Commission Meeting Minutes – Thursday, December 21, 2023
For your consideration, please read the minutes from the Commission Meeting held on Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room.
Commission Minutes 12-21-23 with Attachments-2
To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below.
Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water and Sewer Commission
1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520
Thursday, December 21, 2023, at 2:00 PM
G. Ben Turnipseed, Chairman
Tripp Stephens, Vice-Chairman
Charles Cook, Commissioner
Clayton Watson, Commissioner
Wayne Neal, Commissioner
Kendra Rolle, Commissioner – Via Teleconference
Chad Strickland, Commissioner
Andrew Burroughs, Executive Director
Chas Whitehead, HBS Legal Counsel
LaDonnah Roberts, Deputy Executive Director
Todd Kline, Director of Engineering
David Owens, Director of Finance
Janice Meridith, Executive Commission Admin.
Chairman Turnipseed called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM.
Chairman Turnipseed provided the invocation and Commissioner Stephens led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chairman Turnipseed opened the public comment period.
There being no public comment, Chairman Turnipseed closed the public comment period.
Georgia Association of Water Professionals “Gold Award Recipient”
Chairman Turnipseed presented the Georgia Association of Water Professionals Gold Award. He congratulated and recognized Alvin Hall (Water Distribution) and Donnie Bankston (Water Production) for their outstanding efforts and hard work. This is the fourth year JWSC has earned this award for “Water Distribution System Excellence.”
Kendra Rolle – Recognition of two years of service as Commissioner for the Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water and Sewer Commission (2022-2023). Via teleconference Chairman Turnipseed presented Commissioner Rolle with a plaque recognizing her service with JWSC. He thanked her and stated that she has been a great asset for JWSC and for the City of Brunswick.
Tripp Stephens – Recognition of six years of service as Commissioner for the Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water and Sewer Commission (2018-2023). Chairman Turnipseed presented Commissioner Stephens with a plaque recognizing his service with JWSC. He congratulated and expressed his appreciation to Commissioner Stephens, adding mention that they came on the Board at the same time. The Chairman then presented the plaque for Vice-Chairman.
Tripp Stephens – Recognition of service as Vice-Chairman for the Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water and Sewer Commission (2023). The Chairman noted that Commissioner Stephens has been a member of the Facilities Committee, the Finance Committee, and held the office of Vice-Chairman of the Commission. Commissioner Neal also expressed his appreciation to Commissioner Stephens.
Facilities Committee – Chairman Turnipseed stated that the Facilities Committee met the previous day. The Committee approved the following to be forwarded to the full Commission: Change Order #2 for the AMI Meter Replacement Project, the 2024 revision of the JWSC Design and Construction Standards, and a dedication for Walker Point. The Water Production Report, WPCF Plant Flows Report, and the Capital Projects Report were all reviewed and indicate that JWSC’s facilities are doing very well.
Finance Committee – Commissioner Cook stated that the Finance Committee also met the previous day. The Committee reviewed and approved Change Order #2 for the AMI Meter Replacement Project. The Committee reviewed the financial statement for the month ending November 30, 2023. Commissioner Cook commented that JWSC is doing well financially. He noted that the Director of Finance has been readily reinvesting bonds and getting better interest rates for JWSC’s investments.
- Minutes from the November 16, 2023, Regular Commission Meeting
Commissioner Cook made a motion seconded by Commissioner Watson to approve the minutes from the November 16, 2023, Regular Commission Meeting. Motion carried 6-0-1. (Commissioner Rolle voted Yes via Teleconference. Commissioner Strickland was absent.)
- Change Order #2 – AMI Meter Replacement Project – L. Roberts
Mrs. Roberts presented the close-out Change Order #2 for the AMI Meter Replacement Project and provided a brief explanation of the details along with a Power Point for visuals. The project goals noted were: To support water conservation efforts, replace outdated and non-working meters, and to improve customer service through better data and more efficient use of resources. Mrs. Roberts highlighted the project history from the Pilot Phase throughout the project to the completion. A final analysis of the costs occurred with a resulting change order with a deduction in the amount of $1,557,102.12.
Commissioner Cook made a motion seconded by Commissioner Neal that the Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water and Sewer Commission approve Change Order No. 2 as the close-out change order to Delta Municipal Supply Company’s contract in the credit amount of $1,557,102.12. Motion carried 6-0-1. (Commissioner Rolle voted Yes via Teleconference. Commissioner Strickland was absent.)
- JWSC Design & Construction Standards; 2024 Revision – T. Kline
Mr. Kline stated that the goal of JWSC is to safely and effectively serve the water and wastewater needs of Glynn County. The JWSC Standards document is the primary reference in bringing new growth and improvement of the public system to reality. He noted that the current JWSC Standards document was last revised in 2012. A draft revision was created through the efforts of the Planning & Construction Division, all Operational Divisions, as well as an outside consultant. This draft was presented to the JWSC Board of Commissioners on April 20th. Commissioner feedback was reviewed and incorporated into the draft. This draft was then provided to a representative group of stakeholders including regional developers, builders, contractors, engineers, and regulators. The stakeholders were then invited to attend an open forum presentation on December 5th. Subsequent feedback was received, reviewed, and incorporated. The resulting draft is a product of the efforts of all levels of JWSC staff, JWSC Leadership, and stakeholders. A great level of importance was placed on the incorporation of Operational feedback. This allows Operational staff to maintain confidence in the Planning & Construction review and approval of public system improvements that they would be charged with maintaining in perpetuity. Mr. Kline also stated that if approved by the JWSC Board of Commissioners, this revision draft will then be submitted to the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) for review. Once approved by EPD, the updated JWSC Standards may then be placed into use.
Commissioner Cook made a motion seconded by Commissioner Watson that the Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water and Sewer Commission, upon GA EPD approval, approve this document as the JWSC Standards for Water & Wastewater System and Design and Construction, to supersede all previous Standards versions. Motion carried 6-0-1. (Commissioner Rolle voted Yes via Teleconference. Commissioner Strickland was absent.)
- Dedication of Infrastructure – T. Kline
- Walker Point Subdivision Phase 2
Mr. Kline provided that Walker Point, LLC, the developer of the Walker Point Phase 2 project wishes to dedicate private water and sewer infrastructure to JWSC. They have submitted necessary legal documents defining the transfer of ownership and conveying the easement for access and maintenance. All requirements of the JWSC Standards for Water & Sewer Design and Construction and Development Procedures have been met, and all related documents submitted.
Commissioner Neal made a motion seconded by Commissioner Stephens that the Brunswick-Glynn Joint Water and Sewer Commission approve and accept this project with the associated Dedication of Infrastructure. Motion carried 6-0-1. (Commissioner Rolle voted Yes via Teleconference.)
Mr. Burroughs thanked the Commissioners for another successful year. He congratulated Commissioner Stephens on his new position with an out of state company. The JWSC offices will be closed Friday, December 22 and Monday, December 25. Mr. Burroughs wished all to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Commissioner Neal asked about the Dunbar Creek issues that occurred over the past weekend. He thanked JWSC for everything done through the past year and noted his appreciation to all members of the JWSC staff.
Commissioner Stephens thanked everyone and noted his appreciation for all working with him through the years.
Commissioner Cook expressed his thanks to the JWSC staff and the Commissioners.
The Chairman thanked the Commissioners for all their input and work on projects and added that the JWSC staff has done a great job. He wished everyone a Mery Christmas and noted that there will be a workshop in January as well as a Commission meeting.
There was no Executive Session.
There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Turnipseed requested a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Commissioner Stephens made a motion seconded by Commissioner Cook to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0-1. (Commissioner Rolle voted Yes via Teleconference. Commissioner Strickland was absent.)
The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 2:55 p.m.