Commission Minutes February 2, 2017
For your consideration, please review the minutes from the Commission Meeting from February 2, 2017:
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Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission
1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520
Thursday, February 2, 2017 at 2:00 PM
Donald M. Elliott, Chairman
Clifford Adams, Commissioner
Michael Browning, County Commissioner
Cornell L. Harvey, City Commissioner
Robert Bowen, Commissioner
Steve Copeland, Commissioner
Dave H. Ford, Commissioner
Jimmy Junkin, Executive Director
Charlie Dorminy, Legal Counsel HBS
Thomas A. Boland, Sr., Deputy Director
John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration & Finance
Todd Kline, Senior Engineer
Pam Crosby, Director of Purchasing
Chairman Elliott called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM. Commissioner Copeland provided the invocation and Chairman Elliott led the pledge.
Chairman Elliott opened the public comment period. There being no citizens for public comment, Chairman Elliott closed the public comment period.
None at this time. Committees to be approved.
- Minutes from the January 19, 2017 Regular Meeting
Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Copeland to approve the minutes from January 19, 2017 Regular Meeting. Motion carried 7-0-0.
- Minutes from the January 19, 2017 Executive Meeting
Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Copeland to approve the minutes from January 19, 2017 Executive Meeting. Motion carried 7-0-0.
- Committee Assignments – D. Elliott
Chairman Elliott discussed the proposed committee assignments. David Ford indicated he would like to be added to the Human Resources & Safety Committee. Chairman Elliott asked for any additional adjustments to the proposed lists of committee members. No additional adjustments to the lists requested.
Commissioner Harvey made a motion seconded by Commissioner Ford to accept the proposed list of members for the committees with the addition of Commissioner David Ford to the Human Resources & Safety Committee. Motion approved 7-0-0.
Chairman Elliott continued the discussion to address the scheduled times of the committee meetings. He mentioned that the Human Resources & Safety Committee should have a meeting in February, with the March meeting following the regular schedule of the first Thursday in the month. Chairman Elliott also noted that the Public Information & Customer Relations Committee should also schedule a February meeting, since this committee should meet the first Tuesday before the first Commission meetings each month. Commissioner Browning discussed the Compliance & Legislative Committee and the Finance Committee and meet at 1:00 and 2:00 p.m. respectively on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. He has County obligations on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 3:00 pm. which could be a time conflict. Since the Finance Committee on occasion takes longer than one hour, it was proposed that both of these meetings be changed from 3rd Tuesday of each month to the 3rd Wednesday of each month.
Commissioner Browning made a motion seconded by Commissioner Copeland that the Public Information & Customer Relations Committee and the Finance Committee meetings be changed from the proposed 3rd Tuesday of each month to the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the same times. Motion approved 7-0-0.
- Health Benefits Renewal Package – C. Thomas, Teamwork Services, Inc.
Catina Thomas with Teamwork Services, Inc. discussed the summary of the proposed healthcare plan with Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Georgia for 2017-2018 coverage period. She briefed that the JWSC carries a separate plan from either the City or the County, and that the plan for JWSC is as much the same as possible considering JWSC is smaller. The JWSC is not able to join in with the City or County on their plans since JWSC is a separate entity. Since the CIGNA plans that JWSC has been carrying during the last several years were all fully funded, it has incurred savings on good years with CIGNA and on years such as this past one where we have had many claims no savings are incurred nor additional costs or obligations to be paid. Since the coverage period of 2016-2017 was a poor claims year CIGNA has proposed a 19.1% increase in the premiums for the upcoming period of 2017-2018. After attempts to negotiate with CIGNA, the best offering was a 13.1% increase by CIGNA. Due to this, Teamwork Services compared proposals from other reputable insurance providers serving our area who can provide a complete offering of insurance needs relating to the benefits the BGJWSC currently offers to its employees. TSI provided a detailed comparative analysis of these offerings to the key BGJWSC staff for review. The BGJWSC staff sought to provide the Commission with recommendations that would at least hold the current BGJWSC cost per employee constant while maintaining the current level of benefits to each employee. Ms. Thomas advised the Commission that the plan proposed by Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Georgia would incur no increase, but in fact a savings of $36,000.00 in total program savings. The providers (doctors and facilities) are somewhat, not exactly, the same from plan to plan, with the exception that the Blue Cross/Blue Shield network is bigger nationwide and the Mayo Clinic is included. In the case that an employee finds that they have to change doctors, Ms. Thomas indicated that TSI would be willing to assist that employee in locating a similar doctor to suit their needs. She again explained the gains from staying with a fully funded program. All coverages that the Commission currently pays for will not incur an increase by moving to Blue Cross/Blue Shield. There will be some small changes in the co-pays and payments to doctors and medical facilities, but are remaining as close to the previous plans as possible.
Commissioner Ford made a motion seconded by Commissioner Bowen that the Brunswick Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission accept the proposal from Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Georgia for BGJWSC’s healthcare insurance policy for the 2017-2018 coverage period. Chairman Elliott indicated that the wording be changed slightly to “Fully Funded Healthcare Insurance Policy”. Commissioner Bowen made a motion seconded by Commissioner Browning. Motions approved 7-0-0.
- Pump Station 2002 Improvements – Unsolicited Proposal – T. Kline
Todd Kline introduced the first unsolicited proposal that has come before the Board for consideration. It is regarding a commercial development (Pilar Hotel) on St. Simons Island that wishes to proceed, however the development is in the area of PS2002 Sewer Basin which is currently having capacity issues. This upgrade is in the Master Plan, but PS2002 is not yet scheduled for improvements and funding has not been committed for in time to meet this development’s schedule. They have offered an Unsolicited Proposal to allow privately funded system improvements to PS2002. Oak Cottages Partners, LLC is proposing to purchase the extra pumps, panels, equipment and materials with JWSC personnel installing the upgrade. Commissioners questioned how this will affect the line capacity, and Mr. Kline indicated that there is still room in the force main and that PS2003 is currently being upgraded and is near completion. This upgrade will not impact PS2003. This upgrade to PS2002 will not adversely affect the line capacity and system. PS2002 “goes to” PS2003, and PS 2003 “goes to” the plant. The returns for JWSC on this proposal are a 70/30, meaning that once this entity funds this upgrade, of any new capital through tap fees brought in by that basin 70% is paid back to this entity to repay their funding and JWSC retains 30%. That remains until the “sunset time” or the proposal is fulfilled. Per the Unsolicited Proposal Policy there are a number of steps required in order for complete approval and contract process. This approval request is for the commission to grant that the staff who has already reviewed the proposal and project scope and recommends that it is a viable improvement to move forward to negotiate a Comprehensive Agreement, then bring it back before the Commission for final approval of the Agreement. Discussion was added for consideration in the agreement to be made that the repayment of the funding to the entity is made either at sunset of the agreement, fulfillment of the proposal, or when the capacity has been reached within the treatment plant and system. Tap fees for Pilar Hotel would still be processed as normal after completion of the upgrade project, but would then be included or calculated as part of their repayment (70/30) for their expenses incurred in the upgrade to PS2002. The upgrade is estimated at 30 days for installation after receipt of materials. Chairman Elliott asked that a qualification of the opportunity costs to JWSC be provided to the Commission, and that JWSC salvage the pumps that are replaced. This proposal will not require JWSC to obtain bids on the pumps for this project.
Commissioner Ford made a motion seconded by Commissioner Harvey to accept and approve the draft proposal (Exhibit A) as a Qualifying Project and authorize the Executive Director to move forward to negotiate a Comprehensive Agreement to be presented for Board approval. Motion approved 7-0-0.
- Key Finance Resolution – P. Crosby
Pam Crosby presented to the Commission that on January 19, 2017 approval was granted to JWSC to enter into a capital lease for the purchase of (9) Sewer Bypass Pumps with Key Equipment Finance. As part of the loan documentation required for closing, a formal resolution with specific language required by Key Finance is requested. It has been reviewed by legal counsel for both parties. This will be a part of the record and loan document.
Commissioner Bowen made a motion seconded by Commissioner Harvey to approve the Loan Resolution in order to facilitate the capital lease financing of (9) Sewer Bypass Pumps with Key Equipment Finance. Motion approved 7-0-0.
- Intergovernmental Agreement For SPLOST Execution – C. Dorminy
Charlie Dorminy requested that Item 7 regarding the Intergovernmental Agreement For SPLOST Execution be deferred until the next Commission meeting. At the last Commission meeting, the approval and adoption was granted for an Addendum to the Operating Agreement as a first step to remedy the north Mainland issues and utilize the SPLOST funds to remedy those issues. The next step is to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the County for handling of the SPLOST funds, but that Agreement Draft has not been received from the County. Once the Agreement is received, it can be approved.
Commissioner Browning made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to defer Item 7 until it goes before the Finance Committee on February 15th, and is then brought before the Commission for approval on February 16th. Motion approved 7-0-0.
- JWSC R & R/Capital Project Status Update – T. Kline
Todd Kline presented the Project Update. Project 232 – State Route 99 Waterline Extensions. Phase IIA and Phase III are now complete. Phase II is in 10% completion on construction and is starting on wetlands bores along SR99. Projected Completion Date is March 31, 2017. Project 319 – Urbana. Sanitary sewer & sewer services are complete; JWSC installation of Water is complete; the City of Brunswick Storm portion is complete. PS4019 is offline now with demolition scheduled for week of February 3 to February 8. Roadways are still rough with replacement of concrete/asphalt sidewalk and driveways scheduled for February 3 through February 20, and final grading of “G” street scheduled for Monday, February 6. Project 421 – Mansfield Street Sewer Replacement. Projected completion date is still to be determined (City of Bwk.). The sanitary sewer is complete with exclusion of minor grouting & finish work and home connections. The City of Brunswick storm drain installation is currently between Bay and Grant Street. Water system contractor to replace existing 12” main at Bay Street. GAB has been installed on Reynolds Street on the roads portion. Project 503 – Canal Crossing Water & Force Main Improvements. Projected completion date is still to be determined by the County. Contractor is to provide Glynn County and JWSC plans for review. Awaiting completion on final punch list items and record drawings. Project 504 – Canal Crossing Pumpstation. Projected completion date is March 31, 2017. Project is 95% complete with LS4101 online. Have been some issues with flow meters and flow station. Awaiting completion of final punch list items and record drawings. Project 505 – Pumpstation 2032 Regional Station & Forcemain. 200 day contract. Projected completion date is July 22, 2017. 18% of force main has been installed from PS2032 to North Windward Drive. This project has been highly communicated with the public; no complaints with traffic issues; and possible to have another 1000’ of forcemain installed by next week. Project 501 – Alder Circle. Intergovernmental Project with Glynn County – SPLOST V funded. All bids received were over the Engineers Probable Cost. Project is on hold awaiting re-evaluation of project scope. Project 602 – Holly Street Sewer Rehabilitation/ Replacement. SPLOST V funded. Final engineering design is complete. Engineering had to be re-designed due to utility lines and items that caused much review. Will be sending to the County for bid process. Project 701 – PS4048 Force Main Improvements. Is in Engineering design phase and will be designed to reroute around LS4005. Permitting and surveying is in process. Expected bid for construction is March 2017. Project 702 – North Mainland Sewer Basin Re-route. This is a SPLOST 2016 project. An intergovernmental Agreement is in process at this time between BGJWSC and Glynn County regarding the bidding process. Is a phased project in order to expedite as a long term component of the solution for north Mainland capacity. Project 703 – PS4003 Decommission & Gravity Sewer. This is also a SPLOST 2016 project. Purpose is to eliminate the Pump Station and extend the gravity flow straight to Academy Creek WWTP. Engineering design RFP is in process. Project 704 – Canal Road to Glynco Parkway 12” Water Main Loop. Pre-engineering in progress. This will utilize 3,000 LF of surplus C900 PVC pipe from PS2030 Project. Evaluating as JWSC in-house project; Design and Construction. Project 705 – Hautala to Old Jesup 12” Water Main Loop. Located at Cate Road and Old Jesup Road Intersection. Purpose is to provide a second connection between the former separate City and County water systems. Engineering design is in progress by Planning & Construction.
Mr. Junkin stated that JWSC is working on the 2018 budget. The North Mainland Sewer Project has become magnified and a refined schedule and analysis of the timeline is needed. There is an urgency for progress on this project due to future economic development of the area. Odor control at the Academy Creek WWTP is continuing to be worked on. Capacity analysis of Dunbar Creek is in process. Academy Creek’s odor emissions are a focus in the assessment of the plant for the upcoming upgrades and rehabilitation of the treatment plant.
Chairman Elliott expressed his hopes that the Commissioner Orientation Session and the discussions in the Commission meeting have been beneficial. He noted his privilege in working with the organization from the discussions and items presented. Elliott feels that this current Commission can investigate, ascertain, look at the projects, and ask the right questions so that the Commission can go forth and make decisions in the best interest of the JWSC and Glynn County and the City of Brunswick. He thanked the members for being a part of the Commission and for their willingness to serve.
There was no Executive Session.
Chairman Elliott adjourned the open meeting at 3:44 pm.