Commission Minutes – February 7, 2014
For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from February 7, 2014:
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PRESENT: Dale Provenzano, Chairman
John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner
Sandra J. Dean, Commissioner
Donald M. Elliott, Commissioner
David H. Ford, Commissioner
Ronald E. Perry, Commissioner
ABSENT: Thomas A. Boland, Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: John D. Donaghy, Interim Director/Chief Financial Officer
Desiree E. Watson, JWSC Attorney
Barbara Rogers, JWSC Acting Clerk
Chairman Provenzano called the meeting to order and provided the invocation. Commissioner Elliott led the pledge.
There being no citizens who wished to address the Commission, Chairman Provenzano closed the Public Comment Period.
Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Dean to add BioConversion Technology Contract to the Approval Agenda. Motion carried 6-0-0.
Chairman Provenzano presented former Chairman Ronald E. Perry with an engraved gavel in appreciation for his dedication, guidance and leadership.
Commissioner Elliott stated the Finance Committee had discussed the December 31, 2013 financial reports. John Donaghy reviewed the comparative balance sheet, revenue and expenditure budget report, and accounts receivable report with Commissioners. Commissioner Elliott stated the Finance and Facilities Committees will look at the repair and replacement projects to develop priorities for recommendation to the Board.
1. Minutes of the January 23, 2014 regular meeting and January 23, 2014 executive session
2. Minutes of the January 27, 2014 special called meeting and January 27, 2014 executive session
Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to approve the minutes of the January 23, 2014 regular meeting, the January 23, 2014 executive session, the January 27, 2014 special called meeting, and the January 27, 2014 executive session. Motion carried 6-0-0.
3. Harvey Anderson Lease Renewal
Mr. Donaghy stated the JWSC approved a lease for property at 100 Marsh Drive with Mr. Harvey Anderson in March 2010. The lease is for property where a JWSC lift station is located. Mr. Anderson has agreed to the first amendment to the lease to add an additional four option years under the same terms and conditions of the original lease.
Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to approve the first amendment of the lease for 100 Marsh Drive and to approve the renewal of the option year of March 1, 2014 to February 28, 2015 at a cost of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month. Motion carried 6-0-0.
4. Coastal Landscaping – Second Year Renewal Option
Mr. Donaghy stated the JWSC approved a competitively bid contract for landscaping services with Coastal Landscaping and Design, Inc. on February 16, 2012. The contract was for one initial year and four one-year options under the same terms at the JWSC’s sole discretion.
Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Dean to approve the second option year of the contract with Coastal Landscaping and Design, Inc. at a cost of $61,536 per year. Motion carried 6-0-0.
5. BioConversion Technology
In March 2009 the JWSC entered into a contract with BioConversion Technology to administer its odor and corrosion control program in the Brunswick District. In March 2011, the JWSC approved the first amendment to the contract to extend the program to the Glynn Districts. Bioconversion Technology has agreed to a second amendment to the contract to add an additional one option year under the same terms and conditions of the original contract, as amended.
Commissioners directed staff to research and explore other odor and corrosion control technology programs so that an RFP could be written to secure competitive bids for this type service prior to the expiration date of this contract.
Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Dean to approve the second amendment of the contract with BioConversion Technologies for the period of March 5, 2014 through March 4, 2015. Motion carried 5-1-0. (Commissioner Cason cast the opposing vote).
1. Director’s Report
Mr. Donaghy stated that the FY15 budget preparation is moving forward. Staff is currently reviewing the insurance renewals. The software financial implementation is going well. An orientation schedule for new commissioners is being developed. The Repair & Replacement projects are being prioritized for review by the Facilities and Finance Committees.
Tim Matutat explained the processes being recommended for the Frederica Road and Atlantic Drive sewer rehabilitation. Mr. Matutat showed examples of cured in place, slip line and pipe bursting.
2. Chairman’s Report
The Chairman stated that the activity level for businesses coming to Glynn County has increased. He stated the JWSC needs to be prepared for the growth of the community.
Chairman Provenzano stated the private systems within our service areas that connect to our lines need to be identified and the JWSC needs to develop a strategy on how to convert these to public infrastructure by working with the City and County. Chairman Provenzano requested that the Communications Committee begin work on opening communications with these systems.
Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Perry to close the regular meeting and adjourn to executive session to discuss authorizing negotiations to acquire property and employment of the executive director’s position. Motion carried 6-0-0.
Back in session, no action taken.
Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commission Elliott to extend an offer of employment for the position of Executive Director to candidate number 3, Stephen Swan, at a starting salary of $87,000 with various severance alternatives based on time in position. Motion carried 4-2-0. (Commissioners Dean and Ford cast the opposing votes.
There being no further business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Provenzano adjourned the meeting.