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Commission Meeting Minutes Thursday, December 19, 2019

For your consideration please read the minutes from the Commission Meeting held on Thursday, December 19, 2019 at 2:00 in the Commission Meeting Room.

Commission Meeting Minutes 12-19-19 with Attachments

To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below.

Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission

1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520

Thursday, December 19, 2019 at 2:00 PM 



G. Ben Turnipseed, Chairman

Steve Copeland, Vice-Chairman

Donald Elliott, Commissioner

Tripp Stephens, Commissioner

Wayne Neal, Commissioner

Cornell L. Harvey, Commissioner                            

Bob Duncan, Commissioner 

ALSO PRESENT:                 

Andrew Burroughs, Executive Director

Daniel Lovein, Legal Counsel HBS

Todd Kline, Director of Engineering

Pam Crosby, Director of Procurement

 John Donaghy, Director of Finance

Jay Sellers, Director of Administration

Jeffrey Singletary, T.S.I.

Jarrett Bridges, Turner & Associates Insurance

Janice Meridith, Exec. Commission Administrator 

MEDIA PRESENT:               

Matthew Permar, The Islander                                             

Chairman Turnipseed called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM.

Chairman Turnipseed provided the invocation and Commissioner Elliott led the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Chairman Turnipseed opened the public comment period.

There being no citizens for public comment, Chairman Turnipseed closed the public comment period. 


Facilities Committee

Chairman Turnipseed advised that the Facilities Committee had met the previous day.  Three items were on the approval agenda and all will be before the full Commission at this meeting:  SR99 Phase I Change Order, Ridgewood Water Production Facility Contract Award, and the SPLOST V IGA for the Water Line Improvements at Sea Palms.  He added that the Water Pollution Control Plant flows were discussed and he noted that all three plants are operating well within permit.  The 70% design review for the Academy Creek Project was presented the previous day and the construction of that is expected to start around August of 2020.

Finance Committee

Commissioner Copeland advised that the Finance Committee had a joint meeting with the Human Resources Committee on the previous day.  He provided that the Worker’s Compensation renewal for the next year was presented and it was decided to defer the approval of that package until this meeting pending some additional information needed.  He noted that the Banking Services recommendation was presented and that was approved to move forward to the full Commission.  Additionally the SPLOST V Intergovernmental Agreement was reviewed and approved to move forward to the full Commission.  Commissioner Copeland also provided that the Ridgewood Water Production Facility Contract Award was recommended and approved to be moved forward as well.  The financials continue to look solid for the Commission.

Human Resources

Commissioner Elliott provided that the committees also discussed the pension plan again and what would be done regarding new employees.  He noted there seemed to be a consensus that at some point new employees will move to a defined contribution plan and that old employees will remain on the current pension plan with the option of transferring to the new plan if they preferred it.  This is still being reviewed.  He noted that Commissioner Stephens suggested that an expert in pension plans who would have nothing to gain from the decision should come in and discuss further.  

Commissioner Stephens requested that item 6 be moved up to become item 1 on the agenda in order that the guest presenting would not need to stay through the entire meeting.

Commissioner Stephens made a motion seconded by Commissioner Harvey that item number 6 on the agenda be moved up as item number 1 in the interest of our guest’s time.  Motion carried 7-0-0. 


  1. Worker’s Compensation Insurance Renewal – Jeffrey Singletary, TSI / Jarrett Bridges, Turner & Associates Insurance

Jarrett Bridges advised that he had sent out the revised packet of information as requested on the previous afternoon.  He did contact a representative from Bitco in order to gain more information for the Commissioners to compare the value added services with those of Zenith.  Mr. Bridges said that Bitco did provide some additional services, but when you “dig” into it his opinion was that the portal did not have the same level of training as that offered on the Zenith portal.  Mr. Bridges reminded that Commissioners that JWSC does have a 10 year relationship with Zenith also, and they have taken losses in claims with JWSC yet have continued to help drive down the rates offered to JWSC.  He noted concern that if Bitco was selected based on price alone and JWSC had a catastrophic year, then Bitco would be looking to drop JWSC quickly.  Other advantages of remaining with Zenith were noted:  10 year relationship and equity built up with Zenith; their adjusters are assigned in the medical and indemnity by Zenith so the same two adjusters have been working with Jeffrey on JWSC’s claims; Bitco said they could assign adjusters but that could potentially vary; and Zenith has also worked with HBS legal representatives.  Dan Lovein from Hall Booth Smith was substituting for Charlie Dorminy at this meeting and Mr. Bridges asked him to comment.  Mr. Lovein said that he has worked with Zenith many times for years.  He has been to Charlotte and has met with representatives from Zenith on several occasions and knows them well and has always found them to be very aggressive and very engaged in handling claims, and very knowledgeable.  He noted that it has always been a very professional and very good experience working with Zenith.  He could not speak for Bitco as he has no experience in working with that company.  Mr. Lovein added that he could say that in comparing Zenith with other insurers that he does work with and he has found Zenith to be a more professional and more capable group than many of the other insurance carriers that HBS deals with on a daily basis.

Chairman Turnipseed commented that it appears that Zenith is a little bit higher cost than Bitco, but obviously they know us and we know them and their quote is actually a reduction.  The Chairman asked for a motion to award this renewal to Zenith.

Commissioner Stephens made a motion seconded by Commissioner Duncan to approve that JWSC renew the Worker’s Compensation Insurance to Zenith for the 2020 year. 

  1. BGJWSC vs. Glynn County School District – Approval of Release Agreement – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs provided that the attorneys for the JWSC and the school district have been going back and forth on the past due amount from the Glynn County School District.  The school district had sent a check to JWSC in the amount of $443,606.94 for the debt recovery fees.  That check has been received but has not been cashed yet.  The school district has also submitted payment for the late fees and interest that had accumulated of $104,569.06, however are not agreeing to pay attorney’s fees as were claimed by JWSC.  After review by both legal parties and by staff, it is recommended to accept this payment and no longer pursue the legal charges.

Commissioner Copeland made a motion seconded by Commissioner Duncan to move that the JWSC authorize the Executive Director to accept the amounts as listed in the Release and authorize the Chairman to execute the Release as presented.  Motion carried 7-0-0.   

  1. Minutes from the December 5, 2019 Regular Commission Meeting

Commissioner Elliott asked what the status was of the letter that was to be sent to Pinova.  Mr. Burroughs responded that the letter is still in draft form.  He did meet with their local Environmental Services representative the prior week.  He told the representative the letter would be coming.  Mr. Burroughs also contacted the Hercules representative because the remediation steps are being done by Hercules not by Pinova.  He provided that Pinova owns the buildings and half of the property, and Hercules owns the other half of the property and they are separate entities. The letter is being finalized to that end.  Commissioner Elliott asked if Mr. Burroughs had looked at their process, and he replied that he has not been inside their building to look at their process.  Commissioner Elliott asked if they had explained how they were going to process the material, and Mr. Burroughs commented that Pinova is not currently pumping any ground water to JWSC, that it is going out of their existing NPDES discharge permit.

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Neal to approve the minutes from the December 21, 2019 Regular Commission Meeting.  Motion carried 6-0-1.  (Commissioner Copeland abstained since he was absent from that meeting.) 

  1. SR99 Phase I Change Order – T. Kline

Mr. Kline advised that this topic was covered in detail at the Facilities the previous day.  He then gave a brief review of the details and explained that when construction had commenced a few years prior, there were some issues with existing utilities being discovered.  With the help of Seaboard Construction and Georgia Pacific Wood Products JWSC has obtained approximately 3,000 lf. of 20 foot wide easement along SR99 to facilitate the water main installation.  With input from the contractor and GDOT the plans were redesigned, and to facilitate those necessary changes, the contractor has requested a change order in the amount of $385,974.85.

Commissioner Duncan made a motion seconded by Commissioner Neal to move that the Brunswick Glynn Joint Water & Sewer Commission approve and authorize the Executive Director to execute the Contract Change Order provided by Plant Improvement Company, Inc. (dba. Seaboard Construction Co.) in the amount of $385,974.85.  Motion carried 7-0-0.

  1. Ridgewood WPF Contract Award – A. Burroughs

Chairman Turnipseed advised that the Facilities Committee was given this recommendation by the staff.  Bids were taken on December 10, 2019 and there were five bidders.  The low bidder was Southern Civil, LLC with a bid in the amount of $1,398,532.00.  This is a bit over the available funds so additional funds will be needed from the R & R Reserves.

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Copeland to move that the Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission enter into a contract with Southern Civil, LLC in the amount of $1,398,532.00 for the construction of the Ridgewood Water Production Facility. 

Commissioner Elliott made a motion seconded by Commissioner Copeland to move that the Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission amend the existing Ridgewood Water Production Facility project budget by $650,000 to a new total of $1,650,000.  Motion carried 7-0-0.   (One vote was taken for both motions inclusive.) 

  1. SPLOST V IGA – A. Burroughs

Mr. Burroughs provided that this recommended Intergovernmental Agreement is to transfer the remaining and final funds from the SPLOST V proceeds in the amount of $178,595.00 that have been allocated and reserved by the County for the completion of the SPLOST V Water Line Rehabilitation Project.  The proposed IGA would distribute the remaining funds to the JWSC to rehabilitate or replace water line infrastructure to improve capacity, pressure, and availability of water service to Sea Palms East. Mr. Burroughs commented that similar to the previous two IGA’s, JWSC will prioritize completion of this SPLOST-funded project upon distribution of the funds.

Commissioner Harvey made a motion seconded by Commissioner Neal to move that the Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Glynn County for remaining SPLOST V funds in the amount of $178,595 for water repairs to Sea Palms East.  Motion carried 7-0-0. 

  1. Banking Services Recommendation – L. Roberts

LaDonnah Roberts presented the Banking Services Recommendation to the Commission.  She recalled for the Commissioners that this recommendation had been reviewed and approved by the Finance Committee on the previous day.  She noted that staff had undergone the process of examining the Banking, Merchant and Investment Services through the process of receiving RFPs and conducting interviews with 6 different proposers. Mrs. Roberts provided that staff now recommends the Banking Services and merchant Services be awarded to BB&T Bank, and the Investment Services be awarded to Synovus.

Commissioner Neal made a motion seconded by Commissioner Duncan to move that the Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission enter into a contract with BB&T for Banking and Merchant Services, and a contract with Synovus for Investment Services.  Motion carried 7-0-0.


There were no items for discussion.


Mr. Burroughs updated the Commission that on the previous night the City Commission had approved the four Customer Service Ordinance Revisions requested by JWSC.  He added that as a response to that one revision that was approved was a leak adjustment ordinance revision that allowed JWSC to award leak adjustments to those customers with existing balances, and staff was able to go back for one year and retroactively award those.  So, today Mr. Sellers and his staff processed 105 leak adjustments for city customers in the amount of $28,131.76 as a result of the changes.  He noted that these was a similar number in the county once this is passed in the county agenda.  For the GEFA Loan that JWSC is waiting on the city and county to approve, the city and county attorneys are working on an Intergovernmental Agreement between all three of our agencies and that should be on everyone’s agenda in the meeting in January.  Mr. Burroughs commented that the Meter RFP, the Academy Creek Roof Repair Bid and the Magnolia Park Bid pre-proposal meetings have been held and those bids and proposals are all due back in January.  For the replacement of Commissioner Copeland, Charlie Dorminy had asked Mr. Burroughs to advise that the current date of selection will be March 4, 2020.  The ads will run January 7th and 14th.  The final day for submission of applications will be January 21st. Interviews will be held on January 29th and/or February 5th.  The agenda and public hearing ad will be placed on February 5th or February 12th depending on the date of the public hearing which will happen either February 12th or February 19th.  The minutes will be made available within two days following the public hearing and again the public announcement of selection will be made on March 4th.  Mr. Burroughs mentioned that the SPLOST list has been submitted to Glynn County and Mr. Ours has the copy of that as JWSC approved.  Staff is working to schedule a new WRMAC meeting and the WRMAC is the committee that looks at the saltwater intrusion into the aquifer and the committee is comprised of local high-water users in our community as well as from Camden County.  Staff is hoping to get a meeting scheduled in January and all of the Commissioners are invited to attend.  Other than that, I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 


Chairman Turnipseed said that looking back at this past year, he believes the Commission had a very good year.  He commended all of the staff on the hard work they have done.  We have a new Executive Director that we are really looking forward to the future with.  The Chairman stated that he appreciated everything that each one of the Commissioners has done with their work and in helping to move this Commission forward.  Hopefully this next year will be just as successful and we will continue to improve our system.  Thank you very much and I do want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and we will see you in January.

Commissioner Neal said that he would like to echo what the Chairman just said.  He commented that he wanted to take this opportunity to publicly thank Mr. Burroughs for the job that he has done, for stepping up, for being the new face of the Joint Water and Sewer for Glynn County.  Commissioner Neal then said he is looking forward to what he is going to do for us in the future.  He also thanked the rest of the staff for the work they have done to help the Commission get to where we are.  We have made great strides.  He also thanked Todd Kline as he has worked with him a great deal.  Commissioner Neal also commented that he wanted to thank Jay for being that public face and for being out there on our media sites, as strides are being made there every day.


There was no business for an Executive Session.

There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Turnipseed adjourned the meeting at 2:30 p.m.