Commission Minutes – April 9, 2015
For your consideration, please review the minutes for the Commission Meeting from April 9, 2015:
To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above or you may see more below:
PRESENT: Donald M. Elliott, Chairman
Clifford Adams, Commissioner
Thomas Boland, Commissioner
Allen Booker, County Commissioner
John A. Cason, III, City Commissioner
David H. Ford, Commissioner
Ronald Perry, Commissioner
ALSO PRESENT: Stephen A. Swan, Executive Director
John D. Donaghy, Director of Administration
Charles A. Dorminy, JWSC Attorney
Chairman Elliott called the meeting to order. Commissioner Perry provided the invocation, and Chairman Elliott led the pledge.
Executive Director Steve Swan recognized the following individual to address the Commission:
- Linda Boyer, Brunswick. Ms. Boyer is the owner and operator of McIntosh Lawn and would like to be recognized as one of the contracts for the pump station lawn care bids.
There being no additional citizens who wished to address the Commission, Chairman Elliott closed the Public Comment Period.
- Minutes of the April 2, 2015 Regular Meeting.
Commissioner Ford asked that the minutes be revised removing the comment that Commissioner Ford was absent for the meeting on April 2, 2015.
Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to approve the minutes with any necessary changes or corrections of the April 2, 2015 regular meeting. Motion carried 7-0-0.
- Minutes of April 2, 2015 Executive Session.
There were no Executive Session minutes to approve
- Cityworks Contract Approval and Implementation – Steve Swan
Mr. Swan summarized the Memo attached to the Agenda regarding the Cityworks Server Implementation contract and stated that this is to implement a software that JWSC has already purchased. Mr. Swan read the background information on the memo and made note that this is the older version and not the updated version. Mr. Swan read the staff recommendation and suggested motion that the Commission accept the contract of Jones Edmunds, Inc. in the amount of $138,050.00 to complete the implementation of Cityworks and the training the of JWSC staff.
Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Booker to accept the contract with Jones Edmunds, Inc. in the amount of $138,050.00 and authorize the Executive Director and the Chairman to execute the contract.
Following discussion included Commissioner Ford who questioned the cost and use of software with ATM compared to using existing software. Mr. Swan stated that ATM does not possess or is trained in Cityworks software. The newer version has updates and multiple unlimited license. The older version is paid for but not being fully utilized and implementation is needed with Jones Edmunds assistance. Mr. Swan stated the module for customer service will be scheduling and make Customer Service more efficient. GIS program will work with Jones Edmunds. Commissioner Booker asked it the attorney has been able to review the contract, Mr. Swan stated he will have Charles Dorminy review the contract. Chairman Elliott recommends the ATM contract be reviewed.
The motion stands as approved 6-1-0 (Commissioner Ford voted against the motion).
- Landscaping Facilities Contract – Steve Swan
Mr. Swan summarized the Memo attached to the Agenda regarding previous recommendation of April 2, 2015 to award for the landscaping and lawn care contract for JWSC be tabled until staff could ask specific questions to both proposers of the contact and report back. Mr. Swan stated this contract was for one year contract term with 4 one year extensions. Mr. Swan read the staffs review and recommendations. Options 1: Both bids be rejected and the Landscaping and Lawn Care RFP be re-advertised with a more defined scope and questions of each bidder. Option 2: Commission award the project to the most qualified bidder and in the best interest of JWSC. The interview documents are attached to the agenda and were discussed.
Commissioner Boland expressed being unhappy with the original bid of certification spray.
Commissioner Boland made a motion and Commissioner Perry seconded to accept the staff’s recommendation of Option 1 to reject both bids due to an incomplete definition of JWSC requirements in the scope of work provided in the RFP.
Following discussion included Commissioner Boland addressing question to Charles Dorminy asking if there is enough legal grounds to cover this issue. Mr. Swan stated the current contract
is held by Coastal Landscape and Design. Mr. Swan states the new RPF will include herbicide and spray license, security requirements and bonding information and will have legal review it.
The motion stands as approved 7-0-0.
- Approval of Lift Station 2030 Contract – Todd Kline
Mr. Kline summarized the Memo attached to the Agenda regarding the advertised competitive bids for the 2030 Basin project. Project #409 is to implement reliability and capacity to the sewer infrastructure system that serves a large southwestern portion of St Simons Island known as 2030 Basin. The staff recommends the JWSC award this contract to Popco, Inc.
Mr. Donaghy stated the Facility Committee will obtain cost funding determining the split of costs to repair existing capacity and cost for expansion capacity for this project which is available through (option #8 on attachment) the Renewal and Replacement Reserve Fund. Mr. Swan stated there were seven qualified bidders for the contract but because of short duration/lengthy project, timing for work to be done, and lawsuit pending and high profile has caused others to withdraw.
Commissioner Ford made a motion and Commissioner Booker seconded to accept the bid as received for Project #409 be awarded to Popco, Inc. in the total amount of $3,618,207.54 and authorized the Executive Director and Chairman to execute the contract. Motion approved and carried 7-0-0.
- Declaring Property Surplus – Steve Swan
Mr. Swan summarized the Memo attached to the Agenda regarding the 200 F Street property. He stated that JWSC acquired the property from the City of Brunswick and the staff has reviewed both property appraisals in conjunction with the City of Brunswick and has found that 200 F Street property does not have an operational use for JWSC, and is considered surplus. Mr. Swan continued stating the City has this item on their agenda for discussion next week.
Commissioner Cason made a motion and Commissioner Booker second to declare the property at 200 F Street as surplus and made available for a sale transaction with the City of Brunswick. Motion approved and carried 7-0-0.
Following discussion with Commissioner Boland noting the location of the property is close to the new JWSC building and it is important to secure the property. Mr. Swan stated there is also a liability and we want to reduce that liability if not being used.
Chairman Elliott requested a motion be made to move the Executive Directors Update and the Chairmans’ Update to the Discussion level. Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams. Motion approved 7-0-0.
Mr. Swan recognized Sandra Egan and her responsibilities to prepare and have the agenda and minutes out and on-line earlier.
Mr. Swan recognized Charlie Dorminy of Hall, Booth, and Smith Law Firm and noted they have already addressed issues and looking forward to working with them.
Mr. Swan noted that the draft of the Bylaws will be ready for Commissioner Casons’ review before May 1st in time for Human Resources Committee.
Commissioner Perry made a motion seconded by Commissioner Boland to adjourn the executive session and return to the open session. Motion carrier 7-0-0
Back in session.
Commissioner Boland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Perry to adjust the Executive Directors salary to be in accordance with the Condrey Study for employees and Charlie Dorminy to amend the contract and Chairman Elliott to execute.
There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Elliot adjourned the open meeting at 4:40 PM.