Commission Minutes – December 2, 2014
For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from December 2, 2014:
To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:
PRESENT: Dale Provenzano, Chairman
Thomas A. Boland, Commissioner
John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner
Sandra J. Dean, Commissioner
Donald M. Elliott, Commissioner
David H. Ford, Commissioner
Ronald E. Perry, Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Stephen A. Swan, Executive Director
John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration
Desiree E. Watson, JWSC Attorney
Barbara Rogers, JWSC Clerk
Chairman Provenzano called the meeting to order and gave the invocation. Vice-Chairman Dean led the pledge.
There being no citizen that wished to address the Commission, Chairman Provenzano closed the Public Comment Period.
Commissioner Dean made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to add amendment to the Local Act to the Approval Agenda as item #11. Motion carried 7-0-0.
Communications & Customer Service – Commissioner Dean
No report at this time.
Economic Development – Chairman Provenzano
Chairman Provenzano stated there continues to be some on-going interest at the interchange at exit 42.
Facilities – Commissioner Perry
Commissioner Perry stated all Facilities Committee items are on today’s agenda.
Finance – Commissioner Elliott
Commissioner Elliott stated all Finance Committee items are on today’s agenda and worker’s compensation coverage has been forwarded to the Human Resource Committee.
Human Resources – Commissioner Cason
Commissioner Cason stated all Human Resources items are on today’s agenda and the Committee is drafting Commission By-Laws.
Legislative – Chairman Provenzano
The proposed language to exercise eminent domain/condemnation powers has been resolved and is scheduled to be on the City’s agenda for the December 17th meeting and the County’s agenda for the December 18th meeting.
1. Minutes of the November 20, 2014 regular meeting, (subject to any necessary changes). – B. Rogers
Commissioner Dean made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to approve the minutes of the November 20, 2014 regular meeting. Motion carried 7-0-0.
2. Minutes of the November 20, 2014 executive session, (subject to any necessary changes). – B. Rogers
Commissioner Dean made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to approve the minutes of the November 20, 2014 executive session. Motion carried 7-0-0.
3. Harrington Water Production Facility – Ground Storage Tank Rehabilitation – S. Swan
Mr. John Hunkele, P.E., stated the ground storage tank at the Harrington facility was inspected as part of the 2006 SSI Water Master Plan. It was noted at that time that several “minor” cracks in the tank structure were observed. No mention of internal inspections being performed. The tank has been drained, cleaned and inspected. Serious deficiencies are now evident on both interior and exterior coating, as well as internal tank piping. Staff recommends the tank be rehabilitated before the new production well is installed, tested, and placed in service. Funding is available through the Renewal and Replacement Reserve Fund.
Commissioner Dean made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to award a contract for rehabilitation of the Harrington WPF Ground Storage tank to Crom Coatings in the amount of $39,327.00 with a possible deduct of $6,000 if performed during its current mobilization. Motion carried 7-0-0.
4. Wastewater Collection & Transmission Systems – Preventative Maintenance Program for Odor and Corrosion – S. Swan
Mr. Hunkele stated on September 29, 2014 the JWSC issued a Request for Proposals to provide specialized services for the wastewater collection and transmission systems preventative maintenance program for odor and corrosion. A mandatory pre-bid meeting was held on October 8, 2014 to clarify the proposal requirements and answer any questions and concerns. Each proposer was be afforded a designated time to perform its own independent testing and analysis. Both program strategy and proposed cost formed the basis for comparison of the proposals. Expeditious implementation of an odor and corrosion control strategy is essential to mitigate the effects of hydrogen sulfide corrosion in the wastewater collection and transmission system. Based on staff’s review, the proposal of Evoqua Water Technologies has been deemed as the most advantageous and provides the highest value to the JWSC.
Commissioner Dean made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to authorize the Director of Procurement to proceed with negotiations resulting in a proposed agreement with Evoqua Water Technologies to implement a preventative maintenance program for odor and corrosion control and that the proposed agreement be presented to the Commission for final approval. Motion carried 7-0-0.
5. Health Insurance Renewal – J. Donaghy
Mr. Donaghy stated that currently the JWSC provides health insurance to employees through Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Employees contribute to the cost of health insurance through a biweekly payroll deduction. Teamwork Services has obtained quotes for this coverage for the 2015 calendar year. Blue Cross/Blue Shield provided the lowest cost plan with a 9.0% premium increase from the 2014 calendar year. The premium increase in each category of coverage will be divided 50% to the JWSC and 50% to employees. The Human Resources Committee recommends renewal with Blue Cross/Blue Shield for the 2015 calendar year.
Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason that the Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission provide health insurance through Blue Cross/Blue Shield for the calendar year 2015 at the premiums and employee contributions stated in the attached cost comparison and authorize the Chairman, Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer to execute the documents necessary subject to approval by legal counsel. Motion carried 7-0-0.
6. Amendment to the Human Resources Standards of Practice – Uniform Dress code – J. Donaghy
Mr. Donaghy reviewed the proposed changes to the HR Standards of Practice, Uniform Dress code. The changes have been reviewed and recommended by the Human Resources Committee.
Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the amendment to the Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission Human Resources Standards of Practice Article 1, Section 1.2 and Article 4, Section 4.14 as presented. Motion carried 7-0-0.
7. Amendment to the Human Resources Standards of Practice – Administrative Leave – J. Donaghy
Mr. Donaghy reviewed the proposed changes to the HR Standards of Practice concerning Administrative Leave with or without pay. The changes have been reviewed and recommended by the Human Resources Committee.
Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to amend the HR Standards of Practice Article 4, Section 4.8, Practice Guideline 4 and 5 concerning Administrative Leave With or Without Pay, as presented. Motion carried 6-1-0. (Commissioner Ford cast the opposing vote.)
Chairman Provenzano suggested the Human Resources Committee also review the appeals process.
8. Dedication of the Golf Maintenance Facility at Frederica Township Infrastructure – S. Swan
Mr. Hunkele explained the JWSC is proposing to make enhancements to the sewer transmission system and installing a new 6 inch forcemain from LS 2059 directly to Lawrence Road. This will eliminate several hundred feet of existing piping and a dozen or so fittings thereby lowering friction loses and associated power costs. In order to accomplish this new construction, a 15 foot wide sanitary sewer easement is required and has been requested from the Frederica Development Group. The necessary easement documents with associated survey plats and legal descriptions have been prepared, executed and approved as to form by legal counsel.
Commissioner Dean made a motion seconded by Commissioner Perry to accept a 15-foot wide sewer easement from LS 2059 to Lawrence Road across the property of the Federica Development Group necessary to facilitate the construction of piping improvements. Motion carried 7-0-0.
9. Dedication of The Promenade Infrastructure – S. Swan
Mr. Hunkele stated The Promenade is a 52 lot single family residential subdivision situated at the intersection of the Altama Connector and Old Cypress Mill Road. Water lines within the development are to be dedicated to the JWSC as public infrastructure and will be located within the private rights-of-way or within dedicated easements. The JWSC is also providing sewer service, however, all gravity mains and related appurtenances within the development are to remain under private ownership. The newly constructed lift station within The Promenade is also intended to remain under private ownership. In as much as all requirements of the BGJWSC Development Procedures have been met and all easements and related documents have been executed and submitted, staff recommends acceptance by the Commission of the on-site water system along with associated easements within The Promenade as public infrastructure for ownership. Staff also recommends acceptance of the off-site sewage forcemain serving The Promenade as public infrastructure.
Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Ford to accept the on-site water system along with the associated easements within The Promenade, and the off-site sewage forcemain serving The Promenade as public infrastructure for ownership, operation, and maintenance. Motion carried 7-0-0.
10. Amendment 3 to Agreement for Local Limits Assistance Industrial Pretreatment Program Support – Brown and Caldwell – S. Swan
Mr. Hunkele stated that in May 2013 the JWSC entered into a consulting agreement with Brown and Caldwell to provide assistance in the development of Local Limits Evaluation for Academy Creek WPCP. Proposed Amendment No. 3 will allow for assistance with the preparation of five industrial discharge permits at a cost of $15,444; additional on-demand services that allow Brown and Caldwell to provide additional industrial pretreatment assistance such as, data reviews, supplemental evaluations, coordination with regulatory agencies and industries on JWSC’s behalf at a cost of $11,075; and assistance with the preparation of five Industrial Discharge Permits at a cost of $15,444.
Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to approve Amendment No. 3 to Brown and Caldwell’s Agreement for Local Limits Assistance in the total amount of $41,963 and authorize the Chairman to execute the necessary documents. Motion carried 6-1-0. (Commissioner Dean cast the opposing vote.)
11. Amendment to the Local Act
Chairman Provenzano and Mrs. Watson reviewed concerns of the City and County with the JWSC being granted the authority to exercise the power of eminent domain and the proposed amendment addresses those concerns.
Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to approve the amendment to the Local Act as presented. Motion carried 6-1-0. (Commissioner Dean cast the opposing vote).
Director’s Update
Mr. Swan updated Commissioners on the status of the compensation and benefit survey being conducted by Condrey & Associates. Fourteen like utilities are participating. Condrey staff will be on-site this week conducting interviews.
Staff will be meeting with Verizon Wireless on December 15 to select tablets and phone service.
A meeting was held with residents of Epworth Acres and one will be scheduled for Belle Pointe, Marshes of McKay, Tupelo and River Ridge residents in the near future.
An employee luncheon will be held at Howard Coffin Park on December 17, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Service Awards will be presented at that time. Mr. Swan encouraged all Commissioners to attend, if possible.
Chairman’s Update
Chairman Provenzano asked all Commissioners to have their surveys completed this week. A Special Called Meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 9th at 5:00 p.m.
Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Elliott to close the regular meeting and adjourn to executive session to discuss pending litigation. Motion carried 7-0-0.
Back in open session.
Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Ford to approve the finding of no fault settlement agreement with OSHA regarding a whistle blower complaint, and authorize legal counsel to sign the agreement. Motion carried 7-0-0.