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Commission Minutes – January 22, 2015

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from January 22, 2015:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


Donald M. Elliott, Chairman

Thomas Boland, Vice-Chai rman

Clifford Adams, Commissioner

Allen Booker, Commissioner

John Cason, Commissioner

David Ford, Commissioner

Ronald Perry, Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT:       Steve Swan, Executive Director

John Donaghy, Director of Administration

Desiree Watson, Legal counsel

Barbara Rogers, Clerk


Chairman Elliott called the meeting to order. Commissioner Perry gave the invocation and Vice­ Chairman Boland led the pledge.




There being no citizens who wished to address the Commission, Chairman Elliott closed the Public Comment Period.



Mr. Donaghy distributed a tentative meeting schedule for Committee Meetings in 2015. Finance Committee

Chairman Elliott stated the Finance Committee held a meeting on January 20, 2015 and discussed several issues.

Financials: Comparative Balance Sheet, Revenue and Expenditure Budget Report, and the Accounts Receivable Summary will be sent out to each Commissioner by email to be discussed at the first meeting of each month.

Budget: Capital projects are currently being reviewed and priorities established.

REU: The Finance Committee will be recommending an amendment to the current Rate Resolution to incorporate additional categories that have been identified to closely match the actual consumption. The JWSC will be evaluating one third of the accounts with multiple REUs each year.

Software: The conversion from GEMS to lnnoprise is continuing. The JWSC is withholding

$50,000 until the conversion is complete.

CityWorks is the management tracking program for inventory, labor, and work orders. Within the next 30 days the implementation plan and funding needs will be presented to the Commission.


Minutes of the January 8, 2015 regular meeting, (subject to any necessary changes). – Rogers


Vice-Chairman Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Perry to approve the minutes of the January 8, 2015 regular meeting. Motion carried 7-0-0.

Banking Resolution – Donaghy

Mr. Donaghy requested Commissioners approve a new banking resolution for BB&T and authorize executing new signature cards.

Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to approve the new banking resolution and authorize the Chairman, Vice-Chairman. Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer to execute new signature cards for BB&T. Motion carried 7-0-0.

Harrington Ground Storage Tank – Swan

Mr. Swan asked John Hunkele to update the Commission on the findings at the ground storage tank at Harrington and the extensive damage found once the tank was drained.

Mr. Hunkele stated the Harrington water facility has been off-line pending completion of a replacement water supply well. The contract for the new well has been issued to Woodrow Sapp Well Drilling Inc. The 350,000 gallon tank for this facility has been drained, cleaned and inspected. As predicted by the 2006 Master Plan, serious deficiencies are now evident on both the interior and exterior systems, as well as the internal tank piping. It has now been discovered that the piping on the interior of the tank is deteriorated to the point of having holes and very little wall thickness remaining. The integrity of the aerator has been compromised over the years and is in need of repair.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Booker to accept the additional scope of work as presented at a cost of $51.950 as an amendment to the contract for rehabilitation of the Harrington WPF Ground Storage tank with CROM LLC.

Commissioner Ford questioned if staff had negotiated with CROM for any reduction in price due to the fact that the interior piping was now found to be in need of replacement and originally was scheduled to be sandblasted followed by coating.

Commissioner Cason amended his original motion and was seconded by Commissioner Booker to direct staff to determine whether a credit was provided by the contractor. accept the additional scope of work as presented at a cost of $51,950 as an amendment to the contract for rehabilitation of the Harrington WPF Ground Storage tank with CROM LLC; and authorize the Chairman to sign the amendment.   Motion carried 6-1-0.     (Commissioner Ford cast the opposing vote).


Director’s Update

Mr. Swan updated the Commissioners on the Gloucester Street property. The listing agent stated some interest has been generated in Newcastle Street properties, however, any marketing assistance the JWSC could provide would be beneficial. Commissioner Booker made several suggestions for marketing.

Mr. Swan stated the JWSC and FLETC met last week on moving forward on the existing utility projects.

The City and JWSC are moving forward with the Mansfield Street and Urbana Projects. Also, a leak has been identified in a 1O” water line in Hanover Square that runs under the fountain. It has been determined the best solution is to run the water line around the fountain rather that make a repair.

Staff is gathering information and talking with property owners in the Community Road area concerning expanding sewer service. Currently approximately 50 property owners have expressed interest.

Located near the ground storage tank at Howard Coffin Park is a drainage ditch which has three main water lines inside it. The ditch is starting to erode and the JWSC will need to relocate the water lines.

John Hunkele is retiring at the end of the month and the JWSC is currently advertising for that position. Barbara Rogers will also be retiring at the end of the month. That position will be outsourced.

The tablets for Commissioners have been delivered and the software is currently being loaded.

Mr. Swan reminded all Commissioners of the work session scheduled for Tuesday, January 27, 2015 beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the JWSC conference room.

Chairman’s Update

Chairman Elliott requested the Committee Chairmen review the tentative schedule and coordinate with Mr. Donaghy. Chairman Elliott stated several of the Committees are on an as needed basis, however, he would like to see more activity in the Customer Service – Communications Committee.


The JWSC members did not have any items to discuss in an Executive Session.

There being no further business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Elliott adjourned the meeting.