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Commission Minutes – August 6, 2015

For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from August 6, 2015:


To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:


Donald M. Elliott, Chairman

Clifford Adams, Commissioner

Thomas Boland, Commissioner

Allen Booker, County Commissioner

John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner

David H. Ford, Commissioner



Ronald Perry, Commissioner

 ALSO PRESENT:                

Stephen A. Swan, Executive Director

John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration

 Charles A. Dorminy, Legal Counsel

Chairman Elliott called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM. Commissioner Booker provided the invocation, and Chairman Elliott let the pledge.


There being no citizens that wished to address the Commission, Chairman Elliott closed the Public Comment Period.

Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to add item #5 to the agenda under discussion and have John Donaghy, Chief Financial Officer give a brief on the Innoprise financial program software integration. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Perry was absent for the vote).

Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded Commissioner Boland to excuse Commissioner Perry from the meeting today. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Perry was absent for the vote).

Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to add item #6 to agenda under discussion for Mariners Landing Cite approval. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Perry was absent for the vote).


Communications & Customer Service Committee Commissioner Ford

There was nothing new to report.

Economic Development Committee – Commissioner Elliott

Did not meet and there was nothing new to report.

Facilities Committee – Commissioner Perry

Commissioner Perry is absent and there was nothing new to report.

Finance Committee – Commissioner Elliott

Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday August 18th at 2 pm.

Human Resources Committee – Commissioner Cason

There was nothing new to report.

Legislative Committee – Commissioner Boland

Next meeting is scheduled for Monday August 10th at 3 pm.


Minutes from the July 16, 2015 Regular Meeting.

Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason to approve the minutes from the July 16, 2015 regular meeting. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Perry was absent for the vote).

Minutes from the July 16, 2015 Executive Session Meeting.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Ford to approve the minutes from the July 16, 2015 Executive Session. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Perry was absent for the vote).

Canal Crossing Pump Station Project – Todd Kline

Todd Kline presented to the Commission and summarized the memo on the Canal Crossing Pump Station. He stated this is in reference to the Canal Crossing Pump Station Project and the Sanitary Sewer improvements that will serve the commercial development in the Sam’s Club development at Spur 25 and Canal Road intersection. The referenced project involves the installation of a new wastewater pumping station and associated force main. The invitation to bid was publicly advertised per JWSC requirements. There were 4 responsive bids and the JWSC staff have reviewed and are making their recommendations based on the supporting factors for Ricketson Construction Company Inc.   It was clarified that this is for the construction proposal of the facility and not the design proposal.   There was comparison of the engineers estimate and the JWSC staff evaluation. The large difference in the bid proposal fees costs were discussed. It was noted that Ricketson Construction is the contractor doing the work for the county and they are already on site which may have offset their costs.

Commissioner Ford made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cason that JWSC accept the bid as received from Ricketson Construction Company Inc. for the Canal Crossing Pump Station

Project, award this contract in the amount of $271,000.00 and authorize the Executive Director and the Chairman to execute this agreement. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Perry was absent for the vote).

There was additional discussion regarding start time and a notice of award to contractor to include a pre-construction meeting.

Urbana Sanitary Sewer Upgrade – T. Kline

Todd Kline presented to the Commission and summarized the memo on the Urbana Sanitary Sewer Improvements. This project will implement needed sanitary sewer improvements to the City of Brunswick sanitary sewer system. The project is located within the Urbana area of the City of Brunswick off the right of way of Highway 17. Mr. Kline stated the project involves: installation of gravity sewer mains with associated sewer wyes, service laterals with associated clean outs, 43 manholes, demolition and removal of lift station 4019, replacement of asphalt pavements, concrete driveways, sidewalks, concrete curbs and gutter and erosion and sediments controls. Completion of this project will result in important and necessary improvements to capacity and reliability on the JWSC sewer system within the City of Brunswick. Funding for this project is available through Repair & Replacement and the City of Brunswick is contributing funds for its completion. This lift station is also part of the City of Brunswick Beautification Project. The invitation to bid was publicly advertised per JWSC requirements. There were 2 responsive bids and JWSC staff have reviewed and are making their recommendations based on the supporting factors for Washington County Machine Shop.

Commission Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to accept the bid received from Washington County Machine Shop for the Urbana Sanitary Sewer Improvements Project in the amount of $1,725,484.95 plus a 5% Owner’s contingency to be used only at the Executive Director’s discretion and authorize the Executive Director and the Chairman to execute this agreement.

There was further discussion regarding the 5% contingency noted in the motion. Mr. Kline stated that the unknowns involved with working on an existing structure was the main reason for the contingency clause.

Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Perry was absent for the vote).


 JWSC Master Plan Update – S. Swan

Mr. Swan addressed the commission and stated yesterday we had the Master Plan Update which will be conducted every 5 years. The original Master Plan was developed prior to 2007 and has been updated a few times since. Many things have changed in the county, the community and economics of Glynn County since 2007 plus the status of our systems conditions.   We had several engineering firms and our consultant ATM/4 Waters Engineering Group. This was a preliminary briefing and will be addressed again in 2 weeks with Angela Bryan.  After a review with each division (Water Production, Water Distribution, Waste Water Treatment Facilities, Waste Water Collection System and the Senior Engineer and staff) the plan is to have the final product for approval in 30 days. A representative from Burton and Associates was present and will be addressing items that will be considered for the Rate Resolution. They are also working on our 5, 10, 15, and 20 year plan. Mr. Swan discussed the Brookman Water Facility and stated there are items that need to be addressed like closing out the contract, letter of warranty, and a lien waver. This facility is important as that’s all our water production and water pressures on the south mainland district and we need information to complete the Master Plan. We have a lot of well researched information and can be helpful for the County to prepare their Master Plan.   Chairman Elliott asked Commissioner Cason (City Commissioner) and Commissioner Booker (County Commissioner) if it would be helpful to have a work session with the county and the city council and hold a public meeting in which to present the first draft of the Master Plan and both agreed. Mr. Swan will get a tentative date to get together and arrange a location to include the planning and zoning committees.

Building Status Update – S. Swan

Our first big event was the Master Plan. The move went well and we are working out some small issues. Harper Contractors did a great job getting us here and on time. Ussery will be completing the punch list. Building permits have been received on the CVS building and the small unit on the end and is progressing. Mr. Swan stated he met with the landscaping company and will split the cost of all three entities. Our internet connections are working well and new servers are on line. Camera systems are working well. We are completely checked out of the old building and the final walk through went well and found no discrepancies.

Pinova / Hercules Remediation – Scott A. Recker (Timothy Hassett)

Mr. Swan introduced Ms. Nancy Mick of Pinova Holdings. He also stated Bill Hawthorne of Environmental Protection Division, and also Gregory Cherry from USGS were present.

Nancy Mick, Pinova Holdings, went over the agenda and the relationship with Pinova and Hercules which was also included in the handout. She introduced Scott A. Recker, Senior Consultant for Antea Group and Jonathan J. Alix, Senior Project Manager for Antea Group. The Antea Group are consultants for Pinova/Hercules. Mr. S. Recker discussed the site characterization and the plant area. The plume location was discussed and included the vertical extent of permeability groundwater layer. He discussed the maximum ground water impacts and noted that below 100 ft. or above 50 feet is clean water. The organic compounds found in this plume are levels of benzene, chloroform, and xylene. The public comment period in the previous meeting was with respect to the Terry Creek superfund clean-up. The Antea firm does not work on that issue and is regulated as a completely different subject. Nancy Mick stated there was a request for a comment period regarding Terry Creek clean up surface water discharge and it will be managed separate from this. Commissioner Ford asked if our existing permits cover the chemicals mentioned. Angela Walker, Pre-Treatment Coordinator, stated they are listed in Pinova’s permit and they already test for those at their facility. Mr. Recker stated the areas of impact are mostly confined to Pinova property. There have been no impacts to the West. Mr. Swan inquired if Pinova / Hercules is confident that they have good records of all the old wells and how they were taken care of and capped. Ms. Mick stated yes and recently performed a study. Mr. Recker stated EPD has approved their Interim Corrective Measure Plan and Hydraulic Control plan. He continued to state that local businesses and property owners have been notified and EPD is anxious to begin. The contact for this case is Jim Brown of the EPD. Mr. Swan and Commissioner Booker requested a third party lab draw the samples for analysis. Mr. Swan stated the Commissioners are working hard to be transparent and trying to make good wise decisions for our rate payers. It was stated that Pinova will be reporting monthly and the process will last at least three years. Mr. Recker stated the funding for the site clean-up is entirely on Hercules. Mr. Recker stated they are requesting approval to begin the ground water remediation which will begin to benefit the community. It would start the process they have been working toward for many years which is to improve water quality and prevent and inhibit any further migration of contaminants. Mr. Swan stated the proposal will be on hold until the Commission has full understanding of the situation. There was additional discussion of the location and maps presented.

Pinova and WRMAC – G. Cherry, USGS

Mr. Swan introduced Mr. Cherry, USGS, and stated their services are valuable to us. Other entities should participate and be involved with USGS program WRMAC. There are 3 primary draws of water: GP, Pinova, JWSC and then King & Prince, and other entities. Our water resource is a very precious thing to us and Greg’s service also checks the quality of the water and monitors the salt water plume and how it affects us. Mr. Cherry stated he will cover the Upper, Surficial and Brunswick Aquifer systems. JWSC draws its water from the upper Floridan Aquifer system. The question was asked if there any concerns from where JWSC draws its water from. Mr. Cherry believes the zone noted earlier is much deeper than what was discussed. There is 400 feet of buffer between the area of contaminant and the public supply well. Mr. Cherry’s biggest concern are wells acting as a conduit for contaminants. He continued to state that they do not know the gradients between the Floridan and Surficial but there is the 400 feet of buffer as mentioned. There was further discussion regarding wells and abandoned sites and documentation. It was stated that USGS tests for basic Chlorine levels. Billy Simmons stated the JWSC sends water samples to the EPA and a third party lab and have come back all clear. There was further discussion on Artesian wells.

Innoprise Software Update – J. Donaghy

Mr. John Donaghy updated the Commissioners on the Innoprise Software implementation. This past week has been tremendous progress in solving issues and setting the calendar for implementation. There will be testing in the following areas: Billing Configuration, Meter download/uploads, work orders, mobile work order dispatching, centralized cash receipt against AR, Customer pole and on-line access, printing company and design of new bill. There will be preliminary staff training with a need for temporary staff services. Mr. Donaghy stated 2 separate systems will be running at one time and will require duplicate input of data. The expected date to go live with the new system will be December 1st.

Mariners Landing Site Approval – T. Kline

Mr. Kline updated the Commissioners on the Mariners Landing Site. He stated there are some important components in the Mariners Landing project which include Capacity, Pump Station 2030 Force Main Upgrade and 2051 Pump Station Upgrade (which is the responsibility of the developer to perform). The engineer has submitted a 2051 upgrade proposal to JWSC and it is under review by the staff. It is still in the approval process. Mr. Kline proceeded to state the site plans submitted does meet the normal review criteria but is held up for reasons of capacity at PS 2051 as well as PS 2030. There was additional discussion regarding meeting requests and setting guidelines.




There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Elliott adjourned the open meeting. Chairman Elliott stated the executive session will be discussion only. No action will be taken to warrant the return to open session.

Commissioner Cason made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to close the regular meeting and adjourn to executive session to discuss potential litigation. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Commissioner Perry was absent for the vote).