The Brunswick-Glynn County Joint Water & Sewer Commission has been receiving complaints about lift station horns going off at night in the Demere Rd and Frederica Academy area. The BGJWSC has checked its lift stations in this area and BGJWSC lift stations are functioning properly. The BGJWSC also has electronic notification through its SCADA system. This system confirms that BGJWSC lift stations are functioning properly.
Reasons for horns going off could be one or a combination of the following:
Canal Road Main Extension and Limited Lane Closure
To accommodate infrastructure development in the north end of Glynn County, utility construction efforts will be underway on Canal Road between Hwy 25 and Old Jesup Rd from today until mid to late September. Local traffic to homes and businesses will be coordinated but access will be limited to other thru-traffic.
Early last week, Sapelo Farms offered to host a public meeting at their facility to discuss the project. Invitation was extended to all homeowners within the project area. Saturday,...
Proposed SPLOST 2016 Project Description
As AMENDED – April 18, 2016
The Brunswick – Glynn County Joint Water and Sewer Commission (JWSC) submits the following seven (7) projects for funding by SPLOST 2016.
JWSC operates 3 major waste water treatment plants, 10 water towers and 14 ground storage tanks, over 3,700 fire hydrants, 8,000 manholes, 157 sewer lift stations and several hundred miles of water lines and many hundreds of miles of sewer lines. Much of these systems are 40 to 60 years old and are in constant need of...
Presidents’ Day Holiday – 2016
In observance of the Presidents’ Day national holiday, the BGJWSC administrative offices will be closed this coming Monday, February 15. We will reopen on at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, February 16.
All emergency services will still be available during this time. For assistance with water or sewer service interruptions, please call our after-hours number, 634-0258.
Holiday Schedule – Christmas 2015
In observance of the National Christmas Holiday, the BGJWSC administrative offices will be closed all day on Thursday, December 24, and Friday, December 25, 2015. All emergency services will still be available during this time. For assistance with water or sewer service interruptions, please call our after-hours number, 912-634-0258.
Featured below: Frankie Ferra, Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director, and Jessica Harrell, Inventory Technician
Urbana Sanitary Sewer Improvements Project
Public Notice
Urbana Sanitary Sewer Improvements
As of October 26, 2015, the BGJWSC has started a new sanitary sewer project known as “Urbana Sanitary Sewer Improvements”. This project is necessary to improve the existing system that has shown signs of age that could lead to collection system failures.
As a result of construction, the following areas will be affected:
Goodyear Avenue
J Street East of Tillman Avenue
Wilson Avenue
Talmadge Ave
Macon Avenue North of G Street
G Street from Macon...
Holiday Schedule – Thanksgiving 2015
In observance of the national Thanksgiving holiday, the BGJWSC will be closed on Thursday, November 26th & Friday, November 27th. We will reopen on Monday, November 30, 2015.
All emergency services will still be available during this time. For assistance with water or sewer service interruptions, please call our after-hours number, 634-0258.
Holiday Schedule – Veteran’s Day 2015
In observance of the Veteran’s Day National Holiday, our administrative offices will be closed all day on Wednesday, November 11, and will reopen on Thursday, November 12, at 8:00 a.m.
All emergency services will still be available.
BGJWSC Staff Recognized for Commitment to Emergency Preparedness Training
As part of our ongoing efforts to meet or exceed the minimum requirements for emergency preparedness, the BGJWSC has recognized the need to commit ourselves to the goal of 100% participation in FEMA training. The FEMA Independent Study Program is an internet-based self-paced series of courses that cover all aspects of all-hazards incident response. At the present time, there are 199 courses, with subjects ranging from how resources are distributed during a disaster, the process to apply for individual...
Traffic Rerouting on Sea Island Rd, SSI – October 7 & 8
For the following two nights, Wednesday, October 7, 2015 and Thursday, October 8, 2015, Seaboard Construction will be rerouting one lane of traffic through the turning lane throughout the night from 6:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. in the area of the intersection at Sea Island Rd and Frederica Rd on St. Simons Island. This long-awaiting project will be taking care of not only the sewer system served in that area, but will also be enabling the repair of the dip that is developing in the road adjacent to...