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Commission Meeting Minutes Thursday, September 20, 2018

For your consideration, please read the minutes from the Commission Meeting held on Thursday, September 20, 2018.

Commission Meeting Minutes 9-20-18 with Attachments

To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below.

Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission

1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520

Thursday, September 20, 2018 at 2:00 PM



Donald M. Elliott, Chairman

Mike Browning, Vice-Chairman

Cornell L. Harvey, Commissioner

Clifford Adams, Commissioner

Steve Copeland, Commissioner

Tripp Stephens, Commissioner

Ben Turnipseed, Sr. Commissioner

ALSO PRESENT:                 

Jimmy Junkin, Executive Director

Charlie Dorminy, Legal Counsel HBS

Andrew Burroughs, Deputy Executive Director

Todd Kline, Director of Engineering

Pam Crosby, Director of Procurement

 John D. Donaghy, Director of Finance

Jay Sellers, Director of Administration

Janice Meridith, Exec. Commission Administrator

Cindy Barnhart, T.S.I.

 MEDIA PRESENT:               

Taylor Cooper, The Brunswick News

Pamela Permar Shierling, The Islander

Chairman Elliott called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM. \

Commissioner Turnipseed provided the invocation and Chairman Elliott led the pledge.


Chairman Elliott opened the public comment period.

Ben Grantham – 33 Tiffany Estates, Tap In Fees – Mr. Grantham noted that Tiffany Estates was platted in 1974, and that he has 8 lots in the subdivision.  He provided that this specific lot at 33 Tiffany Estates is metered, has Georgia Power and a sewer line.  His concern is that he is required to pay $9,000 for a tap-in fee.  He added that this is not a new lot and he believes it should be grandfathered in with the City of Brunswick.  He added that there is not a water account for this address, but again noted there is a meter and sewer line.

Mr. Junkin requested to review this matter at a later time and contact will be made with Mr. Grantham to discuss.

There being no additional citizens for public comment, Chairman Elliott closed the public comment period.


Certificate Presentations – C. Harvey / C. Barnhart, T.S.I.

Henry Earl Tilson – Wastewater Collection System Operator

Matthew Samuel Lane – Water Operator Class 2

Commissioner Harvey and Cindy Barnhart presented Henry Earl Tilson with his Wastewater Collection System Operator certificate.  His supervisor, John McCallum and superintendent, Kirk Young were present to recognize Mr. Tilson’s accomplishment.  Commissioner Harvey and Ms. Barnhart also presented Matthew Samuel Lane with his Water Operator Class 2 certificate.  His superintendent, Donnie Bankston was also present to recognize Mr. Lane’s continued efforts and achievement.


Chairman Elliott advised there would be an Executive Session to discuss personnel and potential litigation with a vote to be taken.

Commissioner Stephens made a motion seconded by Commissioner Harvey to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss personnel and potential litigation.  Motion carried 7-0-0.

Return to Regular Session

Commissioner Stephens made a motion seconded by Commissioner Harvey to adjourn from Executive Session.  Motion carried 7-0-0.

Commissioner Stephens made a motion seconded by Commissioner Browning to table Agenda Approval Item #3 SPLOST 2016 North Mainland Phase 1 Change Order.  Motion carried 7-0-0.

Commissioner Stephens made a motion seconded by Commissioner Harvey to add the Approval of the Executive Director’s contract to the agenda.  Motion carried 7-0-0.

Commissioner Harvey made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to move to offer the Executive Director a contract and if accepted to authorize the Chairman execute that contract.  Motion Carried 7-0-0


  1. Minutes from the September 6, 2018 Regular Commission Meeting

Commissioner Browning made a motion seconded by Commissioner Stephens to approve the minutes from the September 6, 2018 Regular Commission Meeting.  Motion carried 7-0-0.

  1. Minutes from the September 6, 2018 Executive Session

Commissioner Browning made a motion seconded by Commissioner Harvey to approve the minutes from the September 6, 2018 Executive Session.  Motion carried 7-0-0.

  1. North Mainland District Sewer Improvements – Phase 1, Change Order 2 –C. Dorminy / J. Junkin

This item was tabled until a later date.

  1. Oak Grove Unsolicited Proposal – C. Dorminy

Charlie Dorminy presented the recommendation to approve the Unsolicited Proposal submitted by Carolina Holdings Group Partners, LLC subject to the receipt of the Unsolicited Proposal Waiver and associated fee, and for JWSC staff to evaluate the Project.  He provided that Lift Station 4132 is an existing yet non-functioning JWSC pump station located on Hermitage Island in Northern Glynn County West of Highway 341 off of Oak Grove Road.  Mr. Dorminy advised that Carolina Holdings Group Partners, LLC (“Developer”) has contracted to purchase property owned by Oak Grove Island Limited, LLLP which is governed by the Oak Grove Island Plantation Planned Development (the “Property”) which is not connected to the public sewer system.  The Developer wishes to extend the public sewer system from LS 4132 as a part of its plan of development of the Property.  Mr. Dorminy further noted that the Developer proposes to fund and contract for the necessary improvements to provide public wastewater service to the Property.  The Developer will work with JWSC to determine the improvements necessary to provide wastewater service for the Property following approval of this Unsolicited Proposal and will subsequently submit a Comprehensive Final Agreement setting forth the improvements to be made.  The motion does not bind the JWSC to move forward with any project, but only directs the JWSC staff study the proposal’s reasonableness and feasibility.  The Developer is submitting a fee in accordance with the Unsolicited Proposal Policy that will assist in off-setting the staff time it will take to evaluate the proposal.

Commissioner Turnipseed made a motion seconded by Commissioner Copeland to move that the JWSC approve the Unsolicited Proposal submitted by Carolina Holdings Group Partners, LLC subject to receipt of the unsolicited Proposal Waiver and associated fee.  I further move that the JWSC staff evaluate the propriety, feasibility, and reasonableness of promoting the priority of this Project, or a portion thereof.  Further, I move that, if the staff recommends moving forward, the JWSC attorney negotiate the Comprehensive Agreement for subsequent review and approval or rejection by the JWSC.  Motion Carried 7-0-0. 

  1. Friendly Express #71 Cooperative Agreement – T. Kline

Todd Kline presented the recommendation to enter into a Cooperative Agreement with Lewis & Raulerson, Inc., owners of the Friendly Express #71 Project.  It is necessary for the project owners to extend a new 8” water main and a new 2” wastewater force main to their project site from the nearest points of connection to the JWSC system.  This represents the minimum sizing necessary for their project needs. Mr. Kline provided that an opportunity exists to increase the water main and force main sizes to provide additional capacity for potential new customers in the project area. The project owners are willing to allow the JWSC to contribute the difference in funds to increase the water main to 12” diameter and the force main to 4” diameter.  The contribution cost for the JWSC would be $171,411.50, which includes splitting the cost of mobilization.  Mr. Kline mentioned some of the benefits of this agreement which include: Owner covers engineering and permitting fees; Owner provides the JWSC a dedicated water & sewer easement across their property; Owner has coordinated the acquisition of an easement along Christian Renewal property; JWSC avoids the full mobilization cost, traffic control and difficulty of a future project; and JWSC water & sewer system will be poised to extend to previously unserved areas.  This project does not provide water & sewer to currently unserved neighborhoods in this area, but does place the lines to the edge of Highway 303.  It was noted that staff will research the possibilities with placing a 6” force main instead of the 4” as currently planned.  This project has been presented in the 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan list with an overall budget of $200,000.00, which provides for the extra costs of going with a 6” force main.

Commissioner Turnipseed made a motion seconded by Commissioner Adams to recommend the JWSC Board of Commissioners designate these improvements as a Capital Improvement Project with overall budget of $200,000.00 and authorize the Executive Director to execute this agreement with Lewis & Raulerson, Inc. to implement the water and force main improvements as presented.  Motion Carried 7-0-0. 

  1. Contract Award – Mary Ross Park Sewer Improvements – P. Crosby

Pam Crosby presented the recommendation for approval of the contract award for sewer repairs for Mary Ross Park at F Street & Bay Street.  JWSC staff used CCTV equipment to determine the status of the gravity mains and sewers connected to the area in question, and it was determined that there were multiple defects in the line between two specific manholes.  JWSC cannot complete this work due to the depth of the defect and lack of necessary equipment. This repair needs to be completed before any trenchless repairs can be started and the City can begin their upgrades to Mary Ross Park, therefore this project is time sensitive.  Mrs. Crosby noted the Invitation For Bid was released on August 16, 2018 and there was only one bidder for this project, Griffin-Folsom Construction, LLC in the amount of $106,000.

The bid received was confirmed to be reasonable, even though there was only the one bid.  Griffin Folsom Construction, LLC has done successful work for JWSC previously.

Commissioner Harvey made a motion seconded by Commissioner Browning to move that approval be granted to award the contract for construction to Griffin-Folsom, LLC for the Sewer Repairs for Mary Ross Park at F Street & Bay Street, Solicitation No. 19-003 in the amount of $106,000.  Motion Carried 7-0-0. 


  1. North Mainland Wastewater Treatment Plant – B. Turnipseed

Commissioner Turnipseed opened the discussion regarding a possible future North Mainland Wastewater Treatment Plant.  He noted that Academy Creek WWTP was originally built to accommodate the City of Brunswick and since that time, Glynn County’s population has grown into the North Mainland area.  At some distant future time Academy Creek WWTP could be over capacity, with a very significant population increase in Glynn County.  Academy Creek WWTP currently has 6 MGD available capacity.  A new North Mainland WWTP with a 5MGD would take an estimated 5 years to build.  Commissioner Turnipseed also provided that a new North Mainland WWTP would also shorten the distance the wastewater has to go to get to the Academy Creek WWTP.  The JWSC projects currently planned for the SPLOST 2016 funding will make the necessary capacity available for the North Mainland.

  1. SPLOST 2016 North Mainland Phase 2 & 3 – A. Burroughs / T. Kline

Andrew Burroughs presented the discussion on Phases 2 and 3 of the SPLOST 2016 North Mainland Project.  He advised that on August 23, 2018, JWSC staff recommended a route for these two phases that included a dedicated force main from PS 4036 to the Academy Creek plant.  Concerns were expressed about potential odors associated with long force mains.  Staff reexamined the proposed route.  Mr. Burroughs advised that the new option would rehab the gravity systems and utilize the existing pump stations to carry the flow from the North Mainland.  He added that the downstream gravity lines from PS 4036 and PS 4035 are in need of significant rehabilitation.  The vast majority of the rehab can be completed trenchlessly with cured-in-place piping. Mr. Burroughs also said completing that work as part of this project would be beneficial for both structural and I&I reasons.  The Commission expressed that staff continue moving in this direction after reviewing the pros and cons of this new option.

  1. August 2018 Month End Financial Statement – J. Donaghy

John Donaghy presented the discussion on the August 2018 Month End Financial Statement.  The balance sheet and combined revenue statement were briefly reviewed and various details of accounts and adjustments were explained. This report will be reformatted in the near future and a draft of the revised report may be possible to be ready for review within the next month.


Staff will be refurbishing the proposed Capital Plan for the Commission to review.  Awaiting word on the mitigation grants applied for.  There was a meeting and discussion with Representative Buddy Carter’s liaison from Washington who is looking for ways to help the Utility out. They are expecting to meet with the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture CDBG representative.  Mr. Junkin also advised that the Atlanta representative from GEFA will be meeting with staff in the near future.  The SPLOST 2005 funds may be freed up soon to move forward with.  The attorneys from JWSC and the County will review.  Charlie Dorminy provided that in order for JWSC to manage the remaining portion of those funds it will be necessary to amend the Operating Agreement and an Intergovernmental Agreement will need to be entered into by JWSC, the City and County.  Mr. Dorminy also briefly updated the Commission on the case with the Board of Education. Mr. Junkin stated that Pam Crosby is continually working with inventory control process and plans including a barcode system.  Staff is continuing to work on the Strategic Business Plan, but would like input as to what each of the Commissioners believe are the 3 most important items or projects that need to be focused on.

Todd Kline briefly updated the Commission on possible solutions for the capacity issue with PS3114 out at Southport.

Commissioner Browning noted that he is a member of our Regional Water Commission and updated on Georgia Water Plan and the upcoming planning meeting to be held at JWSC in October.


There was no update at this time.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:08 p.m.