussion on the benefits of having an on staff electrician.  It was noted that any jobs/projects over $5,000 will be bid out competitively.  JWSC has some talented individuals that could be prime candidates for training to be a master electrician. The issue with Certified Electric is that they are well trained in the SCADA system.  Pam stated the termination clause is not completed yet in the contract and it could be 30 days.  Charles Dorminey stated as we are under the consent order JWSC can include provisions.  If we needed an electrician right away to maintain compliance with the consent order we could terminate it immediately.  It was highly recommended that we consider the technology needed for the SCADA system.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Bowen to move forward and enter a contract with White Electrical for On-Call Electrical Services for FY2017 with the provision that operations staff look at the in-house electrical work that needs to be performed in the organization based on OSHA regulations and also comply with current Arc Flash requirements. Motion carried 7-0-0.

PS2030 Change Order – T. Kline / P. Crosby / J. Donaghy

Todd Kline presented the 2030 Change Order for the JWSC project #409 on Sea Island Road, St Simons Island. This project is complete, online, and functioning properly.  It consisted of the upgrade and renovations of Pumstation 2030, upgrade and replacement of the force main, and the completion of a 12” water main loop.  As stated in the memorandum, several factors during the project resulted in the contractor, Popco, Inc., applying resources and methods beyond the original scope of work.  Some changes were formally approved via change order, while some the contractor incurred at their own additional cost.  Permitting, traffic and compressed time constraints resulted in the necessity for an even more aggressive change in the original planned means and methods of construction, particularly on the last 3,500 lf of construction between Hawkins Island and Dunbar Creek WWTP.  To meet the needs of JWSC, Glynn County and SSI residents, Popco, Inc., adjusted their plan to a faster, although more costly construction methods.  The time constraints set forth by Glynn County were met and the force main and water main infrastructure was successfully installed.  Popco, Inc. presented JWSC staff with an itemized list of additional costs incurred.  This list was reviewed by JWSC Finance, Purchasing, and Engineering Staff and evaluated for accuracy.  A summary sheet was developed by Finance and presented to Senior Management for consideration.  Staff has reviewed the option and recommends to approve only the additional costs as presented and execute an appropriate final change order.  It was noted that this project stirred up a lot of controversy and problems in the community.  The County Commissioners asked JWSC to see what could be done to fix the problem.  The contractor was very good to work with and had incurred a lot of extra costs.  It was noted that Popco should not suffer the extra expenses incurred.  It was recommended that the County be aware of the extra costs to flow traffic and request the County consider paying half.  There was additional discussion on the traffic issue during the project.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to approve selected additional costs as shown on the exhibit, to be processed as a contract change order for the additional amount of $470,290.50 on the provision that the staff goes directly to the County Commission and request to be reimbursed.

It was stated that the vendor will be paid no matter what the outcome of the request is.

Motion approved 7-0-0.

Unsolicited Proposal Policy Revision – C. Dorminy

Charles Dorminy stated that at the last meeting the Commission approved the Unsolicited Proposal Policy. A few days afterwards the JWSC received two (2) proposals and they are currently being reviewed.  It was noticed that a few revisions were needed to this new policy.  The major revisions are in regard to section IV ‘Subsequent RFP and Competing Proposals.’ It was stated that JWSC wants to streamline so that we can expeditiously act on these unsolicited proposals.  If, for example, the proposal is in relation to a project that the Commission feels JWSC has the capacity to undertake ourselves through our staff and not go to an outside contractor. JWSC wants to revise the policy to enable staff to do so and not place it out for an RFP.  The revisions are to sections IV and basically allow JWSC to move forward with conducting the project ourselves and to get the projects fixed more expeditiously.  Two (2) proposals have been received, one for LS2002 and LS 2001.  We have the staff that is capable to do so.  For example, when in negotiations, if an electrician is needed the costs would be added in to the costs for the developer to pay.  Some further projects and examples were discussed.   It was noted that each project will be individual and the standard labor and operational costs have been determined.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Booker to approve the Amended Unsolicited Proposal Policy presented by Charles Dorminy. Motion carried 7-0-0.


Chairman Boland introduced and welcomed Mr. Jimmy Junkin as the new Executive Director. He will begin his position here to lead the JWSC on August 15, 2016.


Surplus Update – J. Meridith

Janice Meridith updated the commissioners on the Surplus Update. This was reported to the Facilities Committee and Ms. Meridith was asked to present to the full commission.  Two weeks ago the revenue generated from the sale of surplus was at $8,200.70 and to date it has increased by an additional $4,120.00.   A spreadsheet was provided showing the assets sold and those still pending in GovDeals.  A presentation of the website was displayed showing the user friendly website.  The current bid history and reporting options were shared.  Janice showed how offers real estate options.  The benefits of using GovDeals offers a no cost way of selling JWSC surplus items and an easy way to clean up our facilities and also pull in some revenue that can be used on projects.

Vehicle Update – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby updated the Commissioners on the vehicle and equipment purchases. The spreadsheet list was provided which included what has been received in house, items on order, and the items left to purchase.  It was stated that the vans will be here a week from Monday and will go to Finance, Wastewater, and Systems Pumping and Maintenance.  The vans will be fitted with after market necessary accessories like light bars and racks.  The last items on the list are the Vac-Con, mini excavator, wheeler loader with forks, and a trailer.  The crews were able go on a site visit to FL and tour a facility on Vac-Con vehicles.  It was stated that JWSC currently has four (4) combination cleaners and two (2) hot-shots.  It was stated that the repair costs are incurred due to the age of the vehicles.  Currently an analysis is being created for a cost comparison on purchasing new Vac-Cons.  It was requested to include the residual value on what we could get for these vehicles.  The wheel loader has been reviewed and will be considered at a later time.

2032 Update – T. Kline

Todd Kline updated the Commissioners on the 2032 project. This is the force main to be added along Frederica on St. Simons Island.   This project is well into the design stage and 4 Waters, Angela Bryan was present to answer any questions.  One of the key factors why 4 Waters was selected is due to their aggressive approach and forethought on the design process.  The amount of work they have already done ahead of time shows in their project schedule, which was provided.  It was important to learn from the past and continuously improve by bringing all of the stakeholders that are involved into the early stages of the design process.  There have been meetings with JWSC and County Engineers. There was an additional follow up meeting with the Glynn County Commissioners to get them familiar with the project.  We are very close to a 30% design point that is essentially the next milestone.  The next big benchmark is October 11th which is the expected bid date.  The map of the overall route was also presented.  Due to the highly visible impact this project has on the community, it is anticipated to move as quickly as possible.

Deed Update – J. Eddins

Julie Eddins of Hall, Booth, and Smith presented a deed update on the JWSC with the City and the County. At the last update HBS provided a list of the 248 properties.  These included wastewater lift stations, wastewater treatment plants, water treatment and ground storage facilities, water production wells, and elevated storage tanks.  It was noted that 138 of the 248 properties have already been conveyed from the City of Brunswick and Glynn County to the JWSC.  A corrected deed was submitted to the City for 24 parcels addressed by the prior counsel and have not received it back yet.  It was also noted that 110 properties of the total 248 are remaining and 57 of those are owned by private individuals or entities.  This leaves the balance of 53 properties that the firm is trying to transfer to JWSC.  We have received several plats from Shupe Survey.  A deed was prepared and sent to the Airport Authority for 6 parcels which is still pending their review and execution.  A deed was prepared and sent to Glynn County Attorney for 6 parcels.  A deed was prepared and sent to the City attorney for 5 parcels.  It was discovered that 4 of the surveys received have encroachment issues with neighboring owners and are pending the direction that JWSC wants to take.  The assets at FLETC are pending further direction from the Commission.   The original 2010 Bond Referendum for this project was $334,854.82.  The trustee fees as of today are $7,500.  The prior counsel was paid $224,452.40. Hall, Booth, and Smith has billed through June 30, 2016 a total of $14,094.50.  The bond referendum has earned interest of $145.82 and the bond balance as of June 30, 2016 is $88,953.74.  Charles Dorminy stated that this is a slow process and further direction is required from the commission.  The further direction is needed on FLETC and how to address the encroachment with private land owners.

North Mainland Lift Station – T. Kline

Todd Kline provided schematic maps showing flow to the treatment plants for the North Mainland. The point of the maps show pump station capacity and taken from field data.  The red bold background shows they are running over design capacity.   The red outlined areas are running upstream.

St. Simons Island Lift Station – T. Kline

Todd Kline explained the schematic map showing Pump Station Flow Chart for St. Simons Island. Todd explain the bold red background shows the pumps that are running over design capacity.  It was noted that SPLOST may not be available to pay for the upgrades needed.

Commissioner Booker recommended a marketing person/group to explain what we do here and develop the relationship with the community.



The Grand Jury process will begin soon in the selection of new commissioners.  2016 Global Leadership Conference on August 11-12 Met with City Engineer on the Mansfield project and working together to complete the roads.  JWSC is working on the Urbana Project with the City and may take time on the road paving.  Basin analysis is a new process staff will be reviewing.  Currently working on Coastal College student interns.  Peninsula / Exit 29 was discussed.  Comm. Boland plans to further the Public Education and meet with Tri-area association on JWSC updates Emergency Planning is a requirement for employees to be trained.  Notification of property on Jetport Road needs repair and the owner will be notified.  Major waterline break at FLETC and costs are being compiled and will be billed as well as the badge to get on center, Colonial Island is the same way.


Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to adjourn the Regular Meeting and go into Executive Session for Potential Litigation issues and contract matter. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Booker was absent for the vote).

Commissioner Boland stated there will be no need for a vote after the Executive Session.

Commissioner Booker left for another meeting and was excused.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to adjourn the Executive Session and return to the regular meeting. Motion approved 5-0-2 (Commissioners Booker and Bowen were absent for the vote).

There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Boland adjourned the open meeting at 5:02 pm.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to adjourn the meeting. Motion approved 5-0-2 (Commissioners Booker and Bowen were absent for the vote).