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Commission Meeting Minutes – December 7, 2017

For your consideration, please read the minutes from the Commission Meeting held on Thursday, December 7, 2017 at 2:00 pm.

Commission Minutes 12-7-17 with Attachments

To read the minutes, please open or download the pdf from the link above, or you may see more below.

Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission

1703 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520

Thursday, December 7, 2017 at 2:00 PM 



Donald M. Elliott, Chairman

Clifford Adams, Vice-Chairman

Cornell L. Harvey, Commissioner

Mike Browning, Commissioner

David H. Ford, Commissioner 

ALSO PRESENT:                 

Jimmy Junkin, Executive Director

Charlie Dorminy, Legal Counsel HBS

Andrew Burroughs, Deputy Executive Director

Todd Kline, Director of Engineering

Pam Crosby, Director of Procurement

John D. Donaghy, Director of Finance

Jay Sellers, Director of Administration

Cindy Barnhart, T.S.I. 


Steve Copeland, Commissioner

Robert Bowen, Commissioner                                

Chairman Elliott called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM.

Chairman Elliott provided the invocation and Commissioner Adams led the pledge.


Chairman Elliott opened the public comment period.

There being no citizens for public comment, Chairman Elliott closed the public comment period.


Employee Recognition – Cornell Harvey, Commissioner

Charles David Hoppe was presented with his Wastewater Operator II Certificate by Commissioner Harvey and Mark Ryals.

Antonio Damond Simmons was also presented with his Wastewater Operator II Certificate by Commissioner Harvey and Mark Ryals. 

Chairman Elliott then requested a motion to excuse Commissioner Copeland from the Commission Meeting.

A motion was made by Commissioner Adams and seconded by Commissioner Browning to excuse Commissioner Copeland from the December 7, 2017 Commission Meeting.  Motion carried 5-0-2.  (Commissioner Copeland and Commissioner Bowen were not present for the vote.) 


Compliance & Legislative Committee – Commissioner Browning

There was no update at this time.

Facilities Committee – Commissioner Adams

There was no update at this time.

Finance Committee – Chairman Elliott

There was no update at this time.

Human Resources & Safety Committee – Commissioner Harvey

Commissioner Harvey updated that the Human Resources and Safety Committee did meet earlier in the day.  He advised that the Appeals Process revisions were discussed and that the motion to approve would be presented later in this meeting. Also discussed was the cut-off process and that more analysis would be provided at the Finance.

Public Information & Customer Relations Committee – Commissioner Copeland

There was no update at this time. 


  1. Minutes from the November 16, 2017 Regular Commission Meeting

Commissioner Browning made a motion seconded by Commissioner Ford to approve the minutes from November 16, 2017 Regular Commission Meeting.  Motion carried 5-0-2. (Commissioner Copeland and Commissioner Bowen were absent for the vote.)

  1. Minutes from the November 29, 2017 Special Called Commission Meeting

Commissioner Browning made a motion seconded by Commissioner Harvey to approve the minutes from November 29, 2017 Special Called Commission Meeting.  Motion carried 5-0-2 (Commissioner Copeland and Commissioner Bowen were absent for the vote.) 

  1. Appeals Process Policy Revisions – C. Dorminy

Charlie Dorminy presented to the Commission a memo regarding Section 7.5 of the Standards of Practice, the Resolution, the revisions that have been made to Section 7.5, and the final Section 7.5 to be adopted.  He added that JWSC maintains a workforce of employees dedicated to operating and maintaining and expanding the Unified System.  He also noted all JWSC employees, other than the Executive Director, are expected to perform their work within the standards set forth in the Human Resources Standard of Practice (SOP), last amended March 5, 2015.  The SOP is amended from time-to-time in accordance with the amendment procedure outlined in Section 1.2 of the SOP, which requires a Resolution adopted by the Commission.  Mr. Dorminy advised that the JWSC Legal Counsel recommends an amendment to Section 7.5 of the SOP, Hearing and Disciplinary Appeals Process, to clarify and streamline that process.  He mentioned that the proposed amendments are identified on Exhibit “A” and that a final version as proposed to be adopted is attached as Exhibit “B”. He further noted that the JWSC Human Resources Committee has reviewed, discussed, and recommended adoption of the proposed revision.  He reiterated that the revisions are being made to clarify and streamline the process.  There were some inconsistent terms within the policy and there were multiple steps of appeals.  This is to streamline that process and clarify that there is one appeals process, and the Executive Director or his appointee can preside over that as a hearing officer.  Commissioner Harvey added that this did come out of the Human Resources Committee and that it was put forth for adoption.  Commissioner Browning asked if there had been a problem in the past or if this was just to clean up the process.  Mr. Dorminy responded that revisions were needed to clarify the process, and that there were no discrepancies.

Commissioner Harvey made a motion seconded by Commissioner Ford to move that the Board of Commissioners of the Brunswick-Glynn County Water & Sewer Commission, in accordance with Section 1.2 of the SOP, adopt the resolution to amend Section 7.5 the Standards of Practice, in accordance with Exhibit “A” attached hereto, to appear in final form in accordance with Exhibit “B” attached hereto. Motion carried 5-0-2.  (Commissioner Copeland and Commissioner Bowen were absent for the vote.)


  1. Prior Year 2016 SPLOST Project Status – J. Junkin

Chairman Elliott noted as a preamble to this discussion that one of the things that is important in the County is that the projects that were approved in the previous SPLOST are accomplished before another SPLOST is voted on. We have three projects, two of which are active and one which we are working to possibly move the funds from one location to another location, but that has to be done by the Board of Commissioners, not us.  These are all projects that are being managed by the County because they were voted on when the County was responsible for this and before the formation of the JWSC.

Mr. Junkin then presented to the Commissioners the current update on the SPLOST projects.  He advised that Phase I has been designed and it is to upgrade the assets along the existing route to get waste from the North Mainland District sewer area down to the Academy Creek plant.  The work is in process to improve the overall capacity along that route in the very near term, while we complete the overall larger upgrades to the system coming down the western route that will essentially reroute the northernmost sewer pump station to Academy Creek along the westerly route along with flows from one of our other station, the next most northern pump station.  We expect to have the Phase 1 process completed on or about the middle of January which will free up a lot of the capacity for the existing needs and demand we have right now and a fair amount of capacity to allow us to move forward into the next 2 or 3 years while the remainder of the project is completed.  As far as the rerouting of the force mains from the northernmost facilities the, the big routing has been divided up into 2 separate and distinct Phases that will take place on either side of Canal Crossing. Phases 2 and 3 are in the process of being routed, geo-tested and prepared for the point where we can do detailed design.   Meanwhile, we have been working hard to get the downstream assets prepared because what we are looking at is when we move all this flow from the eastern side to the western side the downstream assets that will receive these flows were not included in the monies that we were allotted for SPLOST.  We are looking at this and it is part of the bond issue we have discussed. There were 4 projects discussed: downstream of the 2 SPLOST projects and then rehabbing the Academy Creek and Dunbar plants. We have been in the process of evaluating what routes, what costs, what upgrades we need to make.  Four Waters Engineering had been essentially bringing those conceptual options together and in the past week provided a summary analysis of what the various options would do.  In follow-up with them, staff has come up with potentially an option that would allow us to take a portion of the work, do it now and meet all the current needs and demands, including our commitments to the Tradewinds project.  This would reduce our overall immediate needs substantially. In conclusion, Mr. Junkin noted the Phase 4 which re-routes the second most northern pump station is under evaluation as to whether the urgency is there.  Once we make the changes we are making in Phase I and complete the Phase II and III work, it could be that re-routing that second most northern piece could be delayed as well. We will be looking at that. It may be that the conditions of the line will force us to do something even if the demand for capacity isn’t there to force us to do it.  The demolition of PS4003 and rerouting it by gravity to Academy Creek is tied into the downstream improvements that were evaluated.  It could be that again we could minimize what we have to do there, but once of the things we have done in the meantime to secure additional capacity is to work to get an auxiliary pump station set-up to give us extra capacity downtown for the redevelopment needs that have been brought to our attention. We believe we can get that piece through before we complete the overall project, so we can get the capacity needed for the downtown Brunswick area.

  1. Frederica and Sea Island Road Odor Issue –A. Burroughs

Andrew Burroughs gave a presentation on the Frederica Road and Sea Island Road Odor Issue to the Commission.  He provided a visual display for the discussion.  He gave a thorough and very detailed explanation of sewer gas formation including the process of gas formation and the various effects of it.  Andrew then covered the interim steps that are being taken at this time to help with the problem.  He then reviewed the various forms of data collection and explained each. He then presented potential solutions that are being considered and examined to solve the issue.  

  1. R & R Capital Projects Update – T. Kline

Todd Kline presented the R & R Capital Projects update to the Commission.  He noted the various projects with construction in progress and those nearing completion.

Construction in Progress:

Project 232 – Phase IIA and Phase III are complete.  Phase I construction is 15% complete, with revisions to the route and methods of installation due to existing utilities.  Additional change orders are pending.  Phase II is 90% complete.

Project 319 – Essentially complete.  Record drawings requested for approval. Contractor has come back some more detailed information.

Project 421 – There is a base layer of paving on at least half of the project at this time.  The next section should be done very soon. On the water, JWSC in-house installation is complete.  JWSC awaiting approval from G-DOT for WM replacement at intersection of Mansfield St. and Bay St. Contractor has submitted a change order which is under review.

Project 503 – Record drawings have been reviewed by JWSC staff and returned for revisions.  Awaiting submission of project closeout documents, and warranty docs.

Project 504 – All drawings and documents complete.  Final pay application under JWSC review.

Project 701 – CSX & NS Railroad Jack & Bore is complete.  Horizontal directional drill Phase I and Phase II complete.  HDPE manhole installation expected Mid-December.

Project 702 – First component of SPLOST.  Pumps have been pre-purchased. Pump station 4006 by-pass installation is in progress.  Are still moving along on schedule.  First phase of SPLOST out of 4 Phases.

Engineering / Design in Progress:

Project 501 – On hold by County awaiting re-evaluation of project scope.

Project 602 – Final engineering design complete.  Evaluating construction schedule.  Glynn County to handle construction bidding and award.

Project 702 – Divided into four phases to expedite.  Various preliminary evaluations of phases are underway.  Projected construction for pump station 4110 segment: 8-10 months; 2-3+ year project in total.

Project 703 – 2nd SPLOST project.  Four Waters evaluation complete; recommended options under review.

Project 704 – Pre-engineering in progress; route discussions with Glynn County.  Evaluating JWSC in-house project; design & construction.  WM installation under Altamaha Canal is complete.

Project 705 – Will provide the second connection between the former City and County water systems.  Engineering design by Planning & Construction is complete.  Proposed construction by JWSC Water Distribution Division.  Investigating addition of Pressure Reducing Valves to regulate effect on water production facilities; modeling in progress.


There was no update at this time.  Everyone knows that capital improvement fees have been on the minds of the public and we are continuing to work diligently to find alternatives to what we have. We have met with county and city officials.  We are looking at a variety of things and changes in the way we view our planning, both short term and long term.  We are looking alternative means of funding and are looking to have our Financial Consultants take on a task to look at what the options are for us based on their broad experience with many other water and sewer utilities. We know this is an urgent need and are trying to find a solution.  Jay Sellers has been doing a great job with trying to get our Customer Service levels back up and respond to the needs.  Are trying to find ways to get people’s needs met.  Are moving towards getting some personnel into Call Center. Last thing, we have talked about from last meeting is to look at a safety and asset management position.  We are also looking at asset management programs, understanding our resources, knowing where we can share resources, increasing the ability to be flexible, and reduce our costs overall while maintaining a high level of service for the community.   


There was no update at this time.


Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Harvey to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss legislative and personnel issues.  Motion carried 5-0-2 (Commissioner Copeland and Commissioner Bowen were absent for the vote).

The Chairman stated that there will be no vote after the Executive Session.

Return to Regular Session.

Commissioner Adams made a motion seconded by Commissioner Browning to return to the Regular Meeting.  Motion carried 5-0-2 (Commissioner Copeland and Commissioner Bowen were absent for the vote).

There being no additional business to bring before the Commission, Chairman Elliott adjourned the open meeting at 3:50 p.m.