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Commission Meeting Minutes – Thursday, February 17, 2022

For your consideration, please read the minutes from the Commission Meeting held on Thursday, February 17, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room.

Commission Meeting Minutes 2-17-22 with Attachments

To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below.

Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water and Sewer Commission

1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520

Thursday, February 17, 2022 at 2:00 PM 



G. Ben Turnipseed, Chairman

Bob Duncan, Vice-Chairman

Charles Cook, Commissioner

Wayne Neal, Commissioner

Tripp Stephens, Commissioner

Chad Strickland, Commissioner

Kendra Rolle, Commissioner 

ALSO PRESENT:                  

Andrew Burroughs, Executive Director

LaDonnah Roberts, Deputy Executive Director

Todd Kline, Director of Engineering

Charles Dorminy P.C., Legal Counsel

Janice Meridith, Executive Commission Administrator                                                                                                                                               

Chairman Turnipseed called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM.

Chairman Turnipseed provided the invocation and Commissioner Cook led the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Chairman Turnipseed opened the public comment period.

There being no citizens for public comment, Chairman Turnipseed closed the public comment period.


Joseph Alan Bartlett, Water Distribution System Operator

Chairman Turnipseed and Mr. Burroughs presented Mr. Joseph Alan Bartlett with his Water Distribution System Operator Certificate.  They congratulated Mr. Bartlett for his success in earning this certification and encouraged him to continue his good work.  Water Distribution Superintendent D. Simmons was also present to congratulate Mr. Bartlett on his achievement.  Mr. Bartlett thanked them, commented on his pleasure in working with JWSC and noted that the benefits are among the best he has ever received.

Commissioner Stephens highly complimented the Water Distribution Division.  He commented that as a JWSC customer he has had excellent experiences with the WDD crew and the great job they have done.


Facilities Committee – Chairman Turnipseed

Chairman Turnipseed reported that the Facilities Committee had met the previous day at 1:00 p.m.  The WWTP Flows Report reflected that Academy Creek is running at 43% capacity, Dunbar Creek is operating at 73%, and South Port is currently at 25% capacity.  There are ten projects under construction as provided on the Capital Projects Report, with the Academy Creek Rehab Project begin about 70% complete.  The Chairman stated that the Committee reviewed and forwarded several items to the full Commission for approval. 

Finance Committee – Commissioner Duncan

Committee Chairman Duncan reported that the Finance Committee meeting was held on the previous day at 3:00 p.m. The committee approved three items to pass to the Full Commission.  Commissioner Duncan summarized the financial statement reflecting that JWSC is executing according to plan, slightly over budget on revenues and slightly under budget on expenses.  JWSC invested $21M in Fiscal Year 2021 and $35M to date for Fiscal Year 2022.  Accounting Manager, Frances Wilson gave an overview of the Financial Statements for month ending January 31, 2022. 


  1. Minutes from the January 20, 2022 Regular Commission Meeting

Commissioner Cook made a motion seconded by Commissioner Neal to approve the minutes from the January 20, 2022 Regular Commission Meeting.  Motion carried 7-0-0. 

  1. Minutes from the January 19, 2022 Commissioners’ Workshop

Commissioner Neal made a motion seconded by Commissioner Duncan to approve the minutes from the January 19, 2022 Commissioners’ Workshop.  Motion carried 7-0-0. 

  1. Contract Award – Engineering Services for PS3101, PS4001, PS4002 Upgrades

– A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs presented the recommendation to award a contract for Engineering Services for PS3101, PS4001 and PS4002 upgrades. These pump stations require upgrades to increase the reliability, replace outdated electrical systems, and improve bypass capability.  He added that by combining the design and construction management services under one (1) engineering services contract for the three (3) stations, the JWSC hopes to gain efficiencies in both design and construction administration services. By doing this, the goal is to gain consistency in design, increase effectiveness in project management and reduce the overall costs for all three (3) projects.  A three (3) member panel with representation from JWSC Operations, Engineering and the Senior Leadership teams reviewed and scored the six (6) proposals received on January 25, 2022.  Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., was the highest scoring proposal at 91.

The proposal submitted by Kimley-Horn and Associates details plans to provide three (3) concepts for each site for JWSC staff review along with a project schedule and detailed timeline for communication response throughout both the design and construction administration phases of each project. Overall, staff sees the Kimley-Horn proposal as the best value offered by the proposer pool with a strong mix of qualifications, project approach and pricing. The engineering contract will be 120 days for the design.  Mr. Burroughs provided the budgeted amounts for the upgrades to the three stations, and noted that these projects are funded from the R&R.

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Strickland to move that the Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water and Sewer Commission award a contract for Engineering Services to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., in the amount of $160,000.00 for upgrades needed for Pump Stations 3101, 4001, and 4002.  Motion carried 7-0-0.

  1. Budget Adjustment – Project #702 – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs recalled for the committee that Project Numbers 702 and 703 were funded via SPLOST 2016 revenues from Glynn County. The JWSC allocation for SPLOST 2016 was $15,000,000 with $11,700,000 allocated to Project No. 702 and $3,300,000 allocated to Project No. 703.  The final construction and engineering cost for Project No. 703 was $2,289,840.82.  This leaves $1,010,159.18 in unspent SPLOST 2016 funds in that project budget.  Current project expenses and remaining encumbrances for Project No. 702 total $13,327,627.38, or $1,627,627.38 over the original SPLOST budget for this project.  The overages are currently scheduled to be paid from JWSC Capital Improvement Fees. Remaining funds from SPLOST projects may be reallocated following completion of projects to complete remaining SPLOST projects.  Staff wishes to reallocate the remaining $1,010,159.18 from Project No. 703 into the SPLOST project budget for Project No. 702.  This would change the allocated SPLOST amount for this project to $12,710,159.18.  Project costs for Project No. 702 will still exceed the SPLOST allocation even if this budget money is moved, but the amount of Capital Improvement Fees required to cover the exceedances would be lessened.

Commissioner Neal made a motion seconded by Commissioner Duncan to move that the Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water and Sewer Commission approve the reallocation of remaining SPLOST 2016 funds from Project No. 703 in the amount of $1,010,159.18 to Project No. 702.  Motion carried 7-0-0.

  1. Change Order – PS4116 Final Balancing – T. Kline

Mr. Kline presented Change Order #2 request from Southern Civil, LLC contractor for JWSC Capital Project #2027.  He noted that this change order is for the final adjustments on the PS4116 Rehabilitation & Force Main Upgrade Project.  The final payment and project closeout details were provided for the Commissioners’ review.  Mr. Kline commented that this change order shall constitute the full and final settlement of this contract for Capital Project #2027.  Additionally noted was that the deduct amount of $15,750.00 is due to the contractor not using bypass pumping which was included in the original contract.

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Stephens to move that the Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water & Sewer Commission approve Change Order #2 and project closeout as described above.

Commissioner Stephens commented that with the last SPLOST and taxes changing, the contractor’s pricing should be adjusted as taxes go up or down.  He suggested the Commission may want to take a look at that for future contracts.  Chairman Turnipseed asked Mr. Burroughs and Mr. Dorminy to research this matter.

Motion carried 7-0-0. 

  1. Change Order – Bergen Woods Offsite Final Balancing – T. Kline

Mr. Kline presented Change Order #1 request from Georgia Asphalt Producers, Inc. contractor for JWSC Capital Project #2007.  He noted that this change order is for the final adjustments on the Bergen Woods Off-Site Forcemain Improvements Project.  Pricing is being adjusted by due to items not being usedThe final payment and project closeout details were provided for the Commissioners’ review.  Mr. Kline commented that this change order shall constitute the full and final settlement of this contract for Capital Project #2007.

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Strickland to move that the Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water & Sewer Commission approve Change Order #1 and project closeout as described above.  Motion carried 7-0-0.

  1. Infrastructure Dedication – Oyster Grove – T. Kline

Mr. Kline stated that this item reflects what is done at the end of a private development activity where the infrastructure was installed in the ground as intended to be turned over for public ownership and operation.  This is the case with Oyster Grove, a new subdivision located on St. Simons Island, and is located northwest behind Magnolia Manor.  The developer installed a private water system, sewer system, and a small pump station that will serve this development.  Mr. Kline also provided that the Owner of Record of the infrastructure described has submitted legal documents to define and execute the transfer of ownership, and conveyance of the easements for access and maintenance. The infrastructure is understood to have complied with applicable standards at the time of construction. JWSC inspection records indicate the infrastructure is functioning and in acceptable condition.  All requirements of the JWSC Standards for Water & Sewer Design and Construction and Development Procedures have been met, and all related documents submitted. 

Commissioner Strickland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Stephens to move that the Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water and Sewer Commission approve the described infrastructure and easements for public ownership.  Motion carried 7-0-0.

  1. Intergovernmental Lease Agreement w/ Glynn County – Former Animal Control Facility– C. Dorminy / L. Roberts

Mrs. Roberts and Mr. Dorminy presented the committee with the request that the Facilities Committee forward the Intergovernmental Agreement with Glynn County for the lease of the former Animal Control Facility to the full Commission for approval.  Mrs. Roberts provided that this facility is needed for the storage of meters for the Meter Replacement Project.  She added this is a favorable agreement for the County in that the facility will not be standing unoccupied. Mrs. Roberts reviewed various language details redlined within the Agreement concerning JWSC’s responsibilities such as the care and maintenance of the facility, utilities, cost of leasing, security, etc. The JWSC intends to use the facility to serve as a center of operations for the ongoing system-wide meter replacement project. The facility will serve as both an administrative office and as storage for the project. The JWSC anticipates this project will require about two years for completion.

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cook to move that the Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water and Sewer Commission approve the Intergovernmental Lease Agreement with Glynn County for the lease of the former Animal Control Facility and authorize the Chairman to execute the same.

After the Commissioners’ questions were answered and specific details discussed, the vote was taken.

Motion carried 7-0-0.


Mr. Burroughs stated that there have been 6,524 meters replaced and in the ground up to date.  The Annual State of the Port Luncheon is coming up on March 9th and JWSC has a table reserved for the Commissioners.  Mr. Burroughs added that there have been 76 customers who have met eligibility requirements for a sum of $66,336 in assistance to date.


Commissioner Cook stated that Mr. Bartlett’s earlier comments regarding JWSC’s benefits made a good point since we do have some openings and the benefits package is excellent.  The pay scale is fair, there is a pension, and we have good health insurance with three different options.  Commissioner Cook encouraged anyone to apply for the current openings.


Chairman Turnipseed asked Mr. Burroughs at what level of completion the SPLOST North Mainland Project is at.  Mr. Burroughs stated it is reasonably at 80%.  The contract date is through the end of June.  Finance Committee Chairman Duncan confirmed that out of the $15M budget, about $14M has been used with approximately $1,010,000 remaining.  Chairman Turnipseed then noted that Academy Creek is at about 70% completion.  The Chairman commended the senior staff for their hard work on all projects.


There was no Executive Session 

Commissioner Stephens made a motion seconded by Commissioner Duncan to adjourn the meeting.

There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Turnipseed adjourned the meeting at 2:43 p.m.